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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. He, you know, will you wait for doomsday? Btw, without payment info on file YOU most probably will not even be able to import a....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek...PRIM!
  2. Problem? What problem? I have none. You?
  3. "Nice try Viv but you got it wrong." What are you talking about? I did not interprete anything but only sdtated tht mesh does not change anything regarding the license you grant to LL by uploading it. Your interpretation is as irrelevant as any fanboy interpretation is, in fact. Ask you lawyer instead of your 3Ds tutorial.
  4. 7. CONTENT LICENSES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 7.2 You grant certain Content licenses to Linden Lab by submitting your Content to the Service. You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to or through the Servers, Websites, or other areas of the Service, you hereby automatically grant Linden Lab a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicenseable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content solely for the purposes of providing and promoting the Service. You understand that this license enables Linden Lab to display, distribute, promote, and improve the Service. You agree that the license includes the right to copy, analyze and use any of your Content as Linden Lab may deem necessary or desirable for purposes of debugging, testing, or providing support or development services in connection with the Service and future improvements to the Service. The license granted in this Section 7.2 is referred to as the "Service Content License." 7.3 You grant certain Content licenses to users of Second Life by submitting your Content to publicly accessible areas of the Service. You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to any publicly accessible areas of the Service, you hereby grant each user of Second Life a non-exclusive license to access the User Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content In-World or otherwise on the Service solely as permitted by you through your interactions with the Service under these Terms of Service. This license is referred to as the "User Content License," and the Content being licensed is referred to as "User Content." "Publicly accessible" areas of the Service are those areas that are accessible to other users of Second Life. If you do not wish to grant users of Second Life a User Content License, you agree that it is your obligation to avoid displaying or making available your Content to other users. For example, you may use Virtual Land tools to limit or restrict other users' access to your Virtual Land and thus the Content on your Virtual Land. "Your interactions with the Service" may include use of the Second Life permissions system and the copy, modify, and transfer settings for indicating how other users may use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, or perform your Content In-World subject to these Terms of Service. Any agreement you make with other users relating to use or access to your Content must be consistent with these Terms of Service, and no such agreement can abrogate, nullify, void or modify these Terms of Service. You acknowledge that when you receive a User Content License you receive only licensing and use rights: You therefore do not acquire ownership of any copies of the Content, or transfer of any copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights in the Content. You acknowledge that with respect to the use of the words "Buy" and "Sell" as used in this Agreement and throughout the Service in the context of User Content: (a) the term "Sell" means "to grant a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," (b) the term "Buy" or "Purchase" means "to receive a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," and © the terms "Buyer," "Seller," "Sale" and "Purchaser" and similar terms have corresponding meanings to their root terms. This includes User Content that may be Bought or Sold on the Xstreet SL online marketplace. 7.5 You may delete copies of your Content from the Service, and the licenses you have granted for the deleted copies will terminate with certain limitations. You may delete copies or instances of your Content that you have displayed In-World or that are in your Account inventory through the normal functionality of the Service, including by emptying the trash folder in your Account inventory. In such event, the licenses granted by you in this Section 7 shall terminate in the manner provided below, but only for those particular copies or instances of Content that you have deleted from the Service. You acknowledge that this termination will not apply to any other copies or instances of the same Content that you have not specifically deleted from the Service, including without limitation those that may be displayed elsewhere In-World and those that may be in the Account inventories of other users to whom you transferred copies. You acknowledge that the Snapshot and Machinima Content License granted to Linden Lab and other users with respect to your Content will survive any such termination. You also acknowledge that the Service Content License granted to Linden Lab with respect to your Content will survive any such termination solely as follows to permit Linden Lab: (i) to retain server copies of particular instances of your Content, including copies stored in connection with back-up, debugging, and testing procedures; and (ii) to enable the exercise of the licenses granted in this Section 7 for any other copies or instances of the same Content that you have not specifically deleted from the Service, including those that may be displayed elsewhere In-World or exist in other users' Account inventories.
