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valerie Inshan

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Everything posted by valerie Inshan

  1. Goooooooooood morning! Woohoo, who's that handsome guy? *blinks and winks* Well, hellooooooo you!
  2. Thanks for your edit. I would try first to clear your browsers's caches and cookies,then quit and relog. (eventually restart your computer too). Unpluging and restarting your router could help too. If does not fix it, file a support case under "problem" > "account" > "Second Life Web Login issues". Good luck!
  3. I just made a test: no such error when posting an event (using Chrome). Are you using IE? Try to post your event using another browser such as Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
  4. Yes,you and your alt can have two different MP stores : you can have up to 5 avatars using the same payment information and email address.
  5. Good morning Maddy and Hippie! Happy Wednesday to you, and thanks for the Nutella!!!
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning! Happy Friday! Peace! Friday??? Did you say Friday??? Dang, how I wish it was true!!! Love ya Hippie!
  7. Su inventario ciertamente no se pierde porque se almacena en los servidores de LL, no en el equipo. Ingresa en un lugar lagless (como Pooley). Escriba cualquier cosa en la ventana de búsqueda de inventario y espera sin moverse ni TP hasta que sus artículos son todos completamente cargado. Esto debería restaurar todo su inventario. Una vez que se han cargado todos sus objetos, puede TP otro lugar. Otros consejos y explicaciones se describen en este enlace: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_Recovery_Steps/es
  8. On the mainland, your premium member status allows you to submit a support case: Land & Region Other Land Issues : describe the issue and ask LL to send someone to terraform the terrain.You can also contact Live chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ In both cases, make sure you give the correct name and coordinates of the land. And, as obvious as it may sound, if you rent on a private pregion, just contact the landlord to terraform the offending parcel.
  9. *facepalms* Oooooohhhhh..... I so hate those typos! Thank you Perrie! :smileyembarrassed:
  10. Some tips and explanations are in these links (from the Firestorm team, but it applies to any viewer). http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_very_laggy http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/lag
  11. Não existe tal coisa como um downgrade automático. VOCÊ tem que fazer o downgrade antes de sua próxima data de vencimento, ou a sua assinatura premium será renovada automaticamente. Abandone sua casa Linden, qualquer terra que você possui ou contribuir en el continente. Certifique-se de fazê-lo em tempo, a caso contrário, sua conta pode ser suspensa por falta de pagamento.
  12. A Linden Home? If you are a premium member, just go to your dashboard and click on "get your Linden Home now". You will be proposed to choose between 4 different themes, each one presenting several models of house. Choose the one you like best, name it, TP to it and set your home position here. Voilà! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103
  13. Middleton Gibbs wrote: i just tried to place a L$ sell order on the SL website but it says i cannot sell because my daily transaction limit is 0.00 US dollars First of all, you do NOT need to have a premium account. I assume it is because you haven't used the LindenXchange before today. You have to buy some L$ first (the minimum amount is 2500 L$ - approx 10.43 US$), then you will be able able to sell L$ (within the authorized monthly limits) 8 days after your first purchase of L$. There are indeed limits as described below: Limits Notes: 24 hour and 30 day limits are computed on a rolling basis. The buy limit summarizes and restricts market and limit buy usage of the LindeX™ exchange. The sell limit summarizes and restricts market and limit sell usage of the LindeX™ exchange. The purchase limit summarizes all US$ billing activity that was not fulfilled from a credit on your US$ account balance. The purchase limit restricts all nonrecurring US$ billing activity that can not be fulfilled from a credit on your US$ account balance. "Days" in the New Resident limits description refers to days since first billing transaction with Linden Lab. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php However, you may request a review of your account to increase your limits. Please visit the support system and submit a ticket. Select Billing -> LindeX™ Billing and Trading Limits Review Request We'll review your request and get back to you within 5 business days. I would not suggest the lattest, as by the time LL reviews your request, it will be more than 8 days. Unless, of course, you need to sell more than US$300.
  14. Vea la respuesta (en Inglès) en tu otra pregunta: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Help-me-please/qaq-p/2887778#M12170
  15. Reclaiming group land If you wish to reclaim land you have donated to a group, you must complete both of the following steps. Remember that your land contribution to the group (in square meters, not parcels) counts against your total land usage, and does not automatically decrease if you reclaim a parcel of land from the group. Failure to remove group land contributions before reclaiming a parcel for your personal use can result in an increase in land tier fees if your total land usage in group contributions and owned parcels exceeds the next land tier. Remove your existing land contribution Do this to avoid an unnecessary increase of land tier. Go to Communicate > My Groups. Select the group the land is deeded to from the MY GROUPS tab of the People window. Click the Group Profile button. Select Land/Assets. Set Your contribution to "0" sq meters. Click Save. Sell the land to yourself for L$1 Follow these steps:Right-click the land and select About Land. Click the OBJECTS tab and set Auto return other Residents' objects to "0". Warning: Failure to turn off auto return may result in the return of all objects on the land! On the GENERAL tab, click the Sell Land button. Enter L$1 under Set a price. Under Sell the land to, choose Specific person from the dropdown menu and click Select. Enter your name in the search field of the CHOOSE RESIDENT window and click Go. Select your name and click OK. Under Sell the objects with the land? option, choose No, keep ownership of objects. Click the Set Land For Sale button. Right-click the land and select Buy Land. Click the Purchase button. If desired, deed the land to a new group.
