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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Even highly detailed textures don't need to be 1024s. It looks better and is easier to work with in creating but you can get just as good results with 512s and in some cases the 512 looks better. 

    Certainly, small items like jewelry don't need each bead/stone/link textured with a 1024 when a 128 or even a 256 is more than sufficient. 

    As to the amount of lag the larger textures contribute to the overall lag of SL... I'm not so sure it amounts to as much as some people (not aimed at you Chin) believe. Seems to me SL would have ground to a halt for everyone including the Lindens if that were true.

    I'm not saying they don't cause lag. They do, but, on the other hand, everything in SL causes lag. And the more there is of it, the more SL lags. And the harder LL has to fight to reduce that lag. 

    Bit of a catch 22 situation there.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    As many others have already said ... Banned based on something as trivial as a Profile Pick? So what, move on - they're not worth the time.

    On the side discussion surrounding BDSM and the fine line between it and abuse: There's a reason that I - a Bi Switch - am rather overly selective about where, when and around whom I allow myself to be submissive around ...

    I am neither dominant nor submissive. You can't always tell someone is abusive. I'd been with the ***** for a year before I ever found out he was a junkie and I only found out because he wanted me to allow him to bring that ***** into my house. The abuse didn't start until after we moved to Texas where I was out of reach of any family or friends.

    Being selective doesn't always mean safe.

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  3. 49 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

    Well they claimed that the other club had been sending people over to steal employees. Of course they should be able to compete to retain staff without having to block people. From my perspective I just wanted to go to the club I had been banned from to visit a friend of mine who worked there.

    Understandable. However, considering you could visit with your friend outside of the time she worked/was at the club... well, you don't need me to mother tell you. Some friends are worth doing things outside of the norm for ourselves. Depends on the friend and the situation.

    I am glad it worked out for you. All too often things like that drag out and turn really ugly.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

    Ok so you got banned. I got banned once from a club because I was a member of a competing club's group. I left the group and apologized profusely and got unbanned,  but if that had  not worked I would have just moved on.  SL is to big to let being  banned from a  sim get to you.

    If a club were to ban me because I happen to like going to more than one club, good riddance to the one that bans me for that. I wouldn't want to be in a place that is so petty they try to dictate to their customers where they can and can't go. That is malicious manipulation. 

    I'm sorry, it just bugs the crap out of me when I see people, especially women, be manipulated that way because they have no idea they are being manipulated.

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  5. Just now, Amina Sopwith said:

    I'm glad you got out of that relationship, even if it did take a while. Many women never manage it at all.

    Regarding talking to that sub... it's one of those things where people just have to decide for themselves whether or not they want to try. It could go either way. If I'd thought of it before I banned the abusive prat, I'd have responded to the apology with something like, "Forgive me if I'm overstepping, but actual domination is not about pulling people like me into it, who don't want to be there, just to offend and upset us. It's also not about doing things to you that leave you feeling bad afterwards, as this exchange appears to be doing. It is supposed to be about mutual satisfaction, and he is actually supposed to care about what you get out of it. What's happening here isn't BDSM, it's abuse. I'm going to ban him because I can tell there's absolutely no point in trying to make him understand power exchange, but please do keep messaging me if you want to discuss this any further. I've got all day for you."

    She might have told me to get knotted, but it would be a risk I'd have been prepared to take, personally. Others would have to decide for themselves what they felt was right.

    It took him going to Camp Fed on drug charges. That was the only way short of death. In Texas.

    I'm not into BDSM (sort of obvious) so I can't speak to that aspect but I do see the abuse in SL all the time. Our time of trying to helps subs like that one, from Active Worlds into SL, finally came to an end when it became obvious our own relationship was suffering badly for it. That ultimatum I came out with might have had something to do with it.

    What I'm saying is, my time for fighting the good fight had to end. I'm getting too old for it. I'm just glad there are others to pick up where we left off.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    I like your suggestion of talking to the sub, because if she stuck around after this then it's clear she didn't understand what BDSM is actually about and there was something very potentially damaging going on. An actual Dom wouldn't be involving non-consenting people like Scylla just to offend them, and nor would they be doing things to their sub that are clearly not going to leave them feeling good (I'm not talking about the leashing and humiliation, I mean involving Scylla - this clearly made the sub unhappy enough that she essentially apologised for it and felt embarrassed in the bad way over it). So yes...attempt to talk to her before she gets damaged in any way by this utter thundertw*t.

    In terms of him, though, he was quite plainly an idiot on nothing but transmit. I prefer cutting off his oxygen to giving him rope. Scylla was the only person who was going to see the self-lynching and he was only going to kick her in the face while he did it, and he clearly wasn't going to realise he was dead anyway. Suffocation, so much better.


    I prefer to let karma catch up to them. Like it did my abusive ex. Cancer got him. Slow and painful.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Going back to Scylla's encounter with the Dom, there's another angle, which I might have played. Scylla mentioned that the sub IMed her a sort of apology. That's the toe-in-the-door I'd be inclined to take, engaging her rather than him. It's nefarious and has potential to backfire, but we are talking about MY angle.

    It rarely works. The most common response is the sub is doing what the sub is doing because the sub wants to...

    Don't get me started.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Hence my "perhaps incorrectly". The further along I get in life, the more I realize that the tools in my workshop work best in my hands and that I'm limited in my ability to determine what tools other people might find useful.

    And, as proof of that inability, I seem to have made you feel terribly inadequate!


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  9. 6 hours ago, ZoeChanning said:

    I made a Pick in my profile and set it to be seen by Friends Only.

    A man who was not a friend made a comment about it and I checked the setting again and it was Friends Only. I changed it, then changed it back again to hope it would be ok.

    I got banned later from a sim because the Pick was a adult location.

    It should have be private from people who are not friends. I delete it now because I do not want this problem again. I do not trust any more the privacy settings in my profile, it is not safe.

    I use Firestorm 6.0.2 

    That setting is for web profiles only. It doesn't affect legacy profiles which are still available in FS. So yes that image can be seen on your profile inworld.

    Best rule of thumb is, if you don't want it seen, don't post it.

    Adult location or content? Location shouldn't be a problem but region owners can ban who they want for no reason.


    ETA: If the image wasn't a "G rated" image, it shouldn't be on either profile as it is a violation of the ToS. All those profiles you see with nudity and sex in them... are violations of the ToS and should be ARed.

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