  5. A billiant idea? Rubbish. It was born out of necessity. It does not change anything in a legal way, in fact, regarding the license you grant to LL by uploading stuff. Read the ToS. Thanks to TPV i can export anything i am creator of, anyway. Nothing they did over the past five years was "brilliant". The last i thing that could be qualified as being "brilliant" was enabling free accounts and feeding the hype back in 2006. But that´s it.
  6. Hehe, european leftist? Funny. Do you play together with the neocon market radicals in your RL sandbox, too? He.
  7. "the anti-mesh party" Neither Ann nor me is "Anti-Mesh". You obviosuly do not get my point. Social darwinism on work, i suppose.
  8. "it's just social darwinism at work." So Miss Sin comes up with social darwinism. LMAO
  9. "Who builds a better mouse trap catches more mice, those that dont .... well .. im sorry." So IMVU is the better mouse trap? Obviously. But is it the more shiny techniology? Obviously not. Not even now, without SL mesh imports. There must be something wrong with Linden Lab far beyond Mesh or not Mesh. Maybe letting customers pay for the ability to align prims or import meshes might be a tricky business idea. But if you make hundredthousands of people pay millions of dollars for their time, skills and passion and exploit people´s content in any possible way - then you must deliver something in return which is worth their investments. If you do not, you´d be forced to fire 30 percent of your staff and watch people leave the sinking ship for alternatives.
  10. "...and you’re interested in creating mesh objects in Second Life.." Umm? I thought this is about creating mesh objects elsewhere? Did i miss somthing?
  11. "If someone starts selling mesh skyboxes (which you can't download from TurboSquid for obvious reasons), you will be screwed, because a mesh skybox with a prim count of 700 (equivalent to your most expensive model) will make yours look like a cardboard box." I am not afraid of this, cause i do not need the income. I could rebuild all my stuff in c4d, but i am not sure if it is worth the effort. I have not decided on this yet. I mainly pay my store homestead and demo area and some SL luxury by the income, and i am pretty active in a lot of social communities. I am not interested in SL as being a professional platform and never was. Moreover my aim in SL building is providing interactivity and versatility, something mesh cannot give me, anyway. And yes, i use sculpts wherever they make sense. What did you ever build in SL? What did you ever contribute to SL? Did you ever pay any noteworthy amount of money to Linden Lab? Spend any dollar on creations made by others? I cannot see any hint in your profile. Edit: No payment info on file. Anything to hide, my dear friend?
  12. "SL was a new challenge for them, and this challenge is what kept their interest in SL alive. If you take away SL's challenging aspect, it will die because people will grow out of it." I agree there, but i doubt that learning Blender, 3ds, Wings or whatever just for fun is challenge enough. At least not for the vast majority. The thriving force behind SL content creation is commerce, and even if it is for a few dollars only (as is for the vast majority). That´s how the SL system works and what keeps it alive (apart from trapping people´s inventories). And i dunno if it is less challenging to tweak a prim or make a damn sculptie work than inflating a Toyota blueprint in Blender. "And there won't be enough newbies to replace them as long as SL looks like a game from 2003 (while using resources like a game from 2011). True, but SL is not a game in the gamer sense. People still read Mickey Mouse. People still watch old movies and read old books. It is desirable to improve visual quality, but your view is a bit too one sided. Mesh imports or mesh in-world editing are not what you obviously think they are, the final allroundmakehappy solution. VR is mainly about connecting people, not about connecting objects.
  13. "..but it can't do that by sticking to the last decade's technology." Mesh itself is last decade´s technolgy.
  14. "The line you draw between professionals and amateurs exists only in your imagination." Huh? See, to make this perfectly clear: I define a professional by his or her ability to make a living by his profession. According to teh SL statistics there are about 1000 people in SL who make a life by SL, including any kind of service you can think of. The rest makes SOME money, but by far not enough to be a "professional".in that sense. Btw, i make sculpties.
