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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. The is on the Hippiestock 2 thread also:) Hey Hippies here are the videos rough and raw. There are some cute shots in there like the return of all after the sim crash, Hippie in "ruth" form and Ima in a state of rest. The under stage shots and the odd crotch or upskirt were completely out of my control. I am heartbroken that I don't have Songbird and her friends one of the highlights of the event. So if someone does as a video PM me and I will arrange to have it included.
  2. Hey Hippies here are the videos rough and raw. There are some cute shots in there like the return of all after the sim crash, Hippie in "ruth" form and Ima in a state of rest. The under stage shots and the odd crotch or upskirt were completely out of my control. I am heartbroken that I don't have Songbird and her friends one of the highlights of the event. So if someone does as a video PM me and I will arrange to have it included.
  3. Lia, Wildcat, Val and Hippie hugs to you:) I skipped breakfast and went to brunch instead, then got tangled up in Hippiestock videos....woooot @Hippie: pssssst your flash is broken /snickers....
  4. @Celest: capture some still pics off the videos when there all up. Oh and yes Moxie was born cute Celestiall Nightfire wrote: I almost never take snapshots, and when I do, the snaps don't have me in them. But, here's one I took, that does have me in the snap. The snapshot is really of Moxie though, isn't she beautiful! : )
  5. Raining and dark, but as Val says it's Friday wooooot. hugs all:) @Val nice teddy:) @Hippie eating at Lils this morning;) @Wildcat Lia and Lil huggles to ya:)
  6. This first part of the Hippiestock 2 video is on youtube. More will be posted and shown here or linked in the feeds as they get finished. It's dirty, jerky, laggy with original sound, but its Hippiestock in the rough - enjoy:)
  7. hugs all you wonderful people:) @Lia: aaaawww Stewie is cute and looks to be at home @Hippie: How are you today getting better I hope? @Val I have to get to the campfire also probably the weekend. @Wildcat: Waiting for a tune when your day is over:)
  8. That's cool I just saw some humour in "well-known and secondlife" in the same sentence. It is not intended as anything more than causing me to laugh in a good way. So many here try hard not to be known. Anyway no offence I hope I just liked it.
  9. @16: I laughed I hope I was suppose to
  10. I just saw the Advisor woooot congrats Hippie:) Now you I would take advise from:)
  11. Okay that is sweet Anahata and the pockets hanging out is a touch most miss, I love it:)
  12. Hugs guys!!!! Wow I felt good tell I saw your pics Hippie get well fast. Lets see if I can find a pic to help you:) or don't show Ladysue lol
  13. If one could have a second chance at life it would be empty by the lack of mystery and surprise.
  14. @Wildcat: lol I was backwards with my PM AM, but I bet you had fewer notices in your emails /dee cleans her glasses ooops:)
  15. @Val hugs and great pic:) @hippie hugs to ya:) @Lia, I loved the post, hehe hugs ssssshh Wildcat is still sleeping
  16. @Cinn: Great pic, you have to let him out more lol @Venus I love the outfit and the setting of the pic is perfect:)
  17. Love it Argus, the mushrooms are perfect, not to mention the view from the back
  18. A lovely outfit Dil and now we know the rest of the story. I was glad to hear you got it back
  19. "Bad Penny" my butt. You can hang out with my loose change any time Lia:)
  20. Hugs Lil, Lia, Val, Hippie and Wildcat that was a great weekend. Now what? lol. Really though, lots to do.....stay safe
  21. Dil just looked yep I got it. I am still chuckling as I think about what Cinn typed sort of matter of fact like "she left her skirt" and takes another brownie. Pretty funny:)
  22. @Dil: I am so glad Tem got pics. That has to be one of the best exits I have seen in 4 years. Most say goodbye and the spot they leave may show a particle or two, but you depart and the skirt stayed behind. Between laughing, lag and pointing with Cinn, I didn't manage to get one. Congrats on the best departure from Hippiestock II that I saw:)
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