  16. Process Credit. If you wish to transfer some or all of these US Dollars to your PayPal account, go to your Account Summary on your Dashboard, and you will see a US Dollar balance with a “process Credit” link next to it. Click that! Then next page shows that the Process Credit has changed (for now) and you are given a link to the knowledge base if you care to read more about it. You will need to select a Payout Method, so click the Payout Method plus button . BE VERY SURE THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU GIVE THEM IS CORRECT, BECAUSE THE FUNDS WILL GO TO WHATEVER EMAIL YOU ENTER!! You should only need to do this part once, unless of course LL changes things again. Clicking on the plus button will take you to this dialogue for Change Payment Method. If you need to add a payment method, click the link to add a payment method. If you have processed credit to PayPal in the past, you will be able to tick a box next to PayPal Address that shows the email you use to process PayPal payments. Tick the button and click continue. Now you will see the PayPal logo and the email you use for PayPal under payout method. BE VERY SURE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECT, BECAUSE THE FUNDS WILL GO TO WHATEVER EMAIL YOU ENTER!! Then click the Request Process credit button You will again be asked to enter your SL login information, and then you will be directed to a page showing the Transaction Details of your Process Credit Request. Now you will wait – again – for about 3 to 5 days, (could be 7 days if its your first time). Then you will get an email from PayPal saying that your money is available in your PayPal account. And that’s how you optimize your cash out from Second Life to real money!
  17. Good morning Hippie and Maddy! I'm feeling so wicked today I'm sooooooo tempted to post this video on my ex's wall! :matte-motes-evil: Have a great weekend folks!
  18. Not as cute as you, Maddy! *clears throat*... Would you marry me? :heart:
  19. *peeps in and shouts: helloooooooooo!!!* Happy Thuesday my friends! Hugs and love!
  20. You don't need a Premium account, but you DO must have payment information on file. So yes, if you Paypal is no longer active, this would be the problem. Authorized participants Only users that meet the criteria for Skill Gaming are permitted to access Skill Gaming Regions and participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life. Participation is limited to residents who meet the following criteria: Have current billing information on file Are at least 19 years of age Do not reside in a prohibited state listed below Are not connecting from a prohibited state Note: If you believe you meet all requirements for access, but are still unable to enter a Skill Gaming Region, please try resubmitting your current billing information and re-logging into Second Life as a first step toward troubleshooting.
  21. You may combine two parcels into a single parcel if they: Are in the same region. You cannot join land across a region boundary, meaning you cannot join two parcels which are on 2 different sims. Have the same owner. You cannot join your group land to your personal land. Share a common border. Note: When you join land, the combined parcel takes its name, settings, and database ID from the larger of the two parcels. This may have an impact on search rankings, so proceed with caution. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113#Section_.1.1 Discussion about sim crossing in this thread:http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/SIM-border-crossings/td-p/2457329
  22. Your sim does appear in search, however it is not listed on the grid survey. http://gridsurvey.com/index.php http://search.secondlife.com/web/search/?q=Daydream+Village&s=secondlife_com&m=N〈=en-US I just tried to TP to your place, and got the message that the region is currently not available. Please note that a server maintenance is undergoing, which could explain why your sim is not available at the moment: Scheduled Server Maintenance [Posted 2:37 PM PST, 20 January 2015] We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, January 21st at approximately 1:00 AM PST. During this time, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may be logged off or experience degraded performance. Additionally, during this time Group Chat may fail. Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects and making L$ transactions during this maintenance. Please check back here for updates http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2015/01/20/post2458/ If the problem persists after the maintenance is completed, you can file a support case an report your region as offline. How to report an offline region "This region is offline." "The simulator is offline." "Region not available." "We've got a sim down!" No matter how you put it, it's the same thing: sometimes a region will go offline, rendering it inaccessible. The reasons are many and various. The important thing is to report it so that Linden Lab can correct the situation. Note: Remember to check the Status Blog — Linden Lab might already be aware of the issue, in which case we're working to fix it. To report a region as offline, submit a support case. Both basic and premium account holders can submit cases for this particular problem: Under What type of problem are you having?, select Land & Region. Under Land & Region, select Report an offline Region. Enter the region's name and any other pertinent information, such as anything unusual observed before the region went offline Click Submit. Linden Lab will address the report as soon as possible.
  23. I am afraid I am not brilliant enough to keep on talking here..You have impressed me; all of you, with your intelligence and common sense. You held a torch upon ignorance, sometimes bright, sometimes darker. But in all cases, you added your stone to the edifice. And this is all what matters. It was the spirit of this thread. Thank you all. Edited for typos
  24. It happens to me all the time, lol! Quit and relog and do a search by name. Then rez the object again, in another place on your land if necessary. It's not lost, no worries.
  25. Madelaine McMasters wrote: DId someone say "cuddle"? I'm always happy to plop down on a comfy friend... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!! I'm too skinny, Maddy. You wouldn't like that. MayI suggest you plop down on Hippie? Happy Tuesday to you!!!
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