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Eileen Fellstein

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Posts posted by Eileen Fellstein

  1. Yea, I wouldn't even know where to begin to calculate the amount of revenue from upload fees. Has to be astronomical. I understand server space and perhaps the need to prevent people from uploading 65 pictures of their cat Fluffie in one day or several pieces of xerox butt-art, but that charge has an impact on residents at any stage. In fact, it's probably the most common thing I have seen new people ask for help with.

    "I want to do my profile but I don't have 10 L for the upload"

    and mostly they are stuck for 2 weeks unless someone helps because it takes a few days for the approval to upload money and the vast majority of clubs want even a beginning dancing girl to have two weeks in and have her avatar looking good.

    Seems like there should be a package deal or something

  2. Ceera Murakami wrote:

    At sunspire, did you see a message after you reached the very top, that told you to return? (Something about her being really good at blowing things up now...) If not, you might not have triggered the right place at sunspure to make your HUD agree the quest is done.

    Sure did, then stayed and got a few crystals till the sunflare broiled me,lol. Hud says return to Tyrah's workshop


    Wait..Tyrah's a girl? Are we sure? Did we check under the skirt? I never actually saw a Tyrah there, but I pictured a little male gnome Engineer, rofl

  3. JeanneAnne wrote: Where in RL do people have to pay their employer for the opportunity to make their employer rich?



    Everywhere. Though most of it is not obvious. But anything where you are buying in would be an example of where that is obvious. And the 99% making the 1% rich is nothing new either lol. This is why people are occupying EVERYTHING right now in the US.

    I do have to say it's hard for numbers like that to show all. Many have alts, even several. Maybe some are farming them, maybe some are spoiling them from monies bought or earned on their main. There's also folks like myself who never ever cash out and work here (along with premiums and tier) so while some may be investing in the thousands but cashing out even more, who actually contributed more to SL? Even then it's not a clear answer because everyone deserves to be paid for the time and effort they put in, so if someone makes 100K but they did it by providing a product or service many of us love, don't they deserve that money. I think they do.

    But I'm with you on the people that will not spend a dime ever yet they seem to be running a top of the line machine from wherever it is they claim to be from in the Puruvian Alps in a little leantue because they are so poor they can't afford to buy their own linden, lmao

  4. No wonder I can't get any crystals. You got em all! :P

    lol just teasin dear. I'm not doing it for the lindens, just wanna finish the game. I'm blessed with some wonderful friends and supporters who tip me well in my SL job and buy I linden from time to time on top of that. :D

    But 50-80 in 30 minutes? go you, lol. I feel good if I got 3 in a sweep of the whole island, rofl. I am proud of one I got though. It was on that little island in the middle of the toxic water. Had to run past the meanie boulder and make a big leap over the broken pieces of bridge and get the crystal before the rock caught up to me

    but yup, I don't know what the deal is. It just will not trigger the quests after returning to Tyrah's following sunspire. I've tried other portals, leaving and removing hud(s), relogging, clearing cache, you name it. Just nothing seems to work and the indicator beam when I click on the map doesn't go to the same spot all the time, and sometimes it way off the map on another instance of the island o.O

    I understand some like to get the crystals for the linden but for myself, since I can usually just buy what I want anyhow, I'd much rather that the game or some of the individual quests rewarded something that is exclusive;that you only get from doing this game.



  5. I'm sure it does add up to quite a bit over time 16 :) Still, for people looking to make linden in world there are much faster avenues. Sploders, contests, money trees...a job, lol. I'm not even sure you can start this over when it's finished so it would just be a lot of running all over dodging rocks and fireballs if you are just doing it for linden.

    speaking of finishing, I am still stuck at the same point, but I did notice something. Maybe, hopefully someone will see this and be able to glimpse into the problem from the following info...

    If you click the objective text on the hud, it marks the location on the map for you. Well, I clicked and discovered that the location was on an entirely different island from the one I was standing on. (there are 15 identical islands situated next to one another, a row of 10 and a row of 5 directly below it)They are coded like LR277 (205,35, 78) the numbers in parenthesis of course being the slurl on the sim itself and the LR227 being the sim name. I saw that and my best guess was that a variable was left out or typed errantly in the code making it necessary to be on the exact sim, not just any of them. That may be the case, but after several tries I did wind up on the same island as the location mark but it still did not trigger a complete to the quest so

    scratching my head here

    Either way, that bug could use some spray

  6. Ceera Murakami wrote:

    The quest isn't over until you've fired four flare cannons. The sunspire quest is only halfway to the conclusion.

