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Misty Rookstown

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Everything posted by Misty Rookstown

  1. For changes and for updated and specialized experiences is why I think a new approach to a browser needs to be worked on. A browser which has the upper or master browser that accesses other browsers. So you can make drastic changes if not an entirely new world say optimized to be a true MMO RPG sim that for example uses the unreal engine as it's technology to interact with that RPG world (just examples for making a point) but can still access the classic second life but be mostly seamless in it's transitioning not much different than teleporting from one sim to another. Think Multiverse versus universe with a universe being what we have now. Effectively it sounds a bit what Zuckerberg has in mind. I thought this idea many years ago though. It shouldn't upset Second Lifers that much as they don't want to see what they built go away but it would allow for movement into the future. The browsers would just hand off to other browsers with the upper browser being the shell of a sorts. If they did this and kept it accessible some of the RPG game worlds in SL now could jump way ahead and pull in a lot more people if it is on par with what people expect.
  2. Well ... there isn't really sex in SL ... just visuals of it. Kinda need a tactile full body VR suit to have something resembling sex in SL. It has been there from the start of SL nothing new.
  3. Do you have links or descriptions to what this premium plus experience account is and comes with? And what an experience key is?
  4. I need to reinstall Firestorm on my computer. I switched computers since I been in SL. But yup they made it harder. Key words as an option is a definite plus but I found it hard to believe there was only one page of parties that were currently happening when I checked using party as the keyword. The abstract icons doesn't help either. I understand wanting a universal language/identifier for things makes it easier than coding for all the languages but it just forces everyone to learn a new language effectively which brings barriers and learning curves that can be avoided. This sort of thing happens in board games though it is more understandable because one wants to avoid printing new cards for 20 or more languages.
  5. Well I only brought up past efforts because revisiting it seems inaccessible to anyone new to find activities. The search for events is key word based which is fine but it was more straight forward and clear and when you selected one there would be people there. Several I tried nobody was there. What the old approaches did was encourage people to create content with incentives. I am recalling to my first visit to SL back in 2004. just logging in you could find people easily, huge parties going on and the like. Someone new or someone even long experienced like myself coming back ... hard to find content. The browser not being intuitive doesn't help matters.
  6. I popped in to Second Life and even filed a ticket to see if I can get my alt out of Second Life Jail for not paying property tax a good number of years ago. I left when the skill game drama hit with all the changes. I had a game store then called Celestial Game Tower. It actually inspired me to open a real game store featuring mostly board games and such. I went through my inventory to organize what this avatar had. I found the browser not too intuitive ... And I been here since 2004 or so. I searched out events that were currently active by topics of game, dance or even party. I couldn't find a real person. I checked some of the classifieds looking for an active game place to find an empty plot of land. I searched for land for sale, teleported to it and found it wasn't for sale. I ran across hardly any people ... just people that appeared to be afk. Contrasting that to my first experience many years ago in Second Life, It was quite easy to find actual people in clubs, shopping, building in sandboxes. Everything felt like a ghost town. Second Life should think about going back to basics. Look back when it rewarded content creators and growth. For those that weren't there what they would do is reward people with the most traffic with linden dollars. They would pay you for running an event. What it did was it motivated people to create events and contests and it grew Second Life considerably. I say go back to basics again because coming in feeling like a noob again ... I could not find anything to really do. Site seeing perhaps through the destination guide. Second Life needs to shine again. It needs to be intuitive again. Searching for events for example I couldn't just search for events. I had to put in a key word. And they didn't yield many results when searching for events that were currently happening. The only active chatter I saw going on was in some of the coin chasing groups I was still in. Mostly posts of coins spawning. I would love to go through my inventory and the tons of games open an arcade and game room to give people things to do. If allowed I wouldn't mind putting out skill games out as free play. Some old gems not around anymore. I am just trying to see where Second Life is and where it is going given Zuckerberg is clearly interested on taking over from what SL opened up. In my mind I think it is critical that LL rework the browser and create a "Third Life" servers that are up to date for modern times where you can seemless you go from the classic sims to more current ones. With some set up specifically to create game worlds for instance. There are RPGs in SL but they are limited by the infrastructure. Being able to move to new sims with specific designs to facilitate such things is one of the answers. Have a series of RPG sims with infastructure specifically made for such things. Currently I don't see strong reasons outside of nostalgia and when I visit with nostalgia in tow I am greatly disappointed currently. It needs a major overhall .. and should have started a few years ago. What are LL's plans to take SL to the future ... I want to hear it ... or are they just cruising to keep money coming in when they should be moving to the next level. The clock is ticking.
