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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Same. I try to give ageplayers the benefit of the doubt but inevitably those I've known have turned out to be involved in garbage.
  2. As long as it's closed after any LL employees reading this understand that the revised TOS is supported by residents despite some whinging.
  3. Oh I like kids. I just don't like the adults who get off to them.
  4. What you'll see us is a bunch of 24 year olds wearing baby avis in adult regions telling people to f off, because yes, they have every right to be taking it in the diaper because the account says 24 years.
  5. You're deliberstely making this much more complicated than it is. If you are this fearful of getting banned from a sim the simple solution is to make yourself look older. If you find that confusing, ask some people putside your sl social circle for help. Many people have seen rl children and understand how to differentiate between them and adults.
  6. Again, you're wishing it wasn't easy to distinguish between adults and children and that's not the case. And as for someone not liking your outfit, anyone can ban me from a sim for having an ugly avi or a female avi. If you want to go somewhere you have to comply with the requirements of the sim owner. That's still the same as ever.
  7. Sometimes you have to spell ot out for people. Which is sad but human nature can lead us down some pretty twisted rabbit holes.
  8. Not sure where you're from but I live in a country where we take steps to keep kids safe. The problem with online spaces is that once a behavior is allowed to flourish anonymously for years, it is seen as normal within those communities. Until reality comes knocking.
  9. Yeah that's harder. But honestly...just wear a more adult looking avi for some places.
  10. Children have distinct facial features and body shapes and as humans we can easily spot a juvenile. This is not new science. But there will always be people in sl who insist its aabsolutely to impossible to recognize those features in sl. For "reasons"
  11. Sounds like you should keep logging in then. I don't think a modesty layer is "a small price to pay" or any price to pay, really, unless the purpose of your child avi is to be naked.
  12. You said you felt sick that you have to wear a modesty layer as a child avi then said you might not renew your membership
  13. Lol I've been hearing this for 20 years from age players in sl. Wishful thinking is all it is.
  14. I think you need to take a good hard look at why you find the ability to be nude in a child avi so valuable to the point that youre willing to quit sl over it.
  15. Because it's not much of an ask and won't ruin your family beach day unless the fun for you actually comes from being a naked baby. Gdanmit why are people so creepy here
  16. Just put a bathing suit on your baby avatar. It's really not that hard nd it won't take away any of the experience unless its all about being a naked kid on a beach for you.
  17. I love how some people here insist that there's no way we can ever know if it's a child avi. Newsflash - We know what kids look like and no, it's not JUST related to height.
  18. There used to be age verification in sl and anyone under 18 was on the teen grid and coudn't go anywhere else. I'm not sure why they dropped it, given the sh** that goes on in sl. Probably lack of bandwidth and not caring too much.
  19. As predicted, there is pushback from a lot of communities in sl but I'm happy they've made changes to the TOS. And disgusted by some people here calling them "prudish". Get out more.
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