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Koriani Ixchel

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Everything posted by Koriani Ixchel

  1. Ok so - maybe I'm just blanking on the obvious here, but as a new Legacy owner - WHERE or "WHAT" Waist/booty/boob enhancers are you referring to? I got the Maze Soft Thighs mod. I DO know about the Nerido Boob Addon, so if you mean that /one/, I know about it. No worries. But I'm unsure about the waist or booty (or other boob) mods you mention.
  2. 1- They JUST had it 50% off over Black Friday. If you feel you can 'wait' a little while longer to save some money, I'd at LEAST wait until the week of Xmas and see if they have a 50% off sale during that holiday sale time. Oh and - No, Legacy doesn't advertise this (not even in group) so you just have to go by and 'see'. I joined the Legacy Group in the hopes of being notified of sales around Black Friday as I too was looking to change bodies, and received NO notifications about sales. But hoped by the store on Black Friday and bam - 50% off sale was there. 2 - I was able to test my skins on the DEMO to find they were all working just fine. Testing my tattoos, etc. All on the DEMO. These are Omega - several year OLD skins - that are NOT specific legacy compatible (they are just BOM/omega applied/older skins not specific designed for ANY body), all of them working fine. Once I chose 'BOM' tag for the demo and got rid of the body-alpha attachment (included in the Legacy folder), bam, my 3-4 'several years old' skins and tattoos all worked great as just "BOM". I was worried about this myself, but the fact that the fully functioning DEMO allowed me to see that it worked as intended helped me to feel more solid about the purchase. (of Legacy vs. another body). 3 - I haven't bothered with that 'style' window. I just put my clothes on from my inventory and bam, done. (Adjust alphas if necessary of course). Its irrelevant whether they show up in the style window. The only thing showing up in my style window was a BoM Lingerie I've had for a few years, and that includes items in my inventory I've recently bought that are 100% Legacy Labeled Body Compatible. They don't appear in that 'style' window, so *meh* I just ignore it entirely. Seems needless. 4 - I can't comment on the HUD or the independent server thing. Its not something that bothers me (that the HUD loads from elsewhere) so it didn't factor into my decision. *shrugs* What I based my decision on was buying a more creator-supported body then my favorite (Belleza Freyja) that still allowed me to be at least a little "Freyja-curviness" without going over-the-top (for me that's Reborn and Kupra). I do use my HUD regularly as I am putting outfits on 3-4 RP characters of different timelines and styles so I build outfits ahead of time and adjust alphas, etc. as I go. (I have over 100 appearances saved at this point and building more lol) But I don't leave the HUD up if I'm walking around/interacting with world, etc. so I've never noticed a 'slow HUD' issue when I'm just playing dress-up barbie. 5 - also can't comment on load times or complexities as I don't shop/visit busy public Sims wearing anything complex or with attachments all loaded up. (yes, please don't be that person!) And I am use to using my Belleza already for that 'saved shopping/crowds' avatar so I just stick to that one *shrugs*. I mean I've only had the body like, a couple weeks now, so I've only been able to play around with new outfits/dressing the AV a few times. But so far, other than figuring out how the setup/buttons for various things differs from the Belleza HUD - I've had no issues or problems using it. Working the same as the Belleza HUD always has. *shrugs* (Course I also didn't use the Belleza HUD for 'styles/clothing' layers, etc. Never had a need to and that hasn't changed with Legacy HUD.)
  3. Yeah, its not even the price of the new Belleza I think that turns everyone off. If you're looking to invest in a new body there is an understanding that this is the 'biggest single purchase' most people make (body and head) for their avatars. But, at least to ME, it wasn't the price point. It was the clothing options. If you're not a "First" body purchaser than any body purchase HAS to account for whatever $$$ you think you will have to/want to spend on updating one's wardrobe. When looking at that cost it becomes prohibitive if you have an inventory of any real 'size'. Its not just the 5-6K for the body, but then ALLLLLLLL the inventory 'basics' (at least) to replace/collect on top of that to bring your 'new body' up to being able to used as often as your 'older body.' And, for the GenX models, you're contending with few current creators supporting. Which means while you can redeliver all those 'already bought clothes' to retrieve, say, a Legacy or Matrieya compatible "new body" you bought - you can't for GenX. I bought the Legacy on the 50% Thanksgiving Sales week discount, and being able to IMMEDIATELY outfit her on the HUNDREDS of clothing Items I got redelivered to go get back all the "legacy" compatible clothing I deleted (some years ago) was AWESOME. SUCH a $$$$$ saver overall that way. Something you just can't do with GenX bodies. Maybe in a year or two you can if it gets more support. But right there saved me 5k+ in linden over the next few months trying to 'basic outfit' my Legacy. That right there totally tosses GenX out of the running when it comes to SLers who are buying a 2nd or 3rd body and aren't looking to reinvent every aspect of their inventory. Its just ridiculous. I mean I drop 20-30 bucks on creators in SL every month and have for years - but that is asking TOO MUCH of whatever "whales" are out there. (Does that make me a whale? No idea! LOL)
  4. Well damn, that will teach me to do avatar projects past 2 am!! (facepalm) I don't know why I always FORGET about the avatar shape-sliders for these dang attachment ears!! Thank you both! Fixed!
