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Blue Voix

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Everything posted by Blue Voix

  1. When you go into edit for your HUD then use your mouse scroll wheel to move the entire screen so you can see the arrows, I think for me that is the up motion, this should make the screen view box smaller so then you can see the edges past that and grab the arrows to move the HUD.
  2. I use Millions Media, they have fair prices and decent quality for the most part. Used them for years with no issues with the movie content access I have purchased.
  3. I did a pc restart and it let me in, I should have done that before I bitched here tytyty.
  4. but no matter what sim I try to connect to it wont let me in world? I see people on from website, my net is up sl hates me.
  5. but no matter what sim I try to connect to it wont let me in world? I see people on from website, my net is up sl hates me.
  6. lol progressive gun owners FTW! never ever underestimate the power and numbers of return fire hippies!!!!!!
  7. Hi, Looking to make new friends, I am back in SL after 18 months away, the SSB and mesh made it seem like a great time to come back. I am interested in building, sim design and scripting. I enjoy dancing and conversation and of course dressing up and role play. I would be interested in chatting with people of any gender and location, I female in RL and from the US. My avatar is Blue Voix and you can message me here or replty to this thread if you are interested in chatting. I also have some passing interest in breedables and other such games in SL. Hope everyone's day is kick ass. - Blue
  8. meeroos like almost any other video game is licensed content...you in fact are not buying a meeroo but the right to use that content...meeroos get a little weird though because you can resell the right to use that content ie a specific bred meeroo...so yes they can take the roos away from you if you violate thier TOS because you dont actualy own the roo.. I look at SL breedables as a kind of gambleing game, easy to make money when they start but as they market staurates value goes down...hopefully they will release new content soon as promised and there will be a new bubble in the game to exploit for profit
  9. They are a breedables game and in SL there is a secondary market for collectors/speculators that covers over the fact they are basicly a pay to play game like WoW or any other game with a montly overhead. Because of the nature of the game having coats or traits that are rarer and harder to get some people are willing to pay alot of money to buy these virtual pets that have these traits. For a couple of years now in SL there has been a series of companies one after the other speculators invest in. Because the novelty wears off and the market gets saturated with the product those that get into the game first have the potential to make the most money before people move on to the next fad. That being said you dont have to approach this game expecting it to make you a rl income or even pay for itself on any scale. It can be just a game and is not terribly expensive to play on a small scale. Each meeroo costs 63 lindens a month to feed plus your prim costs. What you want out of the game is up to you. Just keeping a couple can be very rewarding they are well animated and very well textured and make super cute noises. If you have heard that the game is a way to make RL money or that the secondary market is strong enough to pay for all your game play then you might have come a little late to the party. There are over 2 million of the guys born on the grid since the game started so its not really easy to make money selling them on the secondary market right now. I am a avid gamer and have really enjoyed the product because of its complex genetics system, the fantasy aspects of its mythology and the fact it is not based on a real life animal and the beautiful art. To play you will need a home that is non transfer and can only be bought from the companies store and a nest or live meeroo, They are available on the secondary market for 50l or less (put meeroos into search and then take your time shopping around to find the cheap nests) or you can get a starter chest from the company that gives you random nests with basic coats. You also need food and a HUD, the hud is free and the food again comes from the company. You can im me in world and I can explain in detail how to get set up for the least investment and explain game mechanics more in depth if you like.
  10. I knew I was slacking the details...no bigger than a 50m x 50m footprint, under 800 prims and a 15k and under budget although I would prefer something less than 10k my partner is willing to pay more if its perfect.
  11. So I uploaded a image for a badge I like and now I can't figure how to turn off the tiny avatar image I use to use...I see where to turn badges on and off but nothing so simple on the avatar page of my settings.
  12. Blue Voix

    Unique Homes

    Do you make beautiful and unique homes you don't list on the marketplace? I have looked at thousands there and not really found THE one...so I am looking for in world shops and builds to check out. Drop me a line here or in world. I like everything from modern and clean to steampunk sorts of things as long as its well done with clean seams and high quality textures.
  13. just what I needed to know!!! 1001 thank yous!
  14. I am trying to figure out if I should buy more mainland, rent or whatever and I would like to know if there is a formula for how many prims pers meter linden gives you for mainland tier, its well and good they lease tier by meter but without knowing how many prims that gets me I am lost. So anyone have links to a land wiki or someplace with this sort of info? I can kinda guess based on the parcel I do have but since its already given to group I am not sure if this is baseline accurate.
  15. Im me in world and I will be glad to talk abou the details of my medium sized meeroo farm and my success with selling them as well as how they work and some of the cons even.
  16. My breedables have been doing well and can pay my tier now. I placed my first sell order on the lidex but I can't find out enough about how it works. After the linden sell where does the cash go? I heard they hold it a week but then will they put it right into my paypal? I dont see any information that is clear in the wiki. Thanks alot.
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