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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. It's very confusing because I don't quite know how 24 hours is actually counted. The system has let me own homes again after 20 hours. It has also let me own one or two after an hour or so - then tell me off again. I often get max out around 9pm so I stop and try at noon next day and I can do it.
  2. I think that is right because you can abandon and then click but it will tell you off with a "you have tried to own too many homes within 24 hours"
  3. Whenever I got locked out I was usually back in again after 20 hours max
  4. Nothing today so far from when I started having a look - this happened last Thursday also . Things started moving at 2pm my time last week so thats in half hour. Perhaps we will see some activity? ...or to clarify I abandoned at 10am and it was 2pm before I saw it or any other last Thursday
  5. Very quiet this morning - someone needs to cause the chain reaction and abandon. I can't as I have nothing to give today - but I am waiting ...................I will update you!
  6. Hmmmmmm 😊This is all very mysterious. If you were on the land page just before and on the hour of that release you would have seen something- I think so. Perhaps not houses though as sometimes there are a lot of trads per region but as stated earlier not the case for last night. I can't work out the problem here....it would be great for you to get a home asap! WHat time zone are you?
  7. This is right but your mouse seems very slow - like the sensor might be slow. I know for every drop down click you are doing I've done two. In the time it's taking to drag the mouse to the dropdown my mouse is already at the list. Does that make sense? I don't mean to say you are too slow but the mouse is moving slower than others clicking away...thats all I can see that is different to what I do I do think its strange you saw nothing at all but I did notice less after abandoning. How long does your logout and login process take? Most people have theirs pre saved like the name of their house. My logout / login takes about 4 seconds. I guess I take about 15-20 seconds to do one round of refreshing. Counting slowly in my head (reliable method!) perhaps just some land page practice and a more sensitive mouse?
  8. I first saw the release on the hour and there was a problem again like with the Tusktooth release. The receipt would say there was an error and to select again.... Not the sold out option. Eventually that was sorted and it moved on and the homes disappeared but then I did see things abandoned after as I normally do. I wonder if this little glitch was related...
  9. Did you not see anything Bellisseria at all? Because that is plain odd. And not fair I am sure you are feeling!
  10. New camper parcels coming along next to my lucky abandon catch ......SSPE78 I think...I love the campers.
  11. It's very common this immediate abandon - the retiring alt stood next to a camper that was linden owned then it had 3 different owners and finally someone named it "Yay"!
  12. LOTS of choice on land page now - the three choices came up! ... together! triple choice
  13. Thanks I got a deep cleansing breath feeling. That was what I was looking for. Even though it is a trad which I did not expect to settle down in. But hey - the place makes me feel good. Thanks everyone who came to see me on the map today!
  14. I've finally settled - thanks to an abandon in Yuge with a sunset over the sea facing Belli fairgrounds and the lighthouse. Lovely elevated green parcel looking out over sands with my own steps. Now THIS is worth all that work. Thank you whoever let this back in!!
  15. I don't think so they still have Linden Homes coming soon signs up down there
  16. If you are looking for a home today is the day. All I am going to say is houses, campers, boats plural all before 10am UK time. Possibly because all those regions were named 😁 that's today's contribution
  17. If the thread is "when did you last see a belli home?" but don't want to know about mine then I don't think I need to keep spotting here. Thanks though I feel happy enough doing what I do - did not realise it was seen competitively and that has kind of ruined the atmosphere of the thread for me. You will find me bodding all over the map releasing parcels for a tiny bit longer I am sure!
  18. Understood completely! I am not going to spot anymore on this thread feels like the right thing to do !
  19. Widowed parent, everyone is fed, everyone happy and no pets! Oh but it's not able to be kept as I want one main account so to have more money for my kids in RL.!!! BUT on a more serious note I can see that people are getting annoyed about it so I shall stop posting about the bellisseria spots I am finding seems the best way!
  20. I had the "caught on an alt" situation as well - I hope you do find the motivation to look for something you love!!!! I actually like this camper parcel very much
  21. People saying "hey not fair" are treating it as a competition. I don't treat it as a competition at all so it mystifies me when they can't get a home. The secret is - put more time in at the land page with the f5 or whatever. It's harder if you work, different zones etc but don't treat it competitively it is meant to be a community.
  22. I don't use the f5 key unfortunately I use the top of the browser refresher but okay! It's not competition because the homes circle round. I don't keep more than one at a time. They are making more of them all the time. Land page if you want homes. f5 or top of browser! People say there are no homes but I and tons of others let homes go every day. If we are not fast enough to click we lose out to others. It's like the slots. But it's not a competitive game to me more fun.
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