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Tarani Tempest

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Posts posted by Tarani Tempest

  1. I just want to add a bit here.  One of the reasons we recommend troubleshooting , is that often the problem cannot be solved with a relog.  So better to fix the actual problem. 

    I cannot tell you how many times a HUD problem has been caused by another HUD's transparent area covering up bits of the Maitreya HUD.  No amount of relogging is going to fix that.  So, yes we prefer to find the actual problem.  And sometimes, the fix is a relog.  That is just not the first thing I tell someone to do. 

    Just like the days of..."Clear your cache" for every single problem you run into...."Relog" has become the new "Clear your cache" :P


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  2. I do almost all of my shopping inworld as well.  For a couple of reasons.  There are a few stores that don't keep their MP stores updated and I like experience of wandering around.  I like to see stores that are all done up and have personality.  That is the reason I am in SL, to see some stuff, do some stuff and make some stuff :P .  So, I want some eye candy when I am out and about.

    Others don't enjoy the experience, I get that.   That is where Marketplace comes in.  To each their own.

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  3. 40 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

    I do wish they made redelivery possible on the Marketplace. I know a merchant can initiate a redelivery, but customers should have the ability to request a redelivery on their own. I think if that feature ever becomes available for the marketplace, I'd close up my in-world shop and stop using a vendor system at all, in favor of going straight marketplace.

    I do think adding a redelivery system to the Marketplace is a great idea. Something I think they should have implemented a long time ago.  The Marketplace is their territory, their system...so it makes a ton of sense for them to offer that service.

    I personally would not close my inworld shop though. 50% of my sales are inworld, granted.... that is split between events and my own shop.  And I still think the vendor system and redelivery is my responsibility there.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Jules Catlyn said:

    The reason i provide it is because i think it is great service to provide to customers. I did not implement it because i had a lot of people asking for products to be redelivered. 

    Yep, this for sure.   We all know that things can get mucked up from deliveries to accidental deletion.  So, many SL businesses decide to offer it as part of their business plan.  It is good customer service.  Also Caspervend does Soooooooo much more for a designer than just redeliveries.  I honestly would be lost w/out it.  None of that is LL's responsibility.  It really is the designer's responsibility...it is part of running a good business in SL.

    I would rather LL stuck to keeping SL running as optimally as possible and continuing to work on amazing projects for all of us to play with.  Bento was and is amazing!  No need to bog LL down with having to babysit SL business owners and their customers.  There is already a great working solution for that.  Every single business in SL has the option to use it.



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  5. 27 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Doesn’t it make sense to restrict Gifting to Friends..?

    Not sure why it wouldn't be ok to gift something to anyone...on or off my friends list.  I am in a position in SL where I am in constant contact with a whole lot of people I do not know.  On occasion, I have helped a few of them out.  

    I like the whole idea of the new wish list feature very very much :)

    And , thanks to this thread...I now understand how to look anyone's wishlist, sooooo thank you for that :)

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  6. 24 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    GD is the off-SL-topic sub-forum, except that it's not for only off-SL-topics. It's general discussion about anything at all.

    The name of the section is :

    General Discussion Forum


    Second Life discussions welcome here! Please follow the community guidelines.

    .... Second Life discussions.  I looked at the community guidelines to see if there was a more clear description of that particular section, and I don't see much, so please correct me if I am wrong . Vague at best.

    I think the OP has a valid request for more clarification about what is and is not allowed.

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  7. 46 minutes ago, chibiusa Ling said:

    I think people get too elitist sometimes over it, they feel that just because their ass and boobs are the meshed equivalent of a gigantic mountain of jiggling jello that all other players should follow the same rules.

    This is basically just name calling.  There are elitist on both sides of this.  It really has nothing to do with mesh. And it certainly doesn't call for pointing out that they are jiggling mountains of jello lol.  You say you believe we all should let others wear what they want, yet belittle them at the same time o.O  

    We all have our own aesthetics that we prefer.  I am of course going to wear what appeals to me.   But I for one , love having so many choices, I love seeing so many different types of looking AVs ....... even those that prefer a more voluptuous or "jiggling jello" body type.  It absolutely makes the SLworld a much more vibrant and interesting place when it is full of so many creative and customized looking AVs.  System, Mesh, furry, skinny or plump.  Bring it on!

