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Casandra Kumsung

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Everything posted by Casandra Kumsung

  1. Thank you. Have not tried it but knowing computers the way I do it sounds about right. Makes as much sense as IT does where I work.
  2. I did have viewer 3 I just down loaded it. Still does not let me drag anything into the merchant out box. It worked with an alt same computer same viewer, but the alt is a premium. Do I have to be premium now to sell on the market place? The merchanged outbox of my alt says it is empty on mine it says anyone can make a store. It seems it does not know I have a store.
  3. I am sure that Linden decides who's products they ban from internal complaints. I have read a number of post of someone selling stuff and it being banned but someone else keeps selling it. So get rid of a competitor by filing a copyright complaint. Seems to work. Been in SL for years and Marvel stuff has always been sold, have a wonderwoman avatar myself. And keep hearing about people selling marvel costumes and avatars getting their stuff removed but others keep selling them. I Suspect that It is too much for Linden to keep track of so they have to rely on tips.
  4. I cannot even get that far When I try to drag my inventory to the merchant out box it will not let me. Tried to drag a folder and items from the magic box after coping to inventory. Hope they still support the magic box for a while.
  5. The fact is that some companies do not care. BBC does not seem to have a problem with their characters being made and sold in Second Life but Disney and others do so LInden keeps up with those that do does The answer is make your owne stuff!.
  6. I followed the instructions and a get a red O with a red line it it when I try to drag my items in the merchand out box. What am I missing?
  7. Thanks. I have not see the script for a saddle with two people sitting, so I do not know how they do it. Mine is no modify. I tried a pose ball and cannot get the vehicle control to work in it. Figureed I needed two pose balls like the saddle but not sure how to do it. Does the farmer need to just sit on the plow or need a pose ball? If he just sits how do I do the script to tell the difference a menu. I have done those. Will try different things. At this point is it just a person pulling a plow, which is fine for a pony girl site. I figured that I need to control the farmer as well with a walking animation, bent over holding the handles. The plow works fine now. I was not tinking of doing anything to the ground. But it is a thought like the foot prints. Using temporary prims that look like it was plowed up.
  8. Is it a static pose? If it is you need to have two frames only the primary one and your pose. Did you load it as looped? Make sure your avatar is not wearing any huds or AO's. Or anything for that matter to be sure. Shoes can have huds in them. A hint. Any joint you move from default which is usually zero, is frozen in that position in SL. So if you want the arm to stay in a position and not be moved by lindens default animations you move all the joints in the arm and hand and shoulder off zero to 1. I have done this many times for poses. Like holding a cross in front of the body so it stays there and you can still move normally otherwise. I created a stiff pose by moving all joints off zero so the avatar will not move at all. I used it for a plant transformation avatar.
  9. Nope. You might put in a problem with Linden. I am very happy with the market place been selling very consistently.
  10. I got the script to work for the avatar pulling the plow. It is in the first prim so when you click it you get pony instead of sit. Before I spend any more time is it possible for a avatar to "push" the plow. I assume this avatar is just going where the pony pulls the plow. I have a pose just bend over in holding the handles but not an animation . I thought that just having the hands down and not locking the rest it could work. It does if you just run it I can walk normally. I was thinking of pose balls but do not know how to make them to work my pony script it just freezes the avatar. The only thing I can think that is close is the saddles. One that the pony controls and the other that the rider controls but in that case the rider is sitting. I will use the same script for the push cart. I could be used for pushing the plow (probally will sell that to) but do not know how to have two avatars one pushing the plow and the other pulling it. If it is not possible or behind me I will just sell the plow as a self propelled plow. The farmer can walk behind. Thanks for your help in the past.
