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Solar Legion

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Posts posted by Solar Legion

  1. 2 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:


    Your use of better denotes opinion and suggests you think it's better than what is offered now. Therefore, pay attention to what you actually saying. 

    Except it does not denote opinion - that is you, reading your own bias into what I typed. Do note that I singled out not a one of the offered solutions.

    Again, do try harder.

  2. It is a matter of choice, Qie.

    General land holdings? Linden Home? In both cases it should be up to the user to choose a plot (assuming they go the purely Mainland route) or to choose which style of Linden Home they wish to have. It should be noted that the removal of some choice in the current Linden Home system is my only problem with it as it stands.

    If you don't like the location of your chosen Linden Home, you have to abandon it and choose again from the list and hope the next location it picks for you is more to your liking.

    It's not foolproof, no ... It is far better than having a place assigned.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    [hmm... I submitted a reply but it never appeared, so...]

    I'm interested in the idea of making land ownership an automatic, opt-out benefit of paid membership, not the current opt-in followed by paralysis of choice.

    As to forced exile, I'd simply be surprised if many Premium members (with current benefits) stay put on existing Linden Homes regions after SSP.

    But... do we suddenly know what levels of Premium will be available? I'd fallen out of the habit of even speculating about it.

    To the above, bolded bit: Oh Hades no!

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

    Well, I’m not a native speaker so maybe I’m missing the subtleties of the term “pet peeve” but, isn’t that like something that annoys you when it rationally shouldn’t?

    (Or maybe I’m confusing “pet” with “petty”?).


    7 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    You are correct.  I always assumed pet was short for petty

    Only partially correct - such is one interpretation. It can also be taken to mean annoyances of any level which almost always get a rise or reaction of some sort out of you - be it to make said reaction known or not.

    For threads/conversations like this, it is often assumed that what you're sharing is a bit higher up the totem pole than simple minor/petty annoyances.

    • Thanks 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    This where I'm at too. I really don't understand getting peeved by these sorts of superficial things. It just seems like a waste of energy and emotions. Do people derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from the experience that they keep doing it?

    Hell is other people.

    Put a bit more nicely: There's a limit each of us has for certain behaviors or for other people in general.

    It is one thing to be peeved by superficial things such as another's appearance ... It is another to be peeved by their behavior.

    • Like 4
  6. Far too many to give a comprehensive list but some of the highlights include the following:

    • Users that turn their digital noses up at you if you don't follow the latest fashion trends.
      • Including the insufferable snobs that equate a lack of mesh with all things negative.
    • Users that think everyone likes to explore or ride/use vehicles and thus Linden Lab must do something to cater to them.
    • Users that look down their digital noses at those who use voice - even when said use is not constant.
    • Users (and "developers") that think only their OS of choice matters/exists/is used to connect to Second Life.
      • Also users that are quick to blame Linden Lab or the Second Life software for whatever trouble they may be having - it isn't Linden Lab's fault that your hyper expensive laptop/desktop (some models from some manufacturers having woefully out of date hardware even for a machine produced five to ten years ago) is having heat and/or rendering issues.
      • Also TPV developers that make assumptions concerning the Operating Systems their uses actually have - be that an assumption regarding drivers, extra software and other factors.
    • Any user with an obvious chip on their shoulder regarding users from any "Era of Second Life" that use said chip as part of their measuring stick with regard to others.
    • Users who assume that because they have already fully rendered an environment then the user they are exploring (or anything else really) with must have already rendered it all as well.
    • This one boils more down to presentation/tone: It's oh so easy peasy lemon squeezy to just make your own (thing) if you cannot find someone else selling it.
      • Or to find someone willing to make it for you.
        • Often for a price - forgetting that some of us have a very limited or fixed income.
    • Users with the rather mistaken impression that things ought to always be Sunshine, Rainbows and Lollipops ... Sure, the forum staff want as little serious strife as possible, that does not mean everyone needs to pretend to be nice all of the time nor does it mean happy, nice topics/derails.
    • Role Play related: Assuming everyone present wishes to participate in some sort of combat or similar scene. Some of us are there to talk, have a good time and - sometimes - have a "good time" if ya know what I mean.
    • Also Role Play related: Assuming someone's D/s role (if they're even into it) based on gender/general appearance. I - the person behind the avatar/character - am into it. That does not mean the character being played is and even if they are you cannot assume one is a Dom or a sub based solely on gender or general appearance.
      • Example: The primary character I tend to use very much is into D/s things. He also has several different forms that affect his overall personality - some of which have been mistaken for being female due to their appearance. With few exceptions, most forms the character takes can be classified as Switch - notable exceptions being a wolf form and two of the feline forms, one being wholly submissive while the other only acts submissive and will take control if you're not careful.

    ... I may or may not add to this later. If it is well past the timeout for using "edit" then I'll just make another post.

    • Like 8
    • Haha 1
  7. As has been pointed out to you already - you've only explored part of Second Life. You've also admitted as much by making it clear you ignore places that appear to be "empty" or have no traffic.


    Other, active users have made it clear to you that you haven't a clue - deal with it.

    Oh and further, weren't you going to Ignore Kly? Again - if you're going to do so, do it and move on. The fact that you're bothering to respond to her at all after that statement shows your intent.

  8. Which is the same as the Web profile: Information in the "classic" profile is mirrored to the Web based one. That also means you use a TPV as the "official" Second Life client does not have an "in-world" profile - at all.

    And even if the synchronization of the two systems was disabled by Linden lab ... it really doesn't matter as not all TPVs use the now deprecated/removed "classic" profile systems.

    Update your profile or nuke it.

  9. Newsflash for you: Even if you use a TPV that allows you to fill out a "classic" profile, that information is mirrored to the Web Profile.

    So what you are really saying is that not only is you profile in general outdated but that you haven't bothered to update it in some time - because you "don't use it" ...

    Don't use profiles? Blank yours out.

  10. There's that assumption that a user not responding to you in some way is a bot ...

    For the places I visit, I tend to sit back and watch others, following the conversations as they go and only rarely making a comment.

    For at least one of these places, I hang out on the beach to say hi to the occasional user that drops in - when I note them drop in anyway.

    Other times I am busy in an IM with one or more of my friends.

    The general user base does not exist to entertain you - deal with it.

    • Like 5
  11. 9 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    I thought that too until I logged out of my dashboard and saw it there just now :) 

    I just opened a whole new browser (one which is shared between the different users of this computer and thus which is never logged into the Second Life site on an account) - it wasn't there.

    If it is, kindly point it out.

    Either way however, it's nothing more than a marketing slogan.

    Heh, and you edited in the image as I was posting - the above does still stand though: it's a meaningless marketing slogan.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Now for your oh so lovely edit after the fact: Even when they had a far more comprehensive new user area up and running, there were those who came into Second Life and somehow managed to get through those areas without actually learning a single thing.

    Where to get a "good" avatar? Why, that's up to the End User - no one else.

    What client program to use for connecting to Second Life? Also up to the End User.

    Where to go/where people are hanging? Up to the End User to decide on the first variant, up to the End User to discover on the second.

    That is part of the point of Second Life: It is what you make of it.

    • Like 4
  13. That's nice - meanwhile reality is that you haven't. Period.

    See, Second life is constantly changing: Sims being redesigned or going offline, users coming and going along with all the oh so lovely changes (mostly personal) that general interaction brings in.

    It's a bit like saying you've seen or experienced everything the real world has to offer. No, you haven't and stating otherwise - no matter how many times you do so, changes noting. At all.

    You're not the first user to pull that here - or on other forums. You won't be the last. And all of you are lying, without exception.

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