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Dorientje Woller

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Everything posted by Dorientje Woller

  1. Good, understandable. But why on earth is Linden Lab giving the temptation to users to add "Real Life"/"Personal" information in the profile (see pic below). Wouldn't it be better to remove that "tab", at least place a serious warning in that tab that this information might be end up on exterior websites or make sure that scripts can not access this tab?
  2. Don't understand the "backlash" against a timer that you as user can set to log off in event of going "afk". Does it harm your experience of SL? Is it so hard to log back into SL and pick up where you have left? Wonders how you react when you go afk on a place that is hit with a rolling update and force you to log off? It's a setting that you user can use, not forced upon you.
  3. So, solutions to the system, that prevent Linden Labs to enforce their policies upon people that aren't game bots and are just afk, if they decide to do so, is no solution at all?
  4. No such setting in Alchemy. But, as you said, shouldn't be enforced, it's a precausive measurment to avoid to be considered as a bot.
  5. To prevent situations where real users are considered to be bots when they go afk for a long time, for whatever reason. I regulary forget to log out, when I go outside to go to store and return 1 to 2 hours later. Am I bot? Or a dumb blonde?
  6. I see no such timer in Alchemy Viewer. Although I see the setting/timer to show others that you are AFK after set timer. I am refering to a timer that logs you off after a period of time of being afk/abscent, set by the user.
  7. Wouldn't it be better that Linden Lab provide a timer that determin how long you can be afk. I know that in Star Trek Online, such system exists that when you are abscent for 60 minutes or afk, that you are logged out.
  8. I simply wonder how many times I will be harrassed now by club owners in search of staff, being poached to come to work for them while my gerne of music doesn't fit theirs, and then being insulted for it that I am no "real" dj because I refuse to play their genre of music. I do other things in SL beside dj'ng, which requiers my full also.
  9. Correct, you, but you're not alone on this planet and certainly not the only user of Second Life with that mindset. And that's the problem with such an atitude, that you don't think for other users, who are not this savvy.
  10. Always visible, yes, only when you have an account and/or when you as user take the time to read the profiles of other users. Now, that info is free to see to everybody, whether they are linked to Linden Lab or not. On that site, you don't need a login, verification that you are a user of Second Life. But go ahead with your stubborness, if you get hit with a scam from outside Second Life, it's your problem than, and don't come complaining than here on the forum. We have a nice phrase/expression for that in Dutch: "Eigen schuld, dikke bult".
  11. Yeah, I do hope, for anyone that has mentioned "Payment Info Used" or "Premium User" doesn't become a victim of scams. 'Coz those people have now a target painted on their back.
  12. Are you 100% sure? Have you seen the script? Is the script modifiable? Having faith in something is one thing, having a blind faith into something leads to disasters.
  13. I am going to ask you another, yet serious question: any idea what damage this may do to Linden Labs, when users or potential users aren't feeling secure enough about their data? Don't have to make any drawing about that. Oh, that script function should be removed, coz it's painting a target on the back of premium users for posible scams.
  14. Go ahead, waste your time with doing that as landowner against those bots. Rince and repeat when the next 100 bots show up ... oops you can do that only 3 times as you can only add 300 banned persons in the list.
  15. So, using the system and options you have. Explain than to me why I can see on this site of those bots that the person of who I am talking to at this moment in world says that he is a premium member, while I can't see that on his profile? How did they managed to extrapolate that information? As concerned person said: That's of nobodies business, except Linden Labs.
  16. 1. If Teleport Routing is not set, anyone can TP to those exact coordinates: This is a failure of Linden Labs in the system. Teleporting to a point where you have no access to should cancel the teleport. 2. Setting a Parcel to not be public access only bars users up to a rather smallish altitude: another failure of the system. Altitude should NOT be a factor, unless the landowner is able to set this altitude. Users named directly as part of the Linden system ban list are barred from the entire parcel: these known bots are using a number behind the name, which is changing on a regular base. Imaging yourself the hassle to add each on a banlist. There are more funnier things to do in SL than being occupied by that. Security devices require you to set them up - do so: done, but you forgot to read that, or did not mentioned it for the sake of it. There is nothing covered yet in prior threads, especially as said by the TS, by Linden Labs. They are not transparent, which bothers a lot of us.
  17. My beef is why circumventing a software (viewer) feature isn't a violation at all. Or it's a bug that needs a serious fix.
  18. How about overruling the security settings of a landowner isn't violating the policies, I don't know what else is a violation. Example, house I have on a plot is having a "build in" security system, set in such way that I alone can access the house on top that the landowner granted me as only person access to that plot. Still those bots that everyone knows manage land into the house and remain there for a while. Putting them on a banlist ain't going to work either as they change number in the name on a regular base.
  19. If you are not on my friendlist ... my likings and interests aren't your concern nor your business.
  20. Problem with this reasoning is, in this case, is that if you are not a user of SL and doesn't have an account, you can't see profiles, dashboards or any other related data. On the site of the BB's, it's all open up in the air for everyone to see, even for non users of SL.
  21. In here, Linden Lab, could have chosen the easy solution: Be open about them. Like explaining what they collected as data and yes, monitor the user of these bots if he/she keeps him/her to the rules. And the owner of that site should give us the ability to remove our profiles from his or her site.
  22. There is a solution, one that some may find irritating, but I see some sim/landowners use it. The moment you as user land, you get a pop up to answer within a period of time. If you fail, bang, you're ejected.
  23. That's beside the question I have asked. Linden Labs has already ran into troubles with these kind of bots, why running the risk of happening again and having to deal with the mess afterwards. Business 101, I would say: A donkey doesn't hit his head twice on the same stone.
  24. More serious question is: As Linden Labs has already experienced malicious behavior from such bots, why let it possible happen again?
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