    On a side note: It still vexes me that people complain about mesh "clones" , yet fuss about anything that looks different from the only aesthetics they like ><

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  8. I have never found the system AV to be appealing.  I do not now or ever think it had more 'personality' and that is more unique....both things I hear often from those who have chosen not to switch to mesh. Back in the olden days, I was still just as vain as the next person, and dolled up my classic/system AV to the best of my ability.  I worked with what we had.  I adore mesh, I have adored it from the first day it arrived, and I got my first rigged mesh hair.....and I squealed with delight that it did not stabby stabby me :)  I think mesh heads and bodies are the best thing since sliced cheese :P

    Ok now with all that said....... I still very much understand and agree that it is just a cosmetic choice.  No one has to do it.  I don't expect everyone to do it.  I have met and had very nice convo's with people still rocking a classic body.  It doesn't change what kind a person someone is. Vive la Second Life and it's individualism!

    BUT, and this is mostly aimed at the system body people who from time to time come at us with a huge chip on their shoulder about the whole thing,  I am allowed to think the system AV is not appealing.  I am allowed to say that I love my mesh head.  It absolutely does not mean anything more than that. 

    Wear what you like....and allow everyone else to wear what they like as well   :)

    Also, yes.... there have always been bad taste in SL..before and after mesh.  But really , so what?  With out 'bad taste' ...how would you recognize the good :P



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  9. 15 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

    What is a red flag is contacting people out of the blue with no proven track record of hunts.

    This...very much this.

    Paying to be part of an event is normal.  Paying to be part of hunt is not how most of them work, it is not unheard of though, bigger hunts are marketed pretty heavily...so the price can be worth it for some.   But with any type of event you join, you need to know if you are  dealing with something legitimate...something you can actually research before you make any sort of decision.  If there is nothing in their profile regarding their 'Hunt' or events they are a part of , or past experiences with those things, absolutely be cautious.  Big wavy red flags for sure.

  10. I do keep my inventory neatly sorted, mostly by the 'type' of thing it is.  I do use the CTS wardrobe only for Hair, shoes and jewelry so far...and just as a visual catalog.

    Really though, tbh.... I rarely crack open that very neatly organized part of my inventory.  I pretty much wear w/e I have just recently bought.  I never end up having time to actually go back and wear all the other stuff I have.  And there is never a lack of new stuff and events to keep me occupied with shopping :P

  11. 9 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I didn't suggest that that's not the case. I gave my point of view. I included that attitudes might have changed over the years. But I'd still never sell copyable furniture.

    As I said, if you sell something that people want, and it's no copy, most people will probably suspend their no-copy attitude and buy it.

    I just want to point out that most of us were not responding to how he ran his business in the past, as that is irrelevant in today's market.  And that is the point. 

    But he has already stated that even today , he would keep his business model.  Which is fine and that is absolutely his choice. It is also our choice, as consumers (including the 'landlords') to buy from designers that will and can meet our current needs...and I am pretty sure, that would be....99% of alllll the consumer's choice.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I'm going to step on a lot of toes now :)

    Imo, the main reason why people want copyable furntiture is greed. Examples: They want to place a copy in several rooms, or in more than one building, or they want to rez a copy or two for friends if they like it, or they rent homes out and they want to put one or more in each home, but they don't want to pay for them.

    There are other minor reason, but that, imo, is the most common reason for wanting copyable furniture.

    How is that not greed on your part as well?  You want others to buy your items, then not be able to to do what they want with them w/out paying more of a price. 

    The best thing going on here is that no one has to even deal with that nonsense.  There are fantastic designers, selling everything imaginable ...that are in fact COPY/MOD. We buy it up...we display it ... we spread it around for all to see.  Those are the designers getting all the love, and for good reason. 


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  13. 22 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    ? I know I'm not alone when I say that much of my inspiration for various purchases over the years comes from having seen whatever the item was, being used/on display in some fashion before having ever stepped foot in a merchant/creator's store(or mp, as it were).