  11. Naonao Watanabe prim generator. Unfortunatly this is the one I found first so I am stuck with it. You res a block and make stuff with them. There are no parameters except when you make the map. It has sizes x 1.5 etc but it makes them smaller not larger. I found that if I made the circles by them selves or with on or two other circles it comes out ok but not with other prims. Here is an example. (says there is no English support the manual in English is the best interpertation Japanes is correct) rez the cylinder. This is the message [12:21] *NN* Prim Generator v2.02: Put blocks within 100m. Push GENERATE button to generate the sculpted map. Keep vertices count within 32. If you set texture in top and bottom of BOX or make easily not to collapse, keep it within 16. To make the section of cylinder, sphere and torus smooth, keep it within 8. then [12:30] *NN* Prim Generator v2.02: Success! When you upload the sculpt map, make sure "Use lossless compression" is check. [12:30] *NN* Prim Generator v2.02: Prim Size: <1.49756, 1.50859, 2.71660> Texture: Repeats=<4, 128> Offset=<0.5, 0.5> or Repeats=<1, 32> Offset=<0.0, 0.5> or Repeats=<1, 64> Offset=<0.0, 0.5> [12:30] *NN* Prim Generator v2.02: Sclupted Map URL -> http://naonao.biz/cgibin/image.cgi?aHR0cDovL3NpbTMzNjUuYWduaS5saW5kZW5sYWIuY29tOjEyMDQ2L2NhcC81NWViMmYxOC0wZTc3LWI4NzMtNTNjYy0xMWE2ZWEyNDQ3NGU= " If you set texture in top and bottom of BOX or make easily not to collapse, keep it within 16. To make the section of cylinder, sphere and torus smooth, keep it within 8." This statment does not make any sense to me. Textures do not translate from the model so I do not know what it means by set texture in top or bottom, unless it means the sculpted prim not the model which does not work anyway since the sculpted prim is one texture! I put this model next to the generator following these instructions "To make the section of cylinder, sphere and torus smooth, keep it within 8." I have done nearly all the objects I need to do so buying another generators is not going to pay for itself not sure this is. But my sales are good but not that good.
  12. There are sites that list the colleges and companies, in SL. Look them up. I have been to a few of them. You expect other people to do your foot work? Still being negative! I have been working on computers for a long time 20 plus years. Netscape, Novell, Sun and many have sued Microsoft for many things and won. The name "internet Explorer" was owned by someone and MS used it and was sued. They stalled for years and finally settled. MS active directory was copy of Netware NDS. I wrote programs in Fox for dos. When Microsoft purchased they did little to upgrade it for years, but found that there were many companies that based their application on it and had no intention of going to access and vbasic. MS hates Foxpro because it is one license for both a programming license and database. They do nothing to promote it. Access and Vbasic are two licenses. They do everything to promote them. Programmers have repeatedly said that Access and Visual basic are totally inferior to Foxpro. I have seen programmers and companies that have said this over and over that is why it has not died. Just look at microsofts record of theft and law suites. I do not know what IBM people do all day. I read it on a site about IBM. But my guess is training. They have offices all over the world and spend a lot of money on training. In SL you can give classes for people all over the world from your computer! That would be my guess as to what they do. SL is a 3D network instead just text you have avatars show movies, slide shows and can had out information. Most colleges OK lets say a good percentage of the big ones. But you seem to be a Troll. "I suspect that if 'most' colleges and universities in the world had an SL campus there wouldn't be room for anything else." You for real? Anyone that gets a SIM is paying for a server. No room for anything else they make the room! Guess you just have to be negative without thinking about what you say.
  13. Doing the shape is nearly as hard as the skin. There are a hundred of settings. The shape is what shapes your face the skin is the color and make up. If you are good at shapes thats fine but belive me it is not easy. I have seen on the web people that will do a skin to match you. But I would not even attempt it. Only do simple skins. That blending and cut an paste would take me a long time.
  14. I make them and am seeing them fine, but a sim owner said all he sees is an object, picture included and not just mine but any sculpted prims. He has a lot of many primed furniture like tables and chairs, I gave me a sample of a chair and table like the ones he has but one prim each. I do not know the viewer he is using but assume it would have to support sculpted prims or Linden would not approve of it and it would not work. I sent it to him in the proper shape but it looks more than just out of shape. It is a table you can see the legs, but the body is a triangle instead of a flat table.
