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Madisson Hurricane

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  1. Hi Tamara!, Oh i know there are and it's not really that i'm not comfortable using them i'm more worried how clients would feel using a free public studio lol. That'd be amazing, absolutely amazing Tamara if i could use the area a little. I'd only use for taking clients to snap their pics etc so that'd be simply wonderful if you do not mind sharing I might be a week a bit more before i start taking clients, i recently purchased a graphics tablet and waiting for it to be delivered and also i need to learn to use one lol. I've only ever used a mouse to draw with before. I'll contact you inworld as well as saying thank you on here!
  2. Hi Orca, Ys i need to rent land as i'm not a premium member, most start at 4096m/937 prims i'm thinking that would be to many prims lol but thank you for the suggestion, i'll have a good browse around, make sure to read the covenant very carefully and won't rent anything homestead.
  3. Hi Namss, thank you for your imput first of all! Let's see i don't think 100 prims would be quite enough space for what i'm looking for perhaps i should look into what kind of things i'm going to need in my studio. I was also thinking maybe i wouldn't need the office type space while i'm starting out, i'm a member of a few groups where people ask for photographers and i've never really answered them as i didn't have actual skybox with a studio in a typically used this free area i found and dropped a box and pose stand down to do myself. So perhaps i could just advertise in a few groups my services and in classifieds first and then just grab a skybox to place things down inside until i get a bit of a client base and have a few more images to place around. Like i say though i've never opened a business before so could this even possibly work?
  4. Hiya folks, first of not sure if this is the proper location so if it's not feel free to move! Now then down to business, after some serious thoughts i'd been contemplating running a small photography studio, just a small location where i can rez a building, place down some office style furniture and then upstairs a green screen and pose stand with all my poses in. Only real problem is i've never really rented land before and i don't know what sort of prices are good to pay, how many prims would techically be enough for a few small items etc and some advertising tips aswell if possible. Stuff like that mainly, i've never owned a business really before and have absolutely no clue where to start. I think my photography skills are quite good and getting better with each day. I've tried applying for positions with photostudios but never heard anything back from the ones i've applied for so thought i'd give this a try instead. If you wish to see my work and comment my flickr link is posted below. My Flickr:http://www.flickr.com/photos/71719133@N05/ Thank you kindly! Maddi xxx
  5. With my recent return to Second Life i've been rethinking some of the things i wanted to try in the past but never got around to as i was unsure where to even look about starting. One of these things was DJing, i'm very interested in learning the basics of using sam, setting it up with a stream, music loading etc. I have a good range of music i think stored on both my pc and cd's. I've got a copy of sam aswell to use now my lovely RL BF treated me to a copy of it lol. So if you can advise maybe places on the web that offer a tutorials, locations in world where i could learn that's not going to cost a arm and a leg i'd be extremely grateful :) Thank you kindly! Maddi x
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