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Casandra Kumsung

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Everything posted by Casandra Kumsung

  1. Me to, updated to new firestorm viewer, textures and avatars are grey. Takes forever for textures to show up if they do. Installed Alchemy viewer works fine. Not going to be using firestorm. But will uninstall and install the old version. Will get back on that.
  2. Griefers in charge? Nothing seems to be done about them. Was just pushed out of my home into space by one. Had to get the owner of the land to ban him. I think Linden should go back to paid accounts. It is the free account that makes griefers possible. I am making money on SL building ans selling and could pay for two accounts am paying for one. My husband and I have an account. He programs and I do the textures. We take it into pay pal, not a lot but a little extra to keep the checking accounts from going negative. Hate to see second life go away. If this keeps up the griefers will be in charge. Has SL long to live? It never did what they hoped, be a alternitive for the internet, for businesss and schools, It is a great idea to have college credit classes in SL but they cannot do it with all the trouble they have and the "super" hard ware and internet connection you need. Just wonder what others think!
  3. Thats interesting. So you charge 9 and you get it all and charge 10 and get 9, but Linden gets $1. I like supporting Linden so I will leave my 10 at that price.
  4. Thanks, I went thru all of my inventory. Have not had anything pulled in a few weeks. So either no one complained or I fixed it.
  5. I had a lot of textures disappear but off objects or sculpted maps, not texture pictures that I am aware of. I did not find out until people complained about it when the bought it. At least one I could not find in my inventory to fix the object. I know it was there I saw the objects in peoples sims so I know i could not have mistakenly use a temporary texture.
  6. I simply sent the boxes. I was under the impression that Magic boxes would not be supported anymore, I had about 2 weeks left so I did them all two boxes over 100 items. I did not have time to raze them all in world open boxes and send the folders. I just spent the last two weeks taking them out of boxes checking the permissions and updating them. Not to mention all the fixing I have had to do since going to direct delivery. Lost textures, lost scripted texture maps, lost images, even lost descriptions, some are not listed. And most had the permissions checked wrong. I have since then gone thru them all. But not rezed everything, or worn everything, except when customers complained or Linden unlisted it for some reason which was happening a lot and I am not sure why. Oh yes I had playing card face textures and had Alice in wonderland characters as key words, Linden did not like that. Even thought I sold the card texture for card soldier avatars and props. So the transition was not smooth.
  7. It gets the list but the first location stays on the screen even whey you change the search. You cannot get it to select another location. I use Singularity but have seen this in other viewers. Just wonder what is going on?
  8. Thanks everyone. That does work. And there is a delay. I am trying to get all my stuff out of the boxes so customers do not need to rez a box to use it. But I am finding missing textures including scrupted maps that I know were there. It is a lot of work to open and try everything. Thanks again.
  9. Phone calls are not an option for me. I work during the day and have to deal with kids when I get home. They just pulled another item saying not as advertised. The properties were as advertised and so was the description. Copy only. So I am at a loss. Once you read the message you get when you log on, it cannot be looked at again. Wish it has someone to IM to get the spacifics. Just wonder is someone is complaining because I sell my stuff for lower than them, and Linden just pulls it without checking. I unlisted all my items then relisted the ones I worked on in the last two weeks. Will now have to go throught all of them and check them and the listing before I list them again.
  10. it did not when I did either,or it did and it was blank.
  11. Updating inventory direct delivery? The problem is I will make changes to it, without changing the name and send it, then it shows up as unassociated inventory. I need it to replace the original. The only way I can fix it is to make a new listing, then delete the old one. Of course the have the same name so I can confuse myself. I have been unlisting the original first then creating the new listing from the updated inventory. Is this how it is supported to be? I thought it replaced it if was the same name! It is lots more trouble this direct delivery!
  12. Said something vaguely about spamming and key words. These are mostly my card soldiers, playing card textures and card avatars all related to Alice in wonderland. I had, wonderland key words, Mad hatter, march hare, cards, ace, spades, Alice etc. I do not see the key worlds as unrelated to Alice in wonderland. Not sure what to do now. They pulled them twice and not all of them. I took all the key words off. When I transferred to Direct delivery everything got messed up. The descriptions, textures disappeared and sculpted map textures disappeared. Got lots of complaints after that. Still cleaning up from that! WIsh I never went to direct delivery. I am sure some people are still using the magic box, I have had things I purchased say the magic box delivered them. If they pull them or any one again I guess I will have to unlist all of my inventory and one at a time test deliver them and make sure the permissions and textures are correct then eliminate the boxes. Was doing it but., this took me from it. Oh well not complaining just venting, not sure there is anything anyone can do, water under the bridge. This gives me about $30 a month extra income which my family needs plus pays for premium membership. Not much compaired to most vendors but does what I need. I just purchased a $26. Outfit for my daughters American girl doll for Christmas with SSL sales.
