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JudiLynn India

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Everything posted by JudiLynn India

  1. My Stand button disappeared about a week or so ago. This didn't work, unfortunately.
  2. Little Bones doesn't have resizing, tho. Even with the large, my hair still shows the alpha masking on my scalp.
  3. If I grew tired of one of my alts and didn't want to just cancel them, could I transfer them to another person? Could I not only give them the password and inventory, but actually have them change the billing info AND contact info to their own?
  4. You two are vey lucky. It's 9:08pm PST and for the past two hours, I've been able to log in, but furniture doesn't rezz, my feet don't rezz. I cannot TP anywhere, so I'm stuck in my (empty) house. I cannot get About Land information. I cannot IM anyone. My friend's list is empty. My SL is basically at a standstill and unusuable. It's been this way all day - since 7am PST. I hope SL is back for me and the rest of us tomorrow. Fourteen hours like this. This sucks.
  5. I got in - once. Most of my inworld inventory and avie textues did not rez. Tried to TP to another location....and got logged out. Can't get back in now. Says they're "Limiting Login's". So whatever code they're implementing, it's not been an easy job. It's going on six hours now and they're still not up to fill spead. I hope the end result is worth it. I have things to do. lol
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