    You are for sure not alone. I would guess that probably 85% of my furniture/decor purchases originated from that very situation.  When I am out and about, if I see something I like....I get the info and set out to buy it for myself. This, of course has not done my wallet any favors, but it is what it is :P

    I have another important reason for wanting copy/mod items.  I often like to use furniture/decor items in my displays at events.  At the bigger events that I have been in, like The Skin Fair and The Vintage Fair...there are rules that all creators must abide by.  One of them is that NO scripts are allowed in our displays, except for the vendor scripts. That rule is very strict, and they will not OK your display until it meets all the requirements.  During the Vintage Fair, I realized that a chair I wanted to use, was actually no mod.  I did contact the creator, and she was very kind and sent me a set w/out the scripts....but it was too late for me to use them in the event.  The bummer here is 2 fold; I of course had to find a replacement, which while not hard...I was pressed for time. Secondly, the designer missed out on having her item on display....which was really very lovely piece.  Live and learn :)

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  14. 31 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Absolutely true.

    Maybe so, but the "reality" that I found was that I was in the top few % of earners in SL, transfering ~US$5000 a month to my bank from sales of no copy funiture. One forum user once wrote, "Whenever you go to Phil's store, there are always people shopping in it".

    Attitudes concerning permissions may well have generally changed over the years, but, if I did it again, which I won't, I'd still sell mod/trans/no copy furniture. I would still never sell a copyable sex bed, sofa, or anything that that landlords could rez many dozens of and pay me for only one. If you sell something that people want, probably most people who want it will overcome their desire of the copy permission - as many landlords did by buying quantities at a good discount, and coming back for repeats.

    I wrote and sold a temp rezzer many years ago, but none of my furniture was suitable for it, because temp rezzers need copyable items in them. It seemed a bit stupid, so I stopped selling it rather than sell copyable furniture.

    If you are not currently up with what is going on the furniture/housing business at this time.... what you did or didn't successfully do in the past has very little to do with today's market.  Things have changed so much....and designers have had to change along the way.  Just one small look at the fashion market right now, and it's extremely obvious how much it has changed in a few short years.

    As for those Landlords (landlords are people too, why don't they ever get any love!).....as for those landlords, they can find amazing furniture by a lot of amazing designers that sell all their stuff copy/mod.  They have no reason to have to deal with a 'no copy' rule.


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  15. 12 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    It's not all about the buyer. Remember that there's another person in the transaction who also has a point of view.

    The designer, of course , has a point of view...and however they decide how they want to sell something, that has and will always be up to them.  But, the reality is....most people want copy/mod furniture and houses... period. 

    I occasionally make exceptions for cute gacha items or an item of superb detail that I cannot live without it :P  If I find a cute chair for my new dining table....and if I cannot copy it over and over to fill in seating for 40 people if I so choose, I am 100% not going to buy it.   I would not hold any negative feelings about it, I would just simply move on and find a designer that offers something that will work for me.

    We all have a lot of choices.....that goes for both designers and consumers.

  16. For anything my AV wears, I actually wouldn't mind all of it no copy/transfer.  I am not interested in modding any of it, so that is not a problem.  I do buy a lot of stuff, I also tend to get bored of stuff Ive had for a while.  It would be nice to be able to just give it away, pass it on to someone that could use it.  I am pretty brutal about trashing anything that does not fit or I do not wear anymore...I cringe a bit every time, as it I would prefer to just be able to give it away.  I collect a lot of gacha stuff for that reason, aside from the fact that a lot of it is super cute too :P

    When I am buying furniture, housing and/or garndeny type stuff, I do prefer that to be Copy/Mod..for the obvious reasons.  I don't mind having cute gacha decor though.


  17. 10 hours ago, LogenOne said:

    I have known of this issue for years and it's not new I know, but it seems worst then ever these days.

    Kids these days....am I right? Ya know, back in my day......we read all the NCs and we liked it! :P

    "What happened to SL?"  .... was there ever a time when everyone always read the instructions? This just seems like business as usual.

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  18. 28 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

    I don't believe this is the primary reason for BoM idea, more of an 'icing on the cake'; it seems more about the ability to use pre-mesh outfits and faster texture rezzing.

    As well as, being able to layer textures that use transparencies.  Currently, layering them using the 'onions' of a mesh body results in the dreaded alpha 'glitching' . 


    34 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Now, none of these have.. parts nor clothing, yet they are not outrageous ARCs, well under the 120K that LL sets as the start of Jelly dolls. Will they really be that much lower without the "onion" layers? Will it make THAT much of a difference? 



    The  onion layers can have applier textures added to them, that is where the real difference comes in. More textures (1 body, 3 onion layers) , larger textures...more to rez.

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