  13. I was never about to get around in V3 so I had the same problems with firestorm. I build so I am in automatic, and having to figure out how to do everthing again distractes me from building. I used phoenix and liked it but since they have put their effort in firestorm phoenix crashes a lot so I do not use it any more.
  14. I found it out but do not know why or how it happened. I somehow got shorcuts of the contents of a lot of folders into the "current outfit" folder. So evertime I came on I put all the stuff on. I just took everthing off and deleted the shortcuts in the Current outfit folder. Seemed to work. Not sure how it happend.
  15. Number one: Second Life is not a game. Number two: Yes you get a job. Number four. Are you over 18 because I doubt it calling SL a game. Number three. Buiild and sell Original stuff. Do not get free stuff and sell it of modify it and sell it. I made 20,000L Linden in about 6 months dancing. I used the $L to upload textures to make stuff. I make about $30 to $40 USD a month. Not much compaird to some but enought for me. It took me 4 years.
  16. Been in SL for 5 years never had these problems until Linden got rid of the Teen grid. But that is a good idea. I was never pushed, I kept away from him but he did get on top of me where there was no one left in the sim to harass, after I came back after 20 minutes to see if he left!
  17. Thanks. Just venting. I usually just leave but did not want to be forced to leave. He also somehow stood on people and would not get off. Saying he was a pest would be an understatement. He was there 45 minutes latter doing the same thing. Eventual there was no one left but him and the people that TP in then left after being harassed. Still do not see the purpose of this. I reported him but did not announce it except in Private IM to someone else who said they did to. In a sim a I spent a lot of time in, two people were creating things all over and yelling to people to stop it. They claimed it was how they enjoyed SL and we were wrong in stopping them! (One person trapped them until the owner showed up) The owner, I knew because I had a vendor there and helped with the SIM with the previous owner. So she banned this person and his helper. I am sure they were kids. But what is linden to do ask for IDs from everyone at an office? I know Linden could not support a teen grid anymore but this has ruined the fun for us. I make money in SL and take it seriously. These kids just are messing it up for everyone. What is wrong with kids today! (cannot believe I said that).
  18. I got a complaint from a customer that something I sold was missing a couple of textures. It happened to be something I sell a lot of and I IM the other customers and they said nothing was missing. I opened my copy and it was missing textures, I got the one from the magic box and it was also missing textures. I had to find the original texture file and redo it. And send the object to the customer, then put it in the magic box. What happened? I am now in direct delivery but I do not think it had anything to do with that since my copy was missing them too. Every now an then something is missing a texture. No it is not because I used a temporary upload. I considered that and that is why I im the other people some purchased after and some before and I made no changes to it in a long while. Seems to be ok now but it is a bother.
  19. All of a sudden when I was logging on I was wearing a lot of stuff. I finally figured out it was all the links in Current Outfit folder. I do not know how they got there. Any ideas how I managed to do that?
  20. This guy was pushing people off the dock into the water. He called himself griefer or words to that effect. He was very prowd of what he was doing and said you can not get banded for pushing people off into the water. I reported him with pictures but do not think it would help. If he is banned he just has to make another avatar. I am sure he is just a young punk but I still do not understand this. I was never like this when I was young. Got into trouble but learned very fast. This was just being nasty. Why do they do this? To what end? Just do not understand it.
  21. Have you looked on the market place? Searching is easer. I have tons of stuff but most is not transfer. Will see what I can give you.
  22. I have done a few things like that and do not charge much. IM me with a picture. Will make a sample. Have no problem of full permissions but will cost more. Understand the need so you can give them away. Even have sculpted symbols like stars so I can make a badge attachment.
  23. I have been looking for a quad walk AO with full permissions. Or the animations for a quad walk. I have done simple animations the hardest one was a human frog ao. But walking on all fours is very complex to do from scratch. I do not expect to sell many of the avatars to make it worth spending the time on an ao. There are plenty of bvh animations free but not a quad walk or something I can start with. Quad meaning the legs are straight and arms are lengthened walking like a horse. Any sugessions woud be helpful. I will sell what I have without an AO and refer to people buying a Gredentals children horse or cow and use that AO which is what I used to make it.
  24. Did not work still does not know I have a store. Here is a picture of the merchaned out box. I did put in a ticket the other day with Linden have not heard back from them. I have 68 items for sale and sell on the average $300 a day, Not much but would not like to lose that income while Linden figures out what is wrong.
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