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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. "Ehi SL is not the whole world for heaven sake"" Eh...just curious, if it is not, why do you post here? Anyway, you sound exactly as my psychotherapist.
  2. "The ActiveWorlds client is not available for Linux." Oh, these damned communist altruists!
  3. Oh, this sounds as heartbrekening as the whining of the mesh crowd on that stupid, minor prim which was in the way of their 15 years old technolgy for sooooooo long.
  4. I did not say it is THE essential part, but it IS a very ,very important part. I can assure you that you will not miss my name on the customer list of any content creator in SL offering quality work. My inventory maily is made of other people´s creations. I must have spent thousands of dollars meanwhile, i never relly checked how much exactly. And no one of us can create everything adorable just by herself, time does not allow it, even if skills do. And honestly, it´s not fun then. But. You are right when you mention the overflooded market. But mesh imports will not make this better but much, much worse. They´ll have a massive impact on the prim ecosystem, a massive impact on content creatin, and a massive impact on the casino economy - if LL does not get it right, But maybe they will. I hope so, because i really love SL, i#d hate to see it go.
  5. Nacy, Second Life as it is DEPENDS on the snowball "economy".. Witjhouit it SL would never ever have taken off. Do not underestimate this most essential fact. If you only want to create, then you can do it at home, you do not really need SL. If you want to show it off, you can do it in Activeworlds (since 10 years - for much, much less fee), you do not need SL for this. Commerce and playing the merchant, even for a few dollars which barely cover the expensses, shopping for goodies, all this is essential part of the SL feeling, just as creating and showing off . While Linden fees, financed directly or indirectly by content creation, are an essential part of LL revenue. And so on and so on. Anything which endagers this big time will cause major havok. much more havoc than any lousy mono implementation ever could do there. It all depends how much LL will penalize meshes, as they did with sculpties. If they find the right balance, this will work with imports (somehow), but if not SL will be goin down the drain pretty soon.
  6. That´s not the point, Nacy. Of course people will never stop creating, but IF there is a worn out way to create anything virtual apart from the text document then it is creating a 3D model. This happens since at least 15 years on a professional level. There simply is nothiong new left to create there, and it is all available for free or almost free on any other website on this planet. And my two cents: It will all appear in SL. 15 years of mesh creation. For free or almost free. Nacy, yu actually might be 15 years too late. The thing is that there will be no commerce possible with such a format. Phil Linden was not a fool when he made the prim the center of the universy, excluding all the pros. The prim universe was more creative and suited for SL - because it was easily accessible to everyone, even the 3D know nothing. Phil knew this, believe me. The prim was an essential part of the Linden success story. I have no idea what exactly LL´s plans are. But to me, and not only to me, they do not seem to be related to any kind of innovative and unique content creation anymore. Ll goes Active Worlds there, and this is really old stuff. So what is new with mesh import? Only the renderer. /me shrugs
  7. True, Ann, but better overstate now than after the goldrush. Btw, i doubt that more than 1 percent of those who do not get rich by second life (which are 99,9 percent of the userbase) are really after getting rich by SL. It´s a "game" after all. If something does not pay the RL bills. But they will not be willing to invest more than necessary or/andsd bearable into SL, and this certainly does not include learning a complex 3D application as recommended by LL. Agreed?
  8. "If mesh makes it impossible for those people to earn *at least something* they will leave." Of course they will. Let´s hope Ann is right, but i fear LL has compületely different plans for SL, anyway.
  9. "And I'm bored by all the emphasis on making money in Second Life and the expectation that once people found a gimmick everything had to stay in suspended animation (that wasn't intentional) to protect a segment of the population whose made a business out of this." Okays, you may not be intersted in Shaw, but maybe you can read these simple statistics: http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/sl-statistical-charts-testing/#slucb The LLPF charts show that only about 800 accounts worldwide make enough money by Sl to call it a "business" Of these 800 maybe 100 are into some kind of content creation. And these very few will not mind about mesh import cause they make enough cash by Sl for a solid investment. So there is virtually no "protection" of anyone NEEDED who is running a REAL business in SL. About 100,000 accounts make just enough money to cover their expenses and a bit more. And these include almost every content creator in Sl you visited on your shopping tours. The RL "business" in SL myth is what it is. a MYTH. You are judging from the top of a mystical hill there,maybe you read to much Shaw while not recognising it was Shaw. Anyway. If someone needs protection in Sl, then exactly these small "businesses".(I call them "business" in a SL sense, okay? Caue they are none in a RL sense.). And only because these small "businesses" WERE protected by a more or less closed content creation environment, they could make enough money to pay the Linden tiers (or indirectly by parcel rent). With mesh import this protection will be lost. Textures, avatars, buildings, skins, whatever you can think of will be dust. And do you h#onestly think that these hundredthousands will learn Blender or something only to stay into this charicature of a "business", with an overflooded market of freely available stuff ahead? The rest is simple logic. You really should try Shaw.