    Many of the LR instances are bugged and glitchy. Many of them have issues that make it impossible to continue, because a cannon won't fire, or a quest won't register as completed. If you leaver LR and return via a different portal, you may end up in a different instance, and be able to continue.

    Just a different portal or an entirely different portal park? Either way, thanks for the info!

  7. I understand and agree with most of what you're saying Ceka. Except the 'superhero' handle you so generously hang on those. lol. I'd tend to go with something like 'Epic Failure' myself ;)

    don't get me started lol.

    Unfortunately, what I see, even being a firestorm fan is in order to have real security or anything close to it, we'll have to arrive at a point where it's one platform, one veiwer for all. At this point that probably is not likely to happen short of a full sequil and starting over with a blank grid.

  8. I never played EQ. For me, this screamed Spyro the Dragon, lol. Which is not a bad thing. I loved that game and spent many hours playing it with the kids and grandkids. But yes (and probably wisely) the scenery, while lush and vibrant was done very simplistically (it appears), presumably to get the most out of the script load. So, for some it will come off cartoony or kiddish I'm sure.

    But consider it a template. Insirt <your graphic theme here> and solve the lag issues, you have whatever kind of scenario you like that people show up and guess what? It works! No fuss no muss, just come play. Easy as clicking on Farmtown. :P

    And one other thing (merchants don't hate me plz, I'm a workin girl too)... No stores, no adds, no one plugging for tips. Damn it was nice to have none of that for a couple hours.


  9. Rather than add more to the thread that is displayed on the dashboard, I thought I would start a topic here just to comment on my experience with it. If it fits better in some other forum, by all means move it.

    My feedback is mostly positive. I've been hoping to see something like this for a while. Meaning some activity put on by folks running the show that gives us a sense that they are an active part of the community and which tells me they understand that people like a little diversion from their day to day whatever they do here.

    The negatives 1st since they were very few.

    * It suffered from the same lag and problems with sim crossings as any other very active sim on the grid. No suprize really and with a little bit of adjustment to settings, I was able to get through quite a bit of the gtame scenario.

    * I was confused at one point. I got to the point of the objective and nothing happened. Is the game incomplete? Just a teaser? Or is it glitching? It was the point after visiting the sunspire when you are instructed to go back to the workshop. I get there and nothing happens.

    * green crystals are at a premium, wow! lol, I understand it's giving away money and we're talking a lot of potential people but 3 crystals the entire time...worth 1 linden each? This = what? hmm, I'm afraid my calculator might break if I try to divide that low ;)

    (heh, on the good side, no need to worry about people alt farming this for free linden. The game's value is in it's fun factor. Nabbing a couple linden along the way is a bonus at most)

    Here is the most concerning negative to me...

    * when relogging after a graphic adjustment I came back to "sim unavailable you have been transported to a nearby region" Region in question was adult. Linden Realms is on general. Fortunately it was someone like me that has no issue with seeing adult content and who is a verified adult. But is everyone being rerouted to the nearby adult region when the sim is unavailable?

    Lastly, on one visit it took several attempts at entering the portal for it to put the game hud on me. If I'd not already been there to know what to expect, Id have been totally lost.

    On the good side, I loved it. Was great fun and makes me hopeful to see more things like this. I was also encouraged that the sim was quite active. Other people were there participating every time I went.

    <siderant>That has been probably the single most disappointing thing to me in my SL thus far. Any time I find a really nicely done sim with a good theme and a promising activity, I arrive to find no one there and nothing going on :( Nobody wants to play alone all the time and nobody wants to feel like the owner don't care enough to have someone there. SO so many ghostowns in SL that realy deserve to be thriving attractions while a lot of us just end up 'back at the club' where the dots are. /endrant>

    The biggest positive for me is in hoping they not only monitor this and work on improving it for it's own sake but for the benefit it could bring the whole grid. As I pointed out above, it suffers from the same lag based issues as a lot of other sims. If this helps Linden labs finally iron out those issues for good, then halleluja, ya know.

