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CaptainJack Grauman

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Everything posted by CaptainJack Grauman

  1. At http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Naru/135/125/640 on a small airfield with a large cargo-type aeroplane and a helicopter standing there, I found a tall metal mast and its top was at altitude 640.
  2. I have found a mountain-ridge-top airfield at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phasma/132/51/361 . I have seen similar real mountain airfields in Nepal on the television.
  3. I rarely see a vehicle on them. In the SL Wiki I found a page about vehicles that said that some vehicles are invisible or phantom :: is that why? Exactly what do "invisible" and "phantom" mean here? Can the user whose avatar is riding in an invisible or phantom vehicle, see his vehicle? I often see vehicles and aircraft parked on users' private land.
  4. How much are the roads used? I rarely see a vehicle on them. In the SL Wiki I found a page about vehicles that said that some vehicles are invisible or phantom :: is that why? It said that if I am driuving a vehicle and I run into an exclusion barrier or a privacy orb, I am teleported away, but the vehicle disappears. If I buy an expensive vehicle, and I lose it that way, do I retain the means of rezzing up another such vehicle?
  5. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riddings/95/195/119 At that link a vehicle road goes up an astonishingly steep hill :: on the real world I would not risk my motorcycle on iit. Recently someone (the Lindens acting as highway maintenance?) have put signs wherever a road crosses a sim border saying which sims the road is leaving and entering.
  6. Are road and railway tunnels under high geography possible in SL? I have been through plenty such tunnels in the real world.
  7. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horisme/14/220/186 In various sims including at this link I have found parts of what seems to be a Chinese-style long wall stretching across many sims. What is this?
  8. When did Second Life stop having weather, and why? When I started on SL, sometimes it was raining there, but not now or recently.
  9. I found a tall untextured pillar with a statue on top, at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cabera/179/183/725
  10. I have just found another very high mountain:- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/170/109/449
  11. Is a prim vehicle, a vehicle that was modelled outside SL (eg.. in an .OBJ mesh editor that I wrote, for rendering in an ordinary CGI art package), and was imported as it is into SL where it becomes a prim?
  12. > If you're moving fast enough, the simulator might calculate your position before the obstruction and after the obstruction -- you wouldn't hit it. If you're moving slowly enough, the sim will have plenty of time to calculate your position as you hit the obstruction. ... How often does the simulator calculate the moving object's position? About being stuck inside a fixed object :: if the moving object is big and the stray prim is small, does it ever happen that the moving object is stuck with the stray prim inside the moving object? If I get stuck, I have been advised to use the editor to free myself; but where do I click to start the editor?
  13. > you can slam into the object and can get stuck inside If this happens, is it always possible to teleport out of it and take your vehicle with you? When is something going to be done about sky junk?
  14. If a fast flying object (airplane, man with jetpack, etc) hits something floating in the air, the likely result in the real world is well known. But what happens in Second Life? If a fast-flying avatar or airplane hits a stray floating prim, what happens? is the prim knocked aside? Can either the airplane or the prim be damaged? Or what happens?
  15. As I wrote before, people can fly, unaided or with anything from a jetpack to a large airplane or spacecraft; but where to fly it? Flying leads to the matters of (1) sky junk, (2) security orbs with zero time before they eject the intruder. (1) There needs to be a purge against sky junk. It should be easy for Linden to write a computer program which looks through the object lists in all sim servers and lists all objects that extend over such-and-such a height. (2) In the real world, very high transmission masts and suchlike have warning lights on. Correspondingly, in SL there should be an ability to see all sky objects nearer than (say) 10 kilometers as warning symbols on the screen :: this would be distinct from the ordinary visibility limit. (3) There needs to a be a limit to how high a security orb can operate, partcularly zero-time-limit security orbs. A few times on a long high-level flight over land I was suddenly ejected to the area called Mauve. I do not see how I can see or hear anything sensitive or personal from 500 or 1000 meters overhead.
  16. There used to be airplane rides available at Abbotts Airport, and to get a flight you clicked on the plane as it flew in to land.
  17. I found a very high building standing on the ground (a square stone-built tower): Happy Campingland Castle::.., Zeuzera (109, 112, 1967) at its top; nearly 2 kilometers high! Is this the highest known object standing on the ground?
  18. I found a very high building standing on the ground (a square stone-built tower): Happy Campingland Castle::.., Zeuzera (109, 112, 1967) at its top; nearly 2 kilometers high! Is this the highest known?
  19. dusan Elan wrote: Welcom to the Joy of Being a SL pilot sadly the only safe place to fly is protected watterways. Overland sky os Flooded with trash. Sadly the area of sky that is clear is full of banlines if you clime up over banline hight you run into the Skyboxes. (which are easy to stear around but, you will allways find Full parsles or people who have controll issues and 0 second security orbs. (and dont give me that privacy trash it takes me 2 seconds to fly threw your tiny parsle and trust me I have no intrest in being a Peeping tom listeringe eydrops hurt) what linden lab Needs to do is declare a No build area in the skys over the mainland 250 to 400 meters to give aircraft a Safe place in the skys At http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Montezuma/127/95/251 is a strange vertical stack of big hemispherical sky objects.
  20. Likely much Second Life server space and internet link time would be saved by deleting all the sky junk.
  21. Sometimes when I right-click in an object and thus look at its Object Profile, its entries for Creator and Owner stay blank, however long I wait. What caused this?
  22. At "2014-04-02 : Abandoned Land, Montezuma (208, 84, 212) - Moderate" I have found another sky object (an orange-and-white hemisphere about ?50? feet diameter). Its description's Creator and Owner lines are blank; what likely happened to them?
  23. If I right-click on an object, a menu shows, and if I then left-click on "Object Profile" on that menu, an information list shows, including Creator and Owner. For example, at "Saiura's Home, Hookton (108, 125, 709) - Moderate" I found 2 items: a wooden board and a simple boat shape, both created and owned by Ryde Thor. But sometimes when I do this, an object's information list's Creator and Owner entries stay blank, for example a large grey floating hemisphere at "Chicco's Watchamacallies Shop - just original items - , Jizo (31, 233, 1120) - Moderate". Sometimes this happens even with buildings on the ground. What does this mean? Every object in SL surely is listed on a computer file somewhere :: a search could be made through all such files.
  24. I wrote an .OBJ-mesh-editor and with it I have made many objects for the CGI package Poser https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poser Is it possible to load an external .OBJ mesh object into SL, where it would become a prim? Is it possible to pose a Poser avatar in detail as can be done in Poser, i.e. set all bend angles at every limb and body joint? Guns can be bought in SL, but how to pose an avatar to hold a gun or tool?
  25. When flying about in the former Teen Grid I have found a 350-meter high mountain in Svecia. There was a crude structure on top with a "you have 10 seconds to leave" warning. Is it the highest mountain in SL?
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