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Porky Gorky

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Blog Comments posted by Porky Gorky


    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:


    Right, so it's some strange US teenage thing then.  Wonder it LL will ever consider their international residents and celebrate/promote/mention/notice a non-US event.

    It's Shrove Tuesday in the UK on 8th March, better known as Pancake Day! Maybe we could have a special promotion for that? Although I'm not sure LL will go for that idea as it seems that everyday is pancake day in the states.

  2. Not being American, I am not fully versed on what spring break entails. I have obviously seen spring breaks referenced in movies but that generally just involves teenagers getting inebriated and exposing themselves.

    Exactly what sort of "spring break" products can we sell to make the most of this promotional opportunity?

    Is it just beach and party stuff and whot-not?

    New Community Platform Update


    Pamela Galli wrote:


    If I can't eat it or spend it, I am not interested.

    This is a good point. Considering that some forum users have been helping people for years, investing their time and effort in providing solutions to problems in an effort to compensate for the for the failings of the official support system. I think these 'heroes' of the forums should be recognized, honored and most importantly rewarded for all their hard work. They should be given free premium accounts, free tier allocation, free advertising space, free Lindex trading plus Rodvik's personal telephone number so they can call him up any time of night or day? They should be set apart from the 'little people' and put on a pedestal so they can be admired and worshiped.

    In Pamela's case she should be given free edible bank notes so she can either eat or spend her reward.

    New Community Platform Update


    Pamela Galli wrote:


    It makes sense for the Answers forums I guess. But still don't know what the point of credits would be.

    I thought the benefit would be obvious.....it will make Proks life a lot easier when she compiles her FIC list every year.

    New Community Platform Update

    I don't think a high post count can be used to determined someone's value on these forums. In Ann's case I think her 4000 + posts is a good indication of her contribution to these forums, it amazes me that she has that many posts yet everything she posts is either relevant, informative, helpful or blunt and to the point with very little waffle, pointless posts or wasted effort. But looking at some of the posters who mainly hang out in GA forum, some have higher post counts than Ann, yet most of that is generated through bickering, trolling or posting pictures of annoying cats doing annoying things.

    I think people should be recognized for the hundreds of hours they have spent here helping and informing the community but I cant really think of a fair way to do it.


    Toysoldier.Thor wrote:


    I am not sure what the logic is for Brooke to change the long standing LL naming convention of an Open Office to a User Group meeting.  It serves no purpose but to increase confusion and reduce effective communications.  shrugs... but what ever.


    I think there are enough issues on the table right now that we don't need to create new ones. The name change is irrelevant. let the Lindens call the meeting whatever they like. As long as they turn up and address the existing issues with us, then that's all that matters. Any time spent discussing this name change at the next User Group meeting is time wasted.


    Brooke Linden wrote:

    Phase 1: 1/27 Release

    On  Thursday, the Marketplace will move to the General, Moderate, and Adult  content levels already in use in the Viewer. Just prior to this release  (starting on Wednesday), we will be running a process that will add a  content level to existing items. Once the release has been completed,  you will be able to review the ratings set on your Marketplace listings  by viewing your inventory: there will be a new column “Maturity” showing  what level the item falls into. Search will now support viewing general  or moderate/adult content. Please view the updated listing guidelines (link points to the current guidelines) on Thursday for more details.

    Hi Brooke, can you tell us exactly what factors are taken into account when you assign a rating to our listings during this initial phase? It would be useful to have this information in advance of your changes.


  5. Is this company being run by a muppet?

    You have lost over 60% of your staff, nearly all the major features of this platform are faulty and require work. So with a limited workforce and a major workload this is what you have been wasting your time and money on?

    So I'll ask again...... Is this company being run by a felt puppet with a hand up it's arse? If not, then lets go and hire Kermit as I'm sure he could do a better job than you nob heads.

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