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RavenSkye Waverider

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Everything posted by RavenSkye Waverider

  1. Yeah, the image I took of the situation, is on alpha blending. the others totally dismiss and put a full white background on the image
  2. I find lots of tutorials on drop shadows and alpha masks but not combinging the 2. I found one that did but that didnt work and was really old.
  3. I guess that's the part I dont understand, how to exactly do that. I know how to make and apply alpha channel masks, I know how to make drop shadows, I don't know how to do both together.
  4. It's a multi frame picture, the alpha mask is to cover around it otherwise, I get a picture with a white background that I don't want. It's just on a basic prim at the moment. I don't want my whole texture going transparent, even 1%, isn't waht I want to do. I see this done all the time in items, I just don't get why I can't get it to work myself. Trying to learn to do this, so when I do a photo for someone on SL, they can have thier photo this way, but I was running into issues trying to figure it out to begin with. The drop shadow is properly transparent on photoshop, it just doesn't continue to here. Or I just don't know how to create a mask thta will work with the drop shadow
  5. I have looked all over the web for this and I never seem to find the right information OR the right solution that works as it says. So here is what I am TRYING to do. I am making an image, that has a drop shadow, I have to use an alpha mask around it and I want a drop shadow behind it. You would think, easy enough right? Well, the problem I am having is when I do the alpha masking around it, it doesn't take in consideration for the drop shadow. I did try another way but when I can get that, it doesn't keep the transparency to semi transparency of the dro shadow, it ultimately ends up like a drop shadow surrounded slightly by white and everything outside that is transparently covered by the alpha mask. So, I am stuck. And yes, uploading as TGA. I swear, I've done this right before, for the life of me I can't figure out how. I have Photoshop CS5 Any help is appreciated.. before.. I eat puppies and throw rocks lol
  6. We have an awesome, wide open club called FURRY OASIS. Though, furry is in the name we have both human and furry staff. This club is open to everyone 18+.(We are not hiring escort) We originally started at FURRY, 2 SIMs over from YIFF Club. We have started over with a new location, new club name and new club groups just recently. We are lookign to rebuild staff. If interested in working for our club, please come to here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VIVID%20MESH%20CENTER/94/112/1531 to apply! Our managers will contact you for interview and audition if needed. We are located in the sky above Vivid Animations and Avatars. Website is being reworked for club changes. Our Facebook location is https://www.facebook.com/furryoasis We are looking for positive staff that is willing to help be a part of this club creation and restaff. Open to humans, nekos, aliens, robots, furries, and more! I do not allowe discrimination here in our club and wide open to all types of music.
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