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Sieben Ochs

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Everything posted by Sieben Ochs

  1. I do not play the he/she said .. I go from the facts provided. With that said and a few links provided that have been provided before. In the easiest way I can say this. Each item is given a asset allocation within the asset system. The new system makes, nor tells, nor identifies in any way,shape, form. That the given items will have a unique identifier outside the items initially listed. You can assume that it will have it as such. Though I can close my eyes and hope I have money in my hand. When I open them and see its not there. Am I to be shocked? Thus my comments were directed at the inventory designation of such allocations. Which the documentation doesn't mention any unique identification methods. Rather the posting and delivery capacities to which it exists. Also to edit in : Assets sometimes sadly go missing. Its a rare thing but it happens. Is there any sort of security being added to the posting and delivery. That will ensure that seller items do not happen across such a rare thing? Such as a backup method for use for each seller? << Question for a LL staff to answer .. or if there is a backup already for a member to say yes its "so so" and "here". --- http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Marketplace/Direct_Delivery_Beta_Instructions http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers#Direct_Delivery http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/SL_Marketplace:Direct_Delivery_FAQ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Marketplace_Beta_Current ---
  2. Could you kindly point me to a official representation of the stated. As far as I have read even from some of the official pages. It makes nor tells of a slight mention. Where items are only kept in such a fashion for uploading purposes only. And that items are stored nicely in folders. You select what you wish to list. And off you go. It is then under this assumption that items remain in the inventory but marked for sale through the new system. My thinking is that the new system uses the asset allocation to the given item(s) within a inventory. Which the asset system has always had fun poofing items randomly from itself. Especially when its concerning a users given inventory item(s). However, I would appreciate further reads than the links I have amassed from LL staff posts I have found.
  3. Copied from another thread as i wanted to share my concern about missing items in folders. Changing systems in my eyes even if the current has problems will just add new problems. The cycle continues. It is often best to fix a currently flawed system (that isn't so major). Then create a new system that will also have flaws (potential for minor and major flaws). At least failed deliveries is the biggest worries with the current system. Whats next to come for the new system? Dont get me wrong I love advancement. However please excuse me while I have some deeper concerns on the swapped method. Not only that but I have a fairly large inventory. I really do prefer the slap it in a in-world box. And good to go. Because I can track and manage the boxes in-world. Often times much easier than sifting through all my folders for the right folder to update. With that said. If LL DOES decide to use this system can we please get a secondary storage unit just for marketplace items in inventory. Rather than smooshing all our personal and business belongings together. That doesn't seem to say "keeping things neat and clean". In short this secondary inventory would act like a synced folder to that of the marketplace system. No need to press anything or select anything for marketplace addition. Inclusion in this folder is automatic understanding to list them. Mind you I am highly against the new system anyways. Just noting things because I am sure it'll still go through. Who am I but one voice. problem with items disappearing from inventory Airway: Recently I have lost some items from my inventory that I previously purchased in world. Some were furniture items purchased several months ago and one was a jewelry item I just purchased last week. Is this a known problem? I have never had this happen before, and it's quite frustrating because these were not free items. I have contacted the seller of the jewelry to see if I can get a replacement, but unfortunately I don't recall the store I purchased the furniture items from. I try to avoid buying in the marketplace because I have had the problem of items failing to deliver. Now I'm not sure what the best method is to purchase items. Kats Jupiter: I can relate to your problem as I have 2 folders from my inventory totally disappear: a collection of bikes purchased over 2 yrs as well as a huge collection of hair. I tried everything to find them and even cleaned and organized my inventory to no avail. My lost occurred during the roll back a couple weeks ago and I have no idea where to begin to recover them if it is even possible. Filing a ticket doesn't seem to cover 'disappearing inventory' in the drop down menu so I am unsure of where to file one. Sieben Ochs : I've known of this issue myself, as well as have had it happen to me. This is additionally why changing processes of delivery to folders worries me. As SL asset server likes to randomly, and sadly, poof things. So while they wish to fix the non-delivery items for customers in-world. And ensure a good shopping experience. It will now greatly affect the sellers of these items instead. And potential loses through the asset system. Trading one downfall for another is never a improvement in my eyes. Though I am sure it will still go through. And then all sellers will become unwilling testers. My thoughts/suggestion is : Don't completely disable magic box usage for sellers. In the same way you let people use V1 or V2 to connect to a grid. The same way you let a scripter decide if their code is to be lsl or mono. Let a seller decide what method of storage/delivery is best for them.