  15. I am using a in world sculpted prim generator. When I make round objects from a cylinder and torus I am finding that the "model" looks fine but when I make the map and up load it the sculpted prim is a hex shape. But when I break up the model into a couple of maps the rounds keep their shape better. Is this a normal thing or a problem? Example I made a wood barrel and it and the straps on the out side were hex. When I did the body of the barrel separate, two tapered cylinders, and the rings and top and bottom in a separate map it look much better, still a bit hex but not as noticeable. Yes I am aware there are no true circles in a computer, but the objects are not even close to the model and I have the viewer set at a higher resolution but others see the hex as well.
  16. I use Singularity and Phoenix viewer and both have the Temporary file check box. I do not like SL Viewer 2 so I do not use it. If Linden does not support it anymore then the other viewers will stop it. But Linden knows that the builders need it. I have loaded many textures as temp until getting it right.
  17. What are you taking about Tier? What Tier? You do not need to be a premium member to have a store or own land, If the land owner you have a store on closes you find another one. My in world store costs me nothing and brings the SIM people, but if the SIM owner charged me I would remove it. I do not make enough to pay for rent. The commission is nothing compared to paying rent unless you are doing thousands of $L sales a week and I doubt there are stores that bring thousands a week. It is very difficult to find stuff in SL and easy in the market. Yes, I will buy in world after searching in the market when I can but like one of the other members I can buy on line at work. My sales have gone up the last few months, and it is busy on the weekend. My sales brings money into SL world. MicroCrap or Microcrook I mean MicroSoft, was interested in buying Linden, gladly it failed. Everything they buy is either to put it out of business or they will trash it and make their own from the parts or just try to kill it like they tried with FoxPro. The only reason Bill Gates is interested in Second Life is because it is competition with his Internet Explorer,(and he sees the potental that it could replace it). They want to KILL Second Life! "But the LL board protects the commerce team. It appears they are charged with killing SL off. Slowly." What does that mean? It makes no sense. Commerce Team who is that vendors? Killing off SL slowly? Where did you get that, SL members are up and hours in sl is up? Yes Linden is lacking in marketing. SL has the potential to nearly replace a internet browser. People like me prefer the 3D environment over the 2D browser screen. I would do all my "internet" work on SL if possible. IBM has three islands in SL and 250 people working full time in SL. Most colleges and universities have a campus in SL and many offer classes, Counselor services and registration to their campus classes IN SL. Companies have had world conferences in SL and people love it because it is simple and can be done from their office computer. (No you cannot find most of the colleges or business because they do not advertise and have restricted SIMS.) Linden needs to do better marketing at colleges especially Community colleges like where I work. I have tried but they are not interested. I could teach a building class in a virtual campus, or textures or simple scripting. What upset you to be so negative against Linden and SL.? I am having fun and people like you kill it. Please find somewhere else to display your negative attitude like at a disgusting football game or barbaric boxing match.
  18. I am sure but someone of us do not have such fancy vendors and there is no point in paying big money for one. As I said 90% if not 99% of my sales is on the market place. I did not start selling until I put on the market place. So even if I get the same records keeping in world vendor I still would not put time into it.
  19. Because it is much easer to find stuff ie search. Try finding something searching in world? I sell 99% of my stuff on market place, very little in world. For the seller the market place is wonderful, no rent and as I said it is very easy to find your products. Yes some stores raise the price for market place seeming to forget they or most are paying rent for their store. I do not charge more for items on the market place. You seen to have a slow computer and or network connection. I do not have these problems when I purchase and rarely I get a customer say they did not receive it. The few times I have they said the either crashed before it was delivered or someone deleted it when received or refused the delivery by accident. The market place has been bad for Sim owners since they are losing rent. But even before market place I did not sell as much in world as I am on the market place. As I said it is the search on the market. FYI record keeping and information is 100 times better for store owners. You can find out what is looked at purchased in any month of course who purchased what and if it was delivered correctly. The in world vendors are very limited in the information they keep.