  7. Then can do both if they play their cards right. Have Sansar and other kinds of platforms that can connect to the other with a new browser that can switch over to handle different platforms. They should have had some interconnected gaming works as well. There are kind of gimped RPG game sims that could do well if they had better tools at hand to do a proper MMO RPG. SL let a lot slide over the years and lost momentum. If you recall there was another attempt that went no where with that Blue Mars place which looked like it had potential. They need to move because Zuckerberg will dominate if LL doesn't get a better foothold. I think Sansar would have done a LOT better if they had a viewer where you could go seemlessly between both. That was one of the original visions of SL ... the internet but in 3D.
  8. I saw Zucks presentation the other day and everything I saw just made me think of Second Life, the original direction and ideas, some of the innovations they tried including work space etc. Second Life should have been on this path years ago. Links to alternative platforms for gaming. SL's built on infastructure that is two decades old and they need other alternatives that can connect seemlessly to SL Linden Labs needs to push forward quickly to get this thing going and make SL more relevant for 2021 or Zuckerberg just might eat SL alive. Nearly everything I seen him talk about is where SL has and was going and should be there already. The need to update for 2021 while preserving what is already here. The easiest way is a different platform with updated foundations that can connect via the browser by chain connecting to the other.
  9. City of Heroes is a very silly and down right stupid comparison. I put money into that game but SL for some is a business and an investment that has a return on that investment. For example there is a literal real world millionaire that made their money from SL land speculation. Comparing that to a pay to play superhero computer game is beyond stupid. It is old but in my mind some kind of way to transistion between the two would be the best solution. Also ways to convert inventory over when possible. Say a content creator that is still current having the new version on the new platform and just getting a kind of redeliver box might be one way. I just want to see LL update there idea of customer service and update there integrity. The mess they created with skill games was a disaster that never needed to happen if they worked it out like they should have back in 2007
  10. LL has clearly stated in policy that games in which you do not pay to play are not within the scope of the skill game policies. You can wager something if your not paying anything so nothing is being risked. I advise against loopholes though but something like ad boards would be ok obviously as long as they are not designed to fuel the machines by the players etc
  11. If you look on the wiki it now says in the notes: " Linden Lab Official:Second Life Skill Gaming FAQ" "We are no longer accepting new applications to the Second Life Skill Gaming Program at this time. Accordingly, all links to the application have been disabled. Please check back here in the future for any updates." also on another page it says "The Skill Gaming Program is currently closed to new Operator and Creator applications. Pending applications submitted prior to April 1, 2015, will be reviewed and processed normally." If you applied and you they never even responded to you and you had to go through legal channels essentially you had to force them to respond and if you didn't do that they just took your money and made no action. This is typically considered to be a form of fraud and you should request your application fee and legal fees paid back given they would not respond. This has happened with skill game owners also where they applied and LL simply never responded ever. The situation now given game creators and owners can not apply is that the few businesses that remains (and they are businesses given they can make actual money) have no competitors newcompetiors can appear on the scene. Additionally game owners can't diversify there line up since nobody can apply. And lastly they would not approve a game operator like Jaded who has some of the more skill based games out there to approve while they allow PI games ie Foxy Furman to run effectively what is a slot machine tournament. His games are the least skill based than anything out there. They claim to be player versus player which the only way that is possible is if the players on any given machine everywhere on the grid were playing the exact same play fields including the random 50k in points that players get. His games might as well be full blown slot machines and really the pay out amount is actually determined by a random slot wheel. Lastly it is widely known that the owner lives in a state that skill games are not legal. LL has created a massive mess and a highly liable situation for themselves so they can continue to profit off of some very obvious games of chance. Solitaire is a great example of a game of skill in SL. Also this is a mess that should have been addressed back in 2007. LL made zero effort then to keep games within legal terms and they progressively allowed games to become more and more games of chance. More true games of skill fell to the side and really only a few still remain. Prax and Solitaire are two of the more obvious games of skill. They also allowed a hack of an attorney who should be disbarred to represent a large number of game owners and creators with a bizzare automated approach to the law. LL profited off of this insanity, they profited off of clearly illegal games including full games of chance when they knew they existed. I honestly don't think I can ever trust Linden Labs as making money at all cost is there MO even if it means they profit off of the law being bent to hell and there actions and inactions directly shaped the entire skill game industry since 2007.
  12. It doesn't have to be compatible to be a sequal. You only are saying its not a sequal but a parallel out of deniability that eventually The old SL will be phased out over time or possibly sold as a best case scenario. SL is too dated and needs a new foundation. I personally hope they will make a browser that can somehow acess both worlds seemlessly. If they don't I can't see old SL surviving for a very long time.
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