    And hopefully the ways and means of how the game interface was done will become knowlege available to developers. It was really nice...no, absolutely fantastic...to go take part in an activity and not have to obtain a hud and read a lengthy note card on how to set it up and use it to do what I wanted to do

  10. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Eileen Fellstein wrote:


    Um, yea, as far as I'm aware simply being leashed is not an A only thing. I loved mine when I was a sub to my former partner and felt it was very much like a wedding band might be to someone else, a symbol of our love and commitment. Naturally indivual establishements may have varrying rules but I hope not too many people are wasting the linden's time ARing people just for being on a leash. Gadz

    Its a promotion of the notion of slavery and the derogation of rights other others. That's a form of extreme violence. AR it.

    There is no lover in power, only injustice and confused souls.

    To fantasize about innequality is to promote the further notion of unequal power relations - which prevents bringing about a proper equality among all. That these things so often have a gender-based angle to them even further highlights the evil underpinnings in promotion a gender supression ideology.


    I'm totally with you on Bigotry and RL slavery. In fact if I were any further left, I'd probably fall right off the wing ok? lol. I'd be happy to discuss at length about sub-dom or bdsm reflectiing that or extreme violence as you assert. Not here though. Lets not hijack this thread for the person looking for a horse to ride. Maybe start your own topic on it if you haven't already.
  11. Ooo! ok, /me needs to clarify. I was not suggesting realID or anything like it as it related to giving up your personal privacy to the masses of SL. I actually lost friends over that exact point here during the redzone fiasco and would fight on my front porch with a garden tool if it will help ensure our anonymity as we see fit to the general pupulation.

    What I mean is Linden Labs should know it. That way if I drop 3 tons of styrofoam on your sim from some jacked up alt, they just pull the plug on me and all my avis are banned for x amount of time.

    And yea, some baddies will get around anything. Aways the case but it works pretty well. I do not use realID in wow ever so if someone is being a butt pain, I just go to a different toon a while leaving them with no trail of peanuts.

  12. I was approached by a guy once that wanted to ride me like a horse. I was intrigued until he said it was nothing sexual. That was the dealbreaker :P


    Um, yea, as far as I'm aware simply being leashed is not an A only thing. I loved mine when I was a sub to my former partner and felt it was very much like a wedding band might be to someone else, a symbol of our love and commitment. Naturally indivual establishements may have varrying rules but I hope not too many people are wasting the linden's time ARing people just for being on a leash. Gadz

    As far as horses, yes there's a wide variety most of which can be attached to your avatar so you can rez anywhere and ride them. There's also breedables which are a horse of a different color entirely ;)

    There are also bots (or NPC's) around SL. The line of Hal Titaniums was one. It was an interactive exploring robot that was actually a riot to engage at parties. It had an answer for everything! And he could be TP'd to where you wanted him.

    As far as controlling your own, I believe there are special veiwers designed to take that sort of script. I saw one in the works that was text only. Also when you make an avatar, there is an option to specify it as a bot somewhere. Can't recal exactly where off the top of my head.


    Edit: and sorry Dres, I hit the wrong reply button. This wasn't to you directly but yea, I can relate, heh

  13. My thought is everyone here should have to verify who they are on sign-up, period. Not just for this issue but for multitudes of issues all coming back to the same point of not having a point of accountablity for every avatar here. People are so afraid of others leaving if you do that, but other 'game' platforms do not have a problem with it. They even charge a susbsciption fee to everyone and their customer base is in the millions.

    I realize people have alts especially to help in businesses. What with the current lack of a real privacy mode that you can actually work in, you'd never get a thing done after  fashion just from answering all the 'help me with your product I bought' IM's. They would just need to alow a liberal amount of alts per account is all.

    To me the problem is in the wording of 'pay ment info'. Something like 'Verified user' would be more appropriate. No actual payment needs to ever have taken place if that is what LL decides but to me, it really needs to go a lot further than having someone bounce what could literally be anyone's ID number off a 3rd party database that flags them as 'Yup, this is an adult'.

  14. How is any 'world' or reality' any less real simply because we understand somewhat the mechanisms of it's creation? People live, love and realize their dreams here. Many that can't for whatever reason do so in the more tangable world we refer to as 'real life'.