  10. "No I don't know Shaw or "the famous typewriter sculptie"...should I?" Who cares about Shaw with a WIngs 3D handbook sitting on the shelf... "But Jamie tells me its a waste of time replying to you." Who is Jamie? A character from the 3Ds example library?
  11. And you actually think you can make money with MESHES?
  12. Profiky, as a landlord i would not mind about mesh import at all. In theory it will add a lot of fresh content, which will attract a lot od fresh consumers who will rent your parcels for simply spending money on SL. The problem is that the snowball casino economy in SL will crash as soon as the prim based creators realise that LL f****** them into the a***. And i cannot predict what will happen then, but it will not be very pleasant overall. The next problem is that all the silly fools who think that they can actually make some money wth meshes in SL will crash mercilessly within the next two months, when they recognise that there will be no market for meshes cause every mesh you can probably think of will be for free or almost free (Anshe etc.) , and if not in SL, then on a million of free exchange websites and all the follow-ups. So what will be left is much less than you have now, until the "new", pure consumer role model of a resident appears on the scene, viewer 2, facebook and twitter compatible. But if and when this will happen - who knows?
  13. "I have no idea who Shaw is" You do not know Shaw? You kniow, that avatar who imported the famous typewriter sculptie.
  14. "Its simple...meshes are basically nothing more than advanced sculpted prims." Shaw was soooo right!
  15. "Ah. You want a walled garden, to be a big fish in a pond made small." Oh, when mesh import is up i´ll offer you about 500 different free ponds and about any fish you can think of for free. We could coperate on the garden building, by email, you know, Sl isn´t realyl so great for building cooperations with mesh. But only if you prove me that your garden is better than mine. Just IM me.
  16. "Philip is doubling the ante by increasing prim counts on sims, or so he said." This is not official yet, and i doubt that he will do it at all. If he would, this REALLY would be the end of the prim as we know it. It would be just a more elegant and less obvious way to remove creation tools from the client software. And THIS really would kill SL within a day or two, not weeks.
  17. "I might just start spending money again and rent a bigger place to store the stuff."" I really wonder why you want to "store" stuff for money. Isn´t your 3D software packed hard disk good enough for that?
  18. yep, a desktop pool never sinks.
  19. "I'll believe that when you and Prokofy hit the "cancel account" button." THEN ACT LIKE IT'S YOUR JOB. SINK OR SWIM TIME, I'IN'T IT THEN? Oh, i never claimed to be an angel!
  20. Most of these mesh fanatics remind me of my fav Shaw quote, who said. Hell is full of musical amateurs
  21. You don´t get it. We all want mesh, we only do not want mesh import and all the follow-ups ruin Second Life (which is a very valid suggestion). No one here denies that mesh would be a good thing for SL. But we want it in-world, for a vaeriety of reasons.
  22. "That said, if you're still worried that meshes are going to ruin you financially: THEN ACT LIKE IT'S YOUR JOB. SINK OR SWIM TIME, I'IN'T IT THEN?" Oh, what a lovable post. I wish you would write this in BIG red letters onto a sign placed in each mall, each little store, on each sim. Wow, Sl would be closed within a week. Oh, and where will you sell your glorious meshes then? Apply for a job at Anshe´s? China is cool, io heard.
  23. Anshe gets big time rebate from Linden Lab, this is not a rumor but a proven fact. And she does not really compete with the Linden Follies by flooding SL with her readymade sweatshop meshes. Both sell SERVER SPACE in first place, not content. The content is only the best way to tease people into renting server space. So yeah, i virtually see Anshe#s avatar jump thru the non existant roof of her 1000 SL sims in joy. While her sweatshop boys work their ass off for peparing their alreay made stuff for day zero. Win-Win for her. In ANY case.
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