  20. Thanks but that does not help me with this. Can you offer any useful help or just criticism? This is the one I use and cannot buy another one. Oh by the way please take the time to spell correctly. No one takes anyone seriously that consistently miss spelled words.
  21. Having a very hard time with texturing objects made with a number of prims. Use the UV grid maps for simple things just getting a color in the right place is fine but when I use a texture like wood or metal it is a mess. I cannot get it to look even close. The uv map boxes are spread out and no matter what I do I cannot get it to the point were I can even see the numbers, cylinders are a real problem. Just want a wood grain on a wood pen. Also when It says vertices I assume it means the meeting points. In one sculpted prim there are 4 or 5 vertices as a triangle at at one point. It does havoc to a wood texture. Tried to put the prims in a different order before generating but does not seem to matter. Love the generator for things I just need to color but using textures is another matter. In the end if I need it to look nice I go back to single prims. I must be missing something anyone can help?
  22. This is what I am using. I have it slow because it is a plow. The avatar does not stop walking when I walk. And stops when it coasts to a stop. I have tried to put llStopAnimation("pony_walk") in a few places but all it did was to stop the walking totally. default { state_entry() { llPassCollisions(TRUE); llSetSitText("Pony"); llSitTarget(<1.3, 0.03, 0.20>, ZERO_ROTATION); llSetCameraEyeOffset(<-5.0, -0.00, 2.0> ); llSetCameraAtOffset(<3.0, 0.0, 2.0> ); llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR); llSetVehicleFlags(VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, .1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, .1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 100); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, .1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, .1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 10); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, .1); llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <100.0, 100, 1000.0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.20); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 0.10); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 1.0); llCollisionSound("", 0.0); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (agent) { if (agent != llGetOwner()) { llSay(0, "You aren't the owner"); llUnSit(agent); llPushObject(agent, <0,0,100>, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE); } else { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); llRequestPermissions(agent, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "get_on", ""); } } else { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llReleaseControls(); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "idle", ""); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm) { llStopAnimation("sit"); llStartAnimation("pony_stand"); llTakeControls(CONTROL_FWD | CONTROL_BACK | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT | CONTROL_ROT_LEFT, TRUE, FALSE); } } control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { vector angular_motor; if(level & CONTROL_FWD) { llStopAnimation("pony_stand"); llStartAnimation("pony_walk"); llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <5,0,0> ); } if(level & CONTROL_BACK) { llStopAnimation("pony_stand"); llStartAnimation("pony_walk"); llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <-50,0,0> ); } if(level & (CONTROL_RIGHT|CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT)) { llStopAnimation("pony_stand"); llStartAnimation("pony_walk"); angular_motor.x += PI*1; angular_motor.z -= PI*1; } if(level & (CONTROL_LEFT|CONTROL_ROT_LEFT)) { llStopAnimation("pony_stand"); llStartAnimation("pony_walk"); angular_motor.x -= PI*1; angular_motor.z += PI*1; } if(level & (CONTROL_UP)) { angular_motor.y -= 1000; } if((edge & CONTROL_FWD) && (level & CONTROL_FWD)) { } if((edge & CONTROL_FWD) && !(level & CONTROL_FWD)) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "stop", ""); } llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION,angular_motor); } }
  23. Was doing that but the avatar kept walking. Will post the script I am using after a few more tries. Thanks.
  24. I am not very good at this programming. So I need to be more specific. I got the vehicle script to work. Still turns to fast but moves more like a cart. I put the pony walk instead of sit. But when I stop I am still walking. I need to know the code to override just the walk and stand and not sit when I sit on the pose ball. The code for an AO seems way to much. Seems to me just a couple of lines would do it.. It is kind of an AO that is a pose ball I think. I will experment with http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Control. Thanks everyone.
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