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Dianne Melson

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Everything posted by Dianne Melson

  1. Every time they update the viewers it seems a lot more things become ugly and/or unconvincing. I find the older things mostly just don't look nice at all in the modern viewers. A lot of this is down to them having been made with low resolution textures and there's nothing you can do to improve them. Getting clothes and hair and shoes and accessories to fit has always been a fun game for one. Staying in to wash your hair in RL is staying in to fit your hair in SL There are so many different ways things are made and so many different ways of fitting things the best thing to do is get hold of all the free things you can find and have a 'staying in to fit my clothes' night. Just take the time to come up with outfits which looks nice one by one, just like you do in RL. After only a month I'm sure you find SL very confusing, just enjoy the things you can do easily then occasionally try a few things you find harder, that way you'll learn at your own pace and it'll be more fun than problems
  2. top menu, world, take snapshot, take your snap and there will be an option to share it on your feed. If it's not already a texture in sl then upload it as one, use it as the texture on a prim then proceed as earlier. I have a nice one of two hippos on a roller coaster on my profile feed. As one does
  3. it's still there on world map but for the past two days it's been saying I have no access to that teleport destination. I have no idea why but I'm fast losing interest in trying
  4. I've uploaded mesh on the beta grid a lot but today I can't even get my av to rez on there. Apparently it's the new server upgrades, we're having a particularly bumpy ride this week
  5. simply because it is not possible to go inside a convex hull mesh object. It behaves like a solid object even though it looks otherwise
  6. asset server est derange aujord hui. Asseye encore demain c mon idee
  7. the freely available free ones are fine imo. Pull the script out of a follower pet (also available free). Never re-invent the wheel
  8. all you need to do is change your sl password. After 24 hours tops your beta grid invent will match your agni invent. Note this means your old beta grid invent will be removed and any lindens you had will be replaced by what you currently have on agni
  9. this has been happening to me all over the place. I've been leaving undeletable prims in sandboxes for days because they just won't be deleted. One sandbox with a 50 minute autoclean has had 7 prims of mine in it for 2 days. I've left a half-built necklace in the sky above college of london, also a spiralled torus which is now into its second day of residency. It'll be interesting to see if, when and how these issues resolve themselves as I'm sure they will at some point
  10. well my alt encountered a very unpleasant hardcore porn skybox with content that is illegal under rl law, my alt duly reported it. This was on the mainland and in a moderate area. I wonder - the images we see are downloaded to our pc - so in fact we have, in a roundabout way, downloaded illegal images. Hmmm.
  11. The fact is that acceptable behaviour varies from culture to culture and it's impossible to segregate all of it. Two questions are involved here ... (1) do you consider this acceptable and (2) would you consider it acceptable for general consumption. The things we personally consider acceptable are not really going to change but there is a change in the general community, this causes us to re-assess (2) above. Speaking personally, I have always tried to function according to the standards each individual appears to expect - within my own personal boundaries. This means being nice to the nice people, flirty with the flirty people and so on. This applies equally to rl and to sl. However I have always been aware that there is a 50:50 chance the person behind any avatar is underage and if a person behaves in a way I consider to be juvenile this, to me, is proof that they are indeed underage. Put simply - if an player appears to be immature then they are. Even more simply - if they act like a child then treat them like a child
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