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Jessica Primdashian

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Everything posted by Jessica Primdashian

  1. hi with every viewer i crash when i try to upload mesh , i tried : sl viewer , sl beta viewer and sl developer viewer. why cant i upload mesh ? my acount is verifided for it.
  2. every time when i try to upload mesh my viewer is crashing , i tried with : sl viewer , sl beta viewer and sl developer viewer. why cant i upload mesh ?.
  3. in rl im a male , and im not affraid to tell this , in fact this is in my profile as well. the most hardest insult i ever had was in my own club , 2 guys came with some friends , guess they readed my profile , and started in my openchat and im to tell me i should die , and i dont deserve to live because im a male that haves a female avtar , they called me a f***g gay and everything bad u could say about people that are like me... i was verry offended by this. Secondlife is a way to express yourself , but not to go and discriminate other people .
  4. i totaly agree with Cyann in this !! , and to Lela : if you dont know what you talk about... than just dont talk please !. first do your research , LL never said that mesh is becoming the new sl avatars ! they never said ! first do some research ! and than tell whats disgusting .
  5. hope they maybe improve this some time as well
  6. hi ! i realy love the mesh stuff , i even got a total avatar with shape etc with mesh , but i discovered when i wear that mesh i lose the physics ! they dont work than anymore :( is there a solution comming for this ? or is there allready ? . If one of these options please let me know :) XoXo T0ranny Artful.
  7. My friend cant see groups , or names and she keeps crashing, if this continues she stops sl. she haves a new router because the old one had problems. she cant tp , she cant see groups it keeps saying no matches found. She cant see profile names , and also not in friendslist. She cant start im's. it keeps saying loading .
  8. i also see just a few basic things in the editor... lots of windlight settings im used to are gone ! where to get them back ?
  9. applause for the more groups thing !!. and i indeed realy hope that the lag / sim freeze isseu will be gone soon !!. yay !!
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