    If someone offends or delights me in SL, that happened in THIS world, not the one out there, though those emotions effect me no less in either place. I know. I had a near fatal heart attack that was directly effected by some very emotionally intense things that happened here. All that means to me is that it makes it even more real.

    I understand that some here are simply capitalist looking to cash in. Some of that is justified by virtue of the quality of product they add to our world. But would any of them honestly make much if there were not people here that considered this a life on some level? If not, why buy anything that's not already in your inventory? Who would be able to sell clothing, furniture, shoes, hair and shapes? Houses, boats cars? None of us need that stuff. We can be here for free as long as we like or until they shut the servers down.

    But my life here is enriched by these things weather used by myself or my friends and aquaintences (whom are btw a part of this world also - I have little or no desire to actually ever meet most of them in the other world)

  15. Myra Wildmist wrote: They could give everyone a Halloween costume. Or how 'bout a skeletion avatar?


    yes! grid-wide nekid party..everyone is a skellie! woohoo! Be sure to check your plastic pumpkin thingy ;)


    On a serious note, I loved the 1st gift. If it was quite nicely done so if it's still there and you missed it, hey, good opportunity to go grab it. It's really worth the time. I do hope they don't lean towards seasonal fare. Orange and black is so not december...or february...or june...

  16. /laff


    Kinda like buying a home in RL and refusing to pay property taxes because it's a 'dumb law'. Lemme know how that works out, lol

    I don't know about your purchase price. You may or may not have been soaked depending on the size and location of the land, what's next to it and other factors, That price would have been determined by the seller and ultimately yourself in your willingness to shell it out, not linden labs. If you paid 4k for the downhill slope corner of a lot textured with ugly mountain rock texture all I can say on behalf of all the rest of us is 'gee thanks for helping drive up the price of real estate' :P


    But if your complaint is your premium, I'm sorry. In my mind, you have none. The price of premium ads up to less than the price of a bottle of soda per week and you get half of that back in lindens to use in world.

  17. Grr, this is getting old!

    You know if this is going to be so common, we really need there to be a cancel button there so we can cancel the purchase and either go to the shop in person for it or else just forget it. Many things I buy are worthless to me if marketplace cannot deliver within about 3 minutes as I work in public entertainment and buy outfits etc for themed things.

    C'mon guys. Make it go, please

  18. In the last several weeks I have had tons of delivery failures on MP, though in every case but one the order history showed undelivered and did not take out the lindens.

    Even though most cases the delay is less than an hour and can sometimes be coaxed along quicker by relogging, I have to say this 'up to 24 hour' policy is pretty much a fail globally in terms of what SL consumers need. In fact anything longer than 10 minutes wait in many cases for me is money wasted as I work inworld in entertainment and have to often dress for themed events. If box don't arrive, I buy something else and if the problem continues I will just stop using marketplace at all. It doesn't even help much to go to the location listed as most places have TP routing and just rezzing the store on my machine sometimes takes a good 10-15 minutes, then I somehow have to find the thing and most places have zero customer service on hand.

    I want to mention the one instance where it didn't deliver and what actually happened. I am on FS beta 3 but this may also be a viewer issue on other viewers as well..

    I was waiting for a delivery and a notice for something else arrived. I clicked to read the notice and just as I OK'd it, the delivery came and popped up right on top of the other notice, causing me to click 'decline' which was in the same position as 'OK' for the other notice. This may seem like an unfortunate cooincidence, and fortunately the creator was willing o resend even though the object was trans and not real cheap. I don't believe this is so much cooincidence though. Delayed deliveries seem to show up as other features like IMs, Notices etc get activated to a particular avatar. I don't undertand the mechanics admittedly but it seems to have some correlation to my avi being active within the system. Certain things will trigger the delivery faster.


    So be careful and pay attention to the screen when clearing notices. Just clicking to look could be what causes that thing you are waiting for to show up and being click-happy can get you undesireable results.

    I'm not sure why it hasn't been thought of yet, but these veiwers (everything from standard to 3rd party) could really use an integrated receiving bay of sorts. In other words a seperate panel or window that holds incoming objects for reciept and approval and keeps track of sender/creator info etc. The settings for delivery of objects really need to be defined differently than our IM/notice cache wich is pretty useless anyway with the current cap if you have any amount of groups or contacts

  19. Marketplace wrote:

    1 item has not yet been delivered

    This item is queued for delivery. Merchants cannot redeliver the item at this time, and have not been paid. If the item is not delivered within 8 hours after purchase, you will automatically receive a refund to your account. If you make a purchase while the transaction is in progress, the refund credit may be applied to your next order.

