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Rockridge Constantine

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Everything posted by Rockridge Constantine

  1. I am a sim owner and want to know what is the best way to move a sky island across to the other side of the sim? I should add that this island belonged to a friend who is no longer in SL but I do have his object edit permission so yes I can move it. Should I make a notation of the x-y-z coordinates and move it like that?
  2. Deeding objects to the group is not a concern in this case. However, now it looks like I will need to try and locate all the items on the sim that I did share and re-share with the new group. *sigh* As I am the region owner, I know I can identify objects belonging to others, but what about those belonging to a group. Humm.. I need to check.
  3. I have been sharing objects with my group and now I want to delete that group and create a new group for sharing. Do I need to reset all the objects to share with the new group? What happens to the sharing permission when I ask to have the old group deleted?
  4. The real issue as I understand it, is that some DJs use pirated music files which are freely available all over the internet these days. It still boggles me that DJs are not aware of or really don't care how blatantly obvious this will show up when song titles are announced in the viewer. i.e. "01 - Britknee Spears - Hold it against me (@mymusic.com)" The key here is the metadata is right there in the music file. So when you hear about DJs needing to or wanting to "hide" their music titles, this maybe the reason why. My answer is basically if you do grab pirated music then clean up your files before you use them in your stream.
  5. I am doing some research on companies using virtual worlds. I seem to recall seeing a list somewhere on the Second Life website some time back. I have checked some places online, but there is a lot of out of date information out there. Any help with this project is appreciated. Thanks.
  6. YES!! Cut and Paste. LOL Brilliant idea.:matte-motes-grin:
  7. You might want to check the title of this article for proper grammar. "Do you looking for employees" is a bit confusing.
  8. I would recomment checking out Premier DJ Academy. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/America%20Latina/191/96/24/ Some of my DJ friends say it's the best. I DJ as well but unfortunately the place I learned from is no longer in business. Good Luck.
  9. I need an about me page that does not require a second life log in page. And has consistent access. I meet people on the Internet that do not belong to second life. ________________________________________________________________________ On the my-demo.secondlife com site go to Setthings>Privacy>About. Then be sure to toggle to either Everyone, Second Life, or Friends. Just a caveat.. this is the future web-pased profile page. I say that because I thought this was launched today, but apparently the data for my About, Picks, Groups, and Friends is still wrong as of this moment. I actually prefer the look and feel of the current my.secondlife.com page, since everything is right there without having to tab. But I take what I can get.
  10. I have a tip jar script that i put in a prim for a tip jar. The tip jar is 4 prims and has a prim border. I put the script in the prim, but the hover text does not clear the border prim. How can I adjust the height of the Hover text so that it appears above that border as well?
  11. My group is open enrollement and it is listed in my profile picks as well. It is not adult and is listed content Mature. Is there somthing I need to do to activate it so it will appear in both the in-world search and the SL website? Or does this involve creating a classified ad? Thanks.
  12. My group is open enrollement and it is listed in my profile picks as well. It is not adult and is listed content Mature. Is there somthing I need to do to activate it so it will appear in both the in-world search and the SL website? Or does this involve creating a classified ad? Thanks.
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