  15. The true irony is that Anshe made the money she needed for IMVU by exploting LL´s environment.
  16. "SL cannot grow unless it offers an upgrade path for its most skilled users and attractive content for its consumers." Then you question user created content creation as whole, and entire the SL conception.The "most skilled users" in SL are not necessarily contributing any content to the public domain, but are contracted by agencies which use SL for campaigning for a corporation or whatever. These professional businesses and the corporations and agencies will benefit by Collada imports, of course, but they do not feed Second Life and never did. I do not doubt that RL professionalism is a good thing regarding content creation for a virtual reality generally. But SL follows a different road, which primarily relies on everything but "RL professionalism" in content creation, it does not even rely on "SL professionalism" in content creation. This is the crucial point there. Going the purely professional way would create a "game", like WoW or any other pre-fabricated and carefully produced, more or less closed and restricted environment. Second Life as it is now would vanish. would be turned into a pure consumer place where LL would hire a few chosen people for creating "attractive" content. SL never attracted a noteworthy amount of RL professional designers off the 3D circuit. Getty, MS and others does not run a SL sim, as far as i know. Only a very few Animation Studios do so. So even in not prim-building-related, but open for import regions as textures, animations and sounds you´ll not find much of RL professionalim, not even SL professionalism (tho there is SOME, and s lot of skilled amateurism - but no comparison to a professionally created Sony universe). The environment with all the asset security flaws, technological problems, limitations and a reliance on a mainly amateur dominated marketplace for content assets do not really make the platform trustable or lucrative enough as a real sales place - mesh or not mesh does not matter at all there. Visuality is nice, but definately not the major reason for people joining a VR. Anshes IMVU (which allows mesh imports), proves this. Compared to SL today her VR is a visual joke (in spite of mesh). But it attracts much more people than SL does meanwhile. because it WORKS for them and their desires - not because of outstanding gamer quality because thereis none in IMVU. You overrate the importance of visual quality for SL pretty much, but i do not blame you for this. You obviously never actively participated in the SL universe, but built stuff in bender. I agree with you that mesh is desirable for SL in the long run, but in a way which enables the average user to participate, not by getting taught by somme geeks about the pricing of 3D applications and where they can find the 10,000 tutorial pages and how to deal with it. .
  17. "Linden Lab is working to improve basic things" I do not doubt that they do.
  18. "I just doubt that it would be the kind of place you could like. No Ferraris there, i'm sorry." Oh, a Porsche will do, since Ferrari complained on copyright infingements.
  19. "Just like mesh these things have to be tested and worked out on the beta grid first before being implemented for the rest of SL." Obviously not. SL is up and running with boundary crossing being a total bummer since when? 2005? And hey, they charge for all "these things" implemented since then!
  20. "How it comes that we can have 50 people with no issues except for those with low-end graphic cards?" Maybe cause they reduced viewer range to 64m and disabled all shinies. so that they at least can type something in IM? "you state as fact a rather uninformed opinion" I´ll show you. I´ll drop in with my 250 prim sculptie meshed flexi hair, my 400 prim supercool resizable megabelt and my extrabvagant heels with bling, worth about 200 scripts and 3000 linden dollars. I´show mercy and will not attach any HUD or something. We could bet for how long it will stall. i think 20 seconds will be possible.
  21. "I dare say, as Shaw" I googled him up. He has no Ferrari. Skipped..
  22. "If you are a creator and believe that copyright law does not protect you, there's only one thing you can do: Don't release your stuff." No. Why should i not release it? See, all my stuff has been ripped, copied, stolen and sold. I know it, cause i saw it, and not only i saw it. Someone even tried to "phish" my SLX pages by simply copying them 1:1 with only the creator name being differnt, while actually selling freebies by his magic box. People´s creativity in robbing stuff, if possible, is as unlimited as any cereativity is. Everyone who is long enough into SL knows it. