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Linnrenate Crosby

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Posts posted by Linnrenate Crosby

  1. Well knowing Chloe she would have checked this already, she also agree think that it's the underscore in HTTP_USER_AGENT that gove these warnings. Oz did mention in a post earlier that underscore


    The problem is that the underscore character is not valid in a hostname. We'll see if we can relax the restriction.


  2. 15 minutes ago, Shuichi Shinji said:

    @Linnrenate Crosby There is a space character at the end of "/stats " which needs to be removed ^^ Using "/7.html" also works like it used to be for v1 streams. You can also try "/stats?sid=1" for the same as just "/stats", but with explicit stream ID or "/stats?sid=1&json=1" for JSON output which is easier parseable (there are LSL functions for it, see one of Oz's older posts).

    We have tried both as posted and "/stats" (aka removing the space you point out) no difference at all, the warning are still flooding

  3. Any news on this? I'm living on Mainland and thus on the main server release (i think). Tested my own board script on a magnum region today and still get a 403 reply from the shoutcast servers.

    I replaced the old code:

    fetch() { HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest         (URL + "/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: LSL Script (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],""); }

    with this new:

    fetch() {HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest(URL + "/7.html",[HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Stream-Script/1.0 (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");}

    I still get a 403 response from the shoutcast servers (this test was run with the http://bigdaddys.digistream.info:20368 stream). Funny thing i did notice is that apparently the old code do pull the meta data from shoutcast v1.x, but not from the newer v2.x - which Big Daddys are running.

    Stream Info Board V1.8a: d82154a4-0e7c-b1c7-8205-e3589d959bff, d82154a4-0e7c-b1c7-8205-e3589d959bff, 403,

  4. badguy Boozehound wrote:


    oh wait this gets better the mesh cars will sink into the ground like quick sand from now on . this is fantastic for underground epiditions but for driving it is impossible



    Indeed... i just drove my Kustom Klassic on a sim and indeed it did plow through the ground with the rear part of the car like i had the statue of liberty or simething equal as heavy in the trunk

    I also had a long chat with the owners of Kustom Klassic that told me that the problem we now see had been reported to LL directly in a pathfinder meeting (if i understood him right).

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