  5. Oh don't worry, I'm not buying a genX now, or later, due to reasons mentioned above. And I LOVE the Freyja body, but over the last few months I've seen even less inclusion of this body in more and more brands; even ones that use to support Belleza Freya prior to the last few months. This was happening with more rapid consistency before the drop of the Updated And New Bodies, and is just continuing on. So even before Curvy/Classic was released, I was debating getting a new body around this holiday season to take advantage of the sales. *crosses fingers Legacy has another one since she had no clue they had one before Nov. 1- lol* Once it was released, and I've seen the continued negative trend downards for all the Belleza bodies - I went ahead decided to go ahead and bite this bullet THIS holiday season rather than waiting for summer time. This has been a trend (overall for Belleza support and the sales I watch every weekend) going on longer, just the new body release changing everything pushed me over the edge. All my important Skins already work on Legacy, so this girl is hoping over. I will still, absolutely, buy what clothes I can in Freyja, she's my 'main body love' still - but I'll have more options now, too, with all the newer brands. Without having to do reborn or Kupra which just go too 'far' for me and my RP partner preferences. Its more the 'last straw' in me trying to avoid having to invest in another body =D. Just gonna have to or else give up spending money in SL every weekend! =D (gasp no! I love shopping sprees that spend ones of dollars!)
  6. I've been watching the pick up/or not of the new bodies vs. old Freyja (again if you read my post, just above yours, you'll get a longer version of the answer to your question!) The short of it - among every weekend sale I shop (almost all of them advertised on seraphim), every single weekend sale (in total - that I've been doing for almost 2+ years now btw, so I'm familiar with the offerings of the hundreds of brands in these sales), yes there's more than 'no' support. Certainly seeing a few big brands picking it up, but at least for me, not at all at any rate that encourages me this will 'more' supported than Freyja. And if I have to buy a new body, Freyja level support isn't enough. And right now these bodies have less than that even as they split the current creator pool even smaller. And of course there's no way to tell if this will be 'the biggest splash' of the new bodies in the next six months, if they take off, or if they just float around 10-20% of products offered for another year. If you're spending money now - I just can't justify the risk. And I love Curvy, too, just sucks. Maybe a year from now this will look justified, but that's a year of less shopping I won't be passing up! Blah to that!
  7. Just a quick question that I've searched/googled an answer for and can't find it. Yes, I read the full-booklet set of instructions that LeL provides, also! Does anyone know if its at all possible to resize the rather LARGE "Addon" Elf ears that come with (I think all) the LeL heads? I'm not speaking of the 'normal' LeL ears you can select an elf-shape for and how close/far they stick out around your head. I'm talking about the "addon" elf ears, that are a separate attachment in the folder, that are really LONG, that use the animation HUD. I really like the fact that the ears animate, and I like they are longer than the native-elf-ear. However, they are TOO large, and I just want to make them about 1/3 smaller. Does anyone know if its possible to do this? Thanks for any guidance!