    OMG I am so tired of this almost every time I have purchased something over the course of the last month. Probably 95% of my purchases fail in this manner and about 20% of those never do deliver before money is refunded


  20. lol!

    and yea, wearing clothes seems to be one of those 'advanced' things they haven't got a handle on yet, (though many are already proficient at attaching a 3 prim tinker-toy prim part to their pelvis). Oddly enough, most of them seem to be able to fly, run and TP around the grid rather well, along with having the ability to appear inside of houses in range of a menu driven bed -which they seem to have little problem operating either

  21. I generally like to keep my land open but the house private. I have tried locked doors. Those are worthless as they only keep the honest people out and those are the one's I would invite in! lol, easy enough to just object-sit past a locked door. Most intruders even ignored the scripted warning that I put in the door to stay out unless invited in. The range based secerity systems work well. I did go that route for a while but now I just ban the people that are disrespectful enough to persist when asked not to enter the house uninvited.

    I generally don't feel I'm being rude to ask flat out, 'why did you just come inside my home?'. It's a fair enough question I think, lol. My homes have never resembled a public facility of any sort. I'm being gracious enough to keep the land open for them to cross and enjoy without annoying banlines.

    Best thing is to keep a sense of humor as long as they aren't being over the top rude. Don't be a doormat though. I usually find it best to be clear before anything else. 'this is my home. I pay for the land. No, you cannot live here. If you'd like a home you need to purchase your own land.'. I have, on occasion given people who were polite a copy of the house as I built it myself.  Being as they need to buy or rent land to use it, it's a little like Daffy Duck yelling 'Hey bub, you need a house to go with this doorknob', but heh, it's a start I suppose :P

    Another fun option is some sort of attack pet like a german sheppard. Certainly not foolproof and only short ranged (for like the area of a doorway) but they can nudge an avatar right off the parcel for you. I tested one on myself and had to have my partner shut it off as it knocked me offsim into a blank area of the grid and I was stuck, lol

  22. If I understand the OP correctly Smoothie, your complaint is new users who base their opinion of wether or not you can be helpful to them on information in the RL portion of your profile?

    I've run into that a lot. Usually duck waddling noobs whose only question is something synomamous with 'ASL???'

    If that was your point, then IMO, you are best off just letting them mosey on their merry way in search of whomever it is they think they are going to find here, because nothing you can say will stop it, even after they learn about SL and how to make themself appear less noobish.

    Chipmunk? hmm. seems to me anyone that has figured out how to make themself appear to be a walking, talking woodland creature probably knows a few things about the platform we are on. It may actually be the best person in the room to ask, if you are really looking for technical help, lol. I actually have a very cute chipmunk avi I wear on occasion and having done 3 years of club work and having used several viewers, I can usually give some pretty solid basic help on the things a newcomer might ask.

    It wasn't a chipmunk for me on my 1st day. It was an alien. He had more answers than my head was ready to hold and most of it didn't sink in till later when I tried putting it to practical use. I do recal he gave me a joint and a cool hat. That was probably the best part of the encounter asit is still memorable to me as an act of kindness :)

  23. Ha Jinx wrote:

    P.S ~ why is my avatar so tiny? how do i get a fancy one like the old timers?


    It;s not actually the avatar that is any larger, it's the badge (a casing that surrounds the avatar and lets you decide what info to include) You can find it in your 'my settings'. Choose a default one or upload your own image.


    I'm not an oldtimer. I'm only three ;)

  24. As soon as I heard about it, I immediately went and put my feed settings on 'nobody' and it's going to stay that way. This isn't facebook, nor do we need it to be IMO. I hate facebook, and I don't want it being part of my SL, in fact I just deactivated my FB account last week, fake name and all :P

    To me, it's a richer world if my friends live here with me. That means actually being inworld and within seeing distance of my avatar to be interactive with me. Plenty of other text only based options are available if I need them. I really wish the time and energy would have been used to improve actual grid functionality and solve some of the bugginess that's been going on for weeks as mesh and the V2 age is ushered in.



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