  4. For this the solution is simply using a external website. As far as using MySQL for a small staff its really not needed. Its like trying to drive a block in a limo. Calling the data simply from within a simplistic PHP script is fine. And make sure its in a array ex. <?php$arr = array("somearray" => array(6 => 5, 13 => 9, "a" => 42));echo $arr["somearray"][6]; // 5echo $arr["somearray"][13]; // 9echo $arr["somearray"]["a"]; // 42?> Simple is simple needs no limo. I'd say any staff 10 or under this would be fine for. Additionally regardless if the item is picked up or not. The object details can be submitted to the PHP script for communication back. Itll work regardless if a sim goes down or not. So no having a down system because of a sim crash or restart. Itll always be operable unless the webserver itself has an issue -heh-. I am not against ideas using Email as a resource. Though I feel in this situation a more consistant measure using PHP is far more prefered. This solution promotes easy editing by you without having to figure and deal with MySQL if you have never used it. It is simple, however editing core values in a PHP would be easier for most. And also allows for objects to be placed out at will, without worrying about a edit to the connection aka object rez. And the so called master would be the PHP script. So only downtime it'll face is server issues. So all you would have to do is change the master and ALL clients would thus update to the same details as the master.
  5. All of these questions are explainable under lsl. You have to consider that the typical rights were never designed to be multifaceted. This is where lsl comes in. And please understand I will give examples of usage, but not the only usage for such items. * Individualized media streams can be done in lsl and with a lower projection akin to having a t.v. in your own home. * Access rights can be controlled by security systems that can simply "nudge" a person from the alotted apartment space. In a kind way saying you are not allowed to enter. Now say they sit to try and keep it from doing its "nudging". You can then just have it detect that its unable to "nudge" and eject the user. * prim counting can be done via the standard control. It is by no means shared. Another method of deployability is adding to this a low lag sensor that scans every x time in x meters for x users objects. It then will take this scanned prim total and compare with the prim usage in the standard control. If it does not match can warn the user to only place within their apartment as well as land owner. As far as talking this is something without a scripted object and being in open, you just have to use /whisper [what i want to say]. In truth 20 meters is a far distance for anyone in real life to consider it a room volume voice. I have always wanted LL to just design their chatbox to have a meter slider for projection. Other than that just use /whisper. Or try to ignore people that you overhear.
  6. Sorry to post here if its unwanted but some options from a current scripted work of mine. I have been offline for over 2 years. And just recently back in the SL world. So while most my old works still function I felt the need to give them nicer models before relisting. One of them actually was my tip system. In that when mono was not even around its storage was still very massive to that of other lsl databases. Additionally had a friend benchmark the script with typical populated data and it was at only .004 ms running. The most current thing I am working on is a networked rental system. Anyways to sum things up. It has a configurable math scheme whereby a user if desired can configure the payment desired. And from what i understand of the give a gift item. You want it to send a user a dialog that asks if its ok to give them a gift on tip [ yes | no ]. And if they select yes it would send this gift. Am I not correct? The current database can store around 1400+ segments of data (or 700+ key=value pairs). There is a thing I noticed is that in resident usage that is long stored has a degrading factor. Though I noticed this with lsl, I have not played with mono enough to know of such degradation. So what ends up happening at the database level is micromanagement of datas. And have found it to be a nifty little tool. Some will say its not possible to have a low memory database script with large amounts of data. And I will simply ask them are you so sure about that? And what schemes have you tried? Reason for this is also when I was in Palace. A 2D chat program. Rooms were also limited by memory. So only so much could be delivered at one time. I found two methods of a solution. In which one was taking data and pushing it about within containers. The other was using a method that used a persons cyborg (a user side script). Which combined datas could then be exchanged and managed to allowing a greater room limit of interactivity. I like to figure limits and work on solutions. Not simply sit there and say it can not be done. Because like my good mother has always told me. Anything is possible. Sure possible also has only so much head room to it. Though I hardly feel people always hit that head room with their scripts. Because then we would have highly efficient scripts not ones we go "why do they even have this piece of crap". And am I saying I am good, or the greatest thing since buttered toast .. nope not at all. I'd rather just say I like coming up with effective solutions that challenge me. Because its fun. Most of my items that use a database had used this system. I am now working on a much grander and scalable system. I designed a server(PHP/MySQL) & client(MONO/FP Database (my custom database)) system. That will be used as I noted previously for a networked rental system. Though from what I see is most highly configurable scripts make themselves a daunting task. I want to challenge myself to make that a far easier task without sacrificing detail. To some may seem like a shameless plug but its on line and target with the OP requests with a bit of background. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SecondAds-Tip-Jar-System-Copy-Edition/2603594 May you all find much joy in this day and in your lives =)
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