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Richie Kanto

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Blog Comments posted by Richie Kanto

  1. We tried to put in a venue for Halloween, after finding the destination guide web site unable to receive our submission numerous times over several days we were finally told by conciege support to put in a ticket. That ticket is still listed as "new" and has not been addressed (since September).

    I find it beyond crazy that you're seeking submissions now for "winter holidays" when you could never even respond to our request to consider a destination we tried to submit over and over for Halloween.    

    I guess I should just do like everyone else and post things on the blogs... seems that's the only communication that still works in SL.

  2. So let me see... because a bare minimum of information provided seems to show things are only slightly sinking (with the exception of web sales, which is a direct reflection of the fact people now don't shop in world because of the problems which still exist with search after at least 6 months) we all should ignore our own eyes and not see all the abandoned mainland (land showing owned by gov. Linden as well as those parcels we can see which obviously aren't in use but just haven't been reclaimed back again)... we should ignore our own business figures showing sales are dropping monthly... we should ignore the fact LL still hasn't effectively fixed search and we should all ignore that support no longer works and when putting in a ticket for help because phone support can't fix problems anymore (even region lag issues) they can only tell us to put in a ticket and wait months and months for the ticket to not even be openned... all this is ignored because some pretty graphs make it appear things are level here?

    Ok, I'm not going to bother to clean up my sentence structure above. Anyone who can follow LL's logic that things are good can understand me too I guess.

    PS: anyone who has been in world for a while knows, like most businesses there are seasonal cycles here. Don't look at Q2 to Q3 to compare, it's more accurate to compare Q3 2009 to Q3 2010... and most of those metrics have declined. Even Phillip knew he couldn't fix it and has abandoned the sinking ship. And the biggest proof of all, if anyone wants to buy me out for what I paid to get into business here, I'd happily sell and leave, and I bet most others here feel the same.

  3. Boy this has gotten a bit insane when people post their tickets to correct a non-delivery issue for an item on an inworld vendor and state that's how LL's customer support told them to take care of their own issue. It should worry everyone if LL states they're giving people tools to take care of their own problems and then directs someone to a blog to complain to the SL community as a solution to their problem.

    For me, this isn't about how LL will improve customer service or if it's desirable that they provide support for basic accounts or not. There's about 215 comments here, and seems to me 90% or so have the same stories of how support is broken. It's painfully obvious to me support is very very broken, and this clears up in my mind why LL would post a blog that basically says nothing about how or when it'll be fixed, but just makes vague promises that someday something will be done. It also explains why my tickets go months without being answered and why now I can't even look at tickets to see if anyone's working on previous issues from months ago. Thanks LL for confirming once again that your model for improving our SL experience starts and ends with "spin" - only mindless sheep would buy this stuff and sit there happy SL is on the job fixing things because they continue to tell us so.

    And if what I read here is true, that SL has fired Spike Linden, I'm very sad. He was the only Linden I ever had dealings with who I felt actually did what was promised without the bull and who shot straight with folks. This would also explain why customer service is now broken. Maybe somewhere in that batch of resident tools to fixing SL will be one where residents can fire the entire LL board of directors and replace them with a board of residents, elected by SL residents, for no pay and short terms. I wonder how much money THAT would save (maybe enough to actually hire some people to provide real customer support instead of just writing a blog post that's designed to make people "feel good")?

  4. I'll add my two cents worth, there is no customer service at Linden Labs. Don't bother to get a premium account thinking you'll get what doesn't exist.

    To a recent ticket citing a problem with viewer 2, after waiting 4 months for a reply the reply received was "have you tried viewer 2". To a problem with destination guide listings not working, I was asked "are you using viewer 2." Eventually, after confirming I use viewer 2, I was told put in another ticket. To my comment about waiting 3-4 months for the last ticket to be answered, I was told if they don't answer your ticket in 4-5 days put in another ticket. And now, for three days I can not even access my ticket history to determine if tickets are being addressed.

    And yes, I am a conceirge level member... so it doesn't matter what you pay for. There is no customer service with LL anymore. As I read this posting from LL, all I come away with is that they have hired someone to use big words which say after months of problems we're giving you words to say we're looking to do something, we know not what or how, or when, but maybe a lot of words will hide that we have no clue how to provide customer service.

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