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Ron Khondji

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Everything posted by Ron Khondji

  1. Exporting a rigged mesh from Blender 2.58 does not work in SL at the moment. See: CTS-718 There is a problem with Collada 1.4.1 To quote Prep Linden: The core issue with this particular defect is that we do not fully support collada 1.4.1 at this moment. I have implemented partial support for 1.4.1 but there are still a couple of loose ends that need addressing - so till then your rig will come in collapsed (july 28 screenshot).I still intend to revamp the rig import code - along with your suggestions there are a number of other areas that need to be refactored.Till the code updates are in - I suggest you export your rig with a version of blender that has the collada 1.4.0 exporter (I used 2.49). 
  2. I asked Google: Primstar docs
  3. Film - Shader Toggles - Render DOF in Deferred or Preferences - Graphics - Advanced - Misc - Toggle DOF effect
  4. I found a link as well: Bigfoot forums. The problem seems to be being worked on.
  5. You cannot do that from within the viewer. You can however use an external program to remap the F1 key to something else. Google "remap keys" or something to find out more.
  6. Your messagelinked is in the wrong place. The message gets send every time CONTROL_FWD or _BACK is pressed or released. Put the messagelinked where your ownersays are and it should work.
  7. If you are on group land you need to have the land owning group activated to be able to rezz things. Edited to add: After visiting your land and seeing that you are the owner yourself I have to say you can ignore my first answer. There were some inventory problems yesterday though. (See grid status) Chances are you can rezz again today.
  8. I´m seeing the same thing. None of my 2prim sculpty grasses and flower patches are visible. The last viewer that rendered them correctly for me was "2-7-4-232938_Development"
  9. It´s a bug. You can wait until there´s a new viewer that fixes it or you can go back to a older viewer. Or use a third party viewer of course.
  10. What you need to do is: pick a notecard open a dialog in the listen event do something with the notecard then pick the next notecard open a new dialog This way the dialogs look like they´re stacked.
  11. Your land belongs to the Blue Hippo group. This means you have to have this group active so you can return objects from the land. It also means you have to deed the radio to the group. Edited to say I was wrong. Your land is not group land so you should be able to return objects from it. If you can´t you need to contact support. The radio doesn´t work because the jukebox is owned by someone else. This person does not have the right to set the parcel radio stream.
  12. Well, I found this on their forum from more than a year ago. Well, Philip Linden has broken the news that Linden Lab can't "afford" to keep updating the worldmap's UUID images. Lex: Hmm, what an interesting problem. We had never contemplated the idea of someone hacking the viewer to get access to the UUID's for the map tile. So, the problem is that the existing system isn't scalable - essentially LL is covering the bill to inject new UUID's every few days into our asset system. We are expanding our own storage system to hold the map tile data, and of course greatly increasing the update frequency (which is good for all SL users) then would cost us even more if we keep this system going. So it seems to me that we shouldn't keep pushing map tiles into our system as assets, even to keep your system running. LL (and by extension all SL users) is paying for this cost, and it certainly wasn't an intended use. Wouldn't you tend to agree? This means that all your products that you sell in-world will no longer be able to display current map image data without someone else footing L$10 per image uploaded. Sorry, everyone. But Subnova can't afford US$1,200 in upload costs every time the map images are updated on SLURL.com. Apparently, LL can't either (I wonder who they pay that L$10 to for the uploads). I'll keep my system online in the event someone decides to change their mind... but seeing as how the images haven't updated in the past month yet... I think what we have now is the end. And yet, today it is still working.
  13. It´s been around since 2008 or so, I think. This could be the forum thread I got the script from: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/54/71/248800/1.html The api only returns the UUID of the in-world map image of a region. http://www.subnova.com/secondlife/api/map.php?sim=Sonamu returns the uuid of the map of the Sonamu region
  14. This still works: key http_request_id;string URL = "http://www.subnova.com/secondlife/api/map.php";string SIM_NAME;map(string name){ list temp_name; temp_name = llParseString2List(name,[],[" "]); integer i=0; for(i=0;i<llGetListLength(temp_name);i++){ if(llList2String(temp_name,i) == " "){ temp_name = llListReplaceList(temp_name,["_"],i,i); } } SIM_NAME = llDumpList2String(temp_name,""); http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(URL + "?" + "sim" + "=" + SIM_NAME, [], "");}default{ state_entry() { map(llGetRegionName()); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id == http_request_id){ if (body != "") { llSetTexture(body, 0); llSetText(SIM_NAME + "\n \n \n ",<.984, .686, .365>,.8); } } }} It´s a old script I found in my inventory.
  15. @Ron:return (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetOwner(), -8, -1 )) | 0x80000000; ... if you were intending to keep the range negative (yours would flip it to positive if it started negative) Thank you. I didn´t know it could start negative.
  16. I use this: integer channel() { return (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))*-1;}
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