  8. Been a Belleza Body for the last few years now, and while I am THRILLED with the Freyja form, due to it being "real life" curvy without being unrealistic/crazy proportions - I can't justify continued support of this brand. I was never happy with the clothing-option limitations, but Freyja has always been 'supported enough' with all the creators/sales I shop on weekends that I rarely felt I was 'missing out' on most styles. Some creator, somewhere, was making Freyja compatible ones even when some major brands left Freyja out. However, with this new-body-release - I just can't justify the expense of staying with Belleza when they are only further dividing their creator-base and I see even LESS support for ALL Belleza bodies since its release. With some classic Belleza creators staying with the old body forms, but some splitting off to create *only* for New Belleza bodies - further dividing the pool down smaller. On top of that, most of the newer-bigger-brands I've watched in the last couple of months don't support ANY of the Belleza forms - new or old. With no coupon for us who have been loyal supporters for years - if I'm forced to buy a new body. Sorry, it just won't be Belleza. They give me zippo reason to buy them again. I'm going Legacy. Backwards compatible with styles for years, and with ongoing support/mods being made for it, clearly going to continue to be in the 'top three' creators build for. I really wish Belleza had the creator support it needs to stay in the running, but after 3+ years of playing only with Freyja, it just doesn't. Its not justified for the cost - at all. And Belleza certainly didn't earn my desire to spend more on them in the last three years (with no follow-up even to promises made at the last Belleza update to us customers who had remained loyal. Except for two new bodies now at an even higher price point! HA!) Just sucks I'm pushed out faster into a new body by the new Belleza release with it forcing creators to now either design for 3 different bodies, or pick old vs. new 2-bodies, to support all existing customers. I didn't really want to get another body - but if I want to keep shopping - I basically have to. (And stupid me didn't even realize Legacy was on sale last month - I was waiting to check for the holiday sales and hoping for a sale then. =D DOH! I hate SL lack-of-ever-knowing-this stuff easily! LOL)
  9. Yup that did it - thanks guys! For some reason I could have sworn I did try this and it did NOT work; but I went back tonight and tried it again - and it fixed it right up! (The Perky vs. natural vs pushup positons). Now just a few tops left that aren't working right so more likely they were poorly or mislabeled/poorly made than anything bigger. Whew, I figured it was something easy I was missing - it was getting way too complicated and common a problem!
  10. So I'm new to the whole "Bento" Body thing, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. I've got the Belleza Freyja Bento Body and the outfits I'm trying to make work all state they are designed for this exact body. They are all from large/reputable vendors so I don't think its 'made badly'. But I'm starting to wonder if every picture of Bento Women tops are lying. Because I quite simply, no matter what I do, get the alpha/breast shapes/top outlines to line up. Not a single one of these works right. None of them fit on the chest/breast area the way they are in the pictures, the way they are designed, and it doesn't matter how big or small I make the breasts. They just flatly do not work and do not line up. When I use the alphas to obscure the body for the outfit fabric, it works except of course where the outfit doesn't cover the skin - and then you get the transparent body effect. The alphas of the Freyja Body do not line up with any of the tops of the outfits, not even close. I've got tons of areas where I'm seeing through the body itself because the 'fabric' of the outfit just doesn't cover that part. And if I turn the alpha back 'on' it blocks the fabric itself with now bare skin. And I get a unusable in public NSFW, "boobs out!" top. I thought the point of alpha and bento bodies was to get clothes that fit/work better. I see women in outfits all over the place that don't seem to have this issue of 'see-through' body parts with various tops, but I can't get any of these tops to fit or work at all without gaps - making them basically unuseable. Lingerie, swimsuits, dress-tops, top-half of evening gowns - doesn't matter. If its not a straight-simple bra-line, It just doesn't line up or work, at all. And reducing breast size down to 0, gives the exact same results, no improvement at all. Please help! What am I missing here?! I've got literally dozens of tops and dresses that have this issue, yet all of them are pictured and advertised as built for being able to 'fit right' on my bento brand body. Also in case it matters: I'm speaking of the 'Full Bento" with Full body alpha, body. NOT BoM converted body. The clothes I speak of are meant for 'full bento' body and not BoM conversion. If that's what I"m doing wrong - let me know! (if pictures would help let me know and I can post them up tonight!)
