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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. There weren't any sauces in the oven I saw. Not fair!
  2. Sick kinks belong in the Adult section of this forum
  3. You're wrong, Scylla. I saw it in Martha Stewarts kitchen last episode.
  4. Home Of The Spirits! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bliss Gardens Park/189/174/27
  5. As far as I know, there are not, that was my POINT. RL, we get religious fruitcakes peddling their cult dogmas at all and sundry, on street corners, , on TV, in the press, on the internet, even in supermarket car parks while you're shopping for groceries. SL is thankfully FREE of that garbage. But you seem intent on dragging it in here. I think you may be confusing religion with spirituality or self-growth/self-enhancement methods. For example, in the class I mentioned (given by the shamanic healer) we are dealing with troubles we had in the past with people we felt harmed by, trying to get in touch with that and come out on the other side so we feel better about ourselves and life in general, and so have more fulfilling lives. By "bringing it here" I'm only describing what's meaningful in my life, the same as everybody else feels free to share what they do here. All these classes, these events, along with creating/art are central to my SL experience and so i want to share them. But I need to get to my preparation for the individualized session. We can pick this up at a later time though.
  6. I am NOT pushing any religious beliefs. I talked about going to a freaking class, given by a shaman student. It's giving my life meaning atm. Disagree with me all you want -- just stay on topic.
  7. Really, you are reaching. I've never implied that having some alternative religious experience in SL is the only way to enjoy SL. We've already talked about Arielle's Slex and power exchange, and how just sitting and gazing at the ocean makes my life better, and look at the discussion about having a SL home and how many feel attached to their homes and it brings great meaning for them. I don't know of preachy missionary types banging on doors in SL -- that's a new one.
  8. ok...you believe SL can't change your life for the better. Registered. So your purpose in staying on the thread is to dis everyone else who claims SL did change their life for the better?
  9. Projection much? Pot, meet Kettle. I said "some of you"....and I was referring to people who have frequently expressed they dislike both SL and the forum (many saying they don't even log inworld anymore). And more than a few have expressed how miserable they are in 1st life. So, based on reality and not just my projection. I feel this forum overall has become horribly negative, and I'm not the only one. I don't believe in sugar-sweet positivity not based on reality either, but really this forum has gone downhill in terms of what we really should be doing here as a front for SL -- presenting SL in a positive light. SL is great for me! I hope others will see my enthusiasm and maybe even get interested in some stuff we're posting here related to what we're involved in and enthused about. The photo threads and "what are we doing today' threads are usually pretty good with this, but I felt we needed another thread to showcase what goes on in SL.
  10. Please stay on topic, Sabrina. If you don't I'm going to have to report you. I hate to do that as I don't like to appeal to a higher authority to go against my forum cohorts. But if you continue I'll need to, as you are trashing the thread.
  11. Except you weren't requesting that Sid, in particular, stay on topic. You were asking him to leave for having a different opinion of what you were posting. Twice, may I add. As I said, if you want people to not comment or react or disagree with whatever it is you're talking about in a public space, then best to start a blog where you can regurgitate any and all thoughts that come to your mind, with the freedom to ban people or delete dissenting opinions. No, I wanted him to leave because this is supposed to be a thread about how SL benefits us. He kept saying it does not benefit him. Off-topic! We are supposed to stay on topic, so if you don't think SL benefits you in any way don't post on this thread. It's very simple.
  12. It's a public forum. Posting in here for the public to read precludes that some people who read it may not agree with what you're saying, and may react via posting their own messages. It's the same way you post in other threads, regardless of whether or not people agree with your opinions. Funny how that works. If you want to gatekeep who's reading and commenting on your threads, might I suggest creating a blog instead? I have a right to request that people stay on topic, and the topic was clearly stated. Our moderators very much want us to stay on topic. The topic is...how can we change our lives for the better in SL? So if you don't think SL changes you for the better in any way, wouldn't that be off-topic?
  13. Would you be ok with a poster attending a Southern Baptist style church inworld and then sharing how he came to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour? Maybe posting some videos of sermons and talks of their fundamentalist theology? Yes, I would be okay with it. And I had no problem with the Christian creator who was looking for other Christian merchants to connect with, though many did. It would be cool if people came to this thread with all sorts of experiences, be it a religious experience or a special healing nature spot in SL, and posted videos/music related to it -- whatever it is that makes their life better is fine.
  14. They have everything to do with 2nd life. I've met a woman in SL who gives classes/does healings...based on her Nordic Shamanic training. This has prompted me to learn more about that culture. I'm posting some stuff I learned here about their music here as I explore it more. Persephone wanted to know what kind of Shamanism, so I'll blame her for that <<<<< is joke. Don't psychoanalyze me and tell me i don't even want to know what others experience in 2nd life that makes any of their lives better. Anyone can post here and share, and I'm hoping they will. And I started off the bat responding to Arielle talking about power sharing as that's what gives her life meaning here. If I talk about my dances and gatherings "in every thread"(like the "what are you doing in SL today" thread) well it's because that's what I'm doing in SL)! But, I post in lots of threads, and not always about dances and gatherings -- witness my relationship trauma up in the Lifestyles section.
  15. I'm sorry some of you seem to hate SL, the forum, and your lives in general. No need to trample on my enjoyment though.
  16. Uhh...please red my opening paragraph again: "Second Life has the ability to make our lives better -- the spaces we inhabit in SL can have deep meaning for us. From joining any of the self-growth groups offered here and learning new ways of relating to others in all worlds, to making friends, to gazing out at the virtual ocean and feeling a sense of peace and calm wash over us, to feeling the excitement of learning how to build a new item or decorate our home or garden, to having a cherished place of isolation and peace from a busy 1st life, or viewing an art installation that causes us to ponder ourselves and the world at a deeper level. What do you do in SL to enhance your life?" I've talked about all these...relationships with people...gazing out at my 2nd life ocean....building a new undersea garden...feeling peace @ various spots in 2nd life and how they feel like a refuge to me....self-help groups...visiting art installations (where I met you, actually), and the spaces in SL that have deep meaning for us (currently this self-help group with Nordic influence). Really Sid, if you don't like seeing how another person enjoys 2nd life just leave the thread!
  17. Sure it is. When I explore various cultures/spiritualities/people in 2nd life I go deep. I want to know their music, maybe even their food. Learning about other people is a primary way we change ourselves for the better...and 2nd life provides that opportunity in spades! If you scroll up, you'll see we were discussing European Shamanism and that class I'm learning from in 2nd life, and I mentioned Freyja (a Nordic Goddess) and the Sami people in northern Scandinavia. The song I posted is Nordic.
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