  11. OK well its all well and good to have non-poseball furniture. And I'd love to hear the names of some of these non-poseball furniture vendors (especially the Adult Animation ones please!). But the fact is, the problem is just as prevalent for my friend on the non-poseball furniture. the POSEBALLS are not hte problem. Somethign else is. ANd its whiggy and inconsistent and we are at a loss to try and fix it. THe original problem still stands. Poseballs or not. He can't get the furniture to work for him reliably or consistently. He can't get menus to come up (for the non-poseball stuff too). The furniture either just doesn't act for him, or he gets the menu to come up and then "sits" (or brings up teh menu to sit) on the animated furniture - but nothing animates him. No AO on. I do the same thing he does, and it works great for me 100% of the time. He does it and we're talking like 60% of the time its broken.. And as I said, even on furniture he COULD use one night - literally the NEXT NIGHT we went back to the SAME place and the furniture would not work for him This was NOT-poseball furniture. But the "new" type. Soooo... any other ideas? Because its still the same problem buying furniture. If we don't nkow what's keeping him from being able to work it 100% of the time then how can I spend 10 or 20 bucks buying the latest and greatest tech if he can't use it 100% of the time? (And yes still gotta try the suggestions from ya Pussycat..sorry yea I had no idea that wasnt' your handle officialy like some SL designation LOL)
  12. Yea, ObviousAlts. I thought of that. Unfortunately, its not consistent across furniture brands or type. As I said, we've used a piece of furniture just fine one night and gone back a week later and he can't get anythign on it to work. Now I have noticed xpose is more buggy (and sometimes just plain flips out on ya lol), but we've had the same problem with TNT and most of the others. But those have also worked sometimes too. And I DID check for AO, and always ask him that every single time. "Is your AO off." And yea I can tell when it is or isn't, really easily. So that isn't it, at least not anymore. Advisor: Ahh I did not know that about the message and cap. I've never shown or asked him about whether he clears out his messages. I know he's so Second Life struggling with the UI and making sense of it, joining groups is somethign we've not yet covered its why I avoid the "groups only furniture" places right now. I shall defintely check that next time. I shall also check the rendering and LOD. It is entirely possible its just taking him for fricking ever to load the pose balls. I have noticed some furniture where the poseballs end up buggy themselves, stuck into furniture you can't get to etc. But no, unfrotunately at least in the lands and sites we've been to - all teh fancier stuff still uses Poseballs or Pose Shapes (like hearts..). So it has not been we've run into a plethora of scenes with furniture we've liked that just didnt' have poseballs. And even those were still buggy. And even him sitting on the poseballs he actually sees is still buggy. Like it will ask me to animate my AO, but not him. And he has his off. He sees teh poseball and he can "sit" but its the default sit. And if there is another menu option like "Cuddle" or "Love", sometimes its greyed out he can't even pick it. It is wierdly not-rule consistent . How woudl I check for ghost animations? Just have him do it naked? He does know how to check the "wearing" tab for items I tell him to remove, like alphas or HUDs he doesn't want to see or extra armored clothing or the AO or whatever.
  13. Evening! Been struggling with this for awhile now and I"m just stumped. i'm a long year (and years and years) user of SL, and the problem is with a friend of mine - whom I brought to the game a couple months ago. I'm not having any of these issues, and I never have...so Id on't know what's going on but its getting in the way of his enjoyment of being here. And that sucks! Cuz its nice to have company! XD In any case, he's finding that its very hit or miss when he tries to interact with Furntiure (with Menus or Poseball Driven Furniture). Yes, that includes the adult furniutre - but really its any furniture you have to "click on" and then "sit" (or sit on the poseball) for animation purposes.. Sometimes they work fine. No issues. But other times, they dn't work at all. Either he never gets the "menu" to come up, or he never sees the Poseballs, or when he tries to sit on them they dno't give him the option to. Or when he sits is the "default SIT" in game (as you do defaulting to sit on any item...). And no matter what we do, we can't get him interacting with the furniture 'as intended' and then have to go someplace else and try again with different furniture. Which again sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Sometimes the exact same furniture that worked fine one night, doesn't another night. Its not just furniture that requires group titles (as I sometimes suspected this might have been in..). But also furniture that doesn't. I've specifically tested this theory, too. Its not that he has an AO on. For a long time he had no AO because he had some freebie clothing and the base Avatar. He only recently got his First AO, and now knows how to turn it off. But both before and after AO - it was hit or miss in getting furniture to work. He's got the default "linden provided" game viewer, the one that I use. I have no idea what it is that's going on..or what he needs to fix about his Preferences or somethign maybe?? that would solve this... GAH!! As you can imagine its very frustrating!!
  14. Yea..its so great to go to something "Official". ANd have it lead to you literally dead, non-existant sims. No really, not dead as in "noone's ever there." But dead in as "um..this place doesn't exist anymore." Or dead as in only partially built because it was taken down a long time ago... Speaks to professionalism and how important it is...yup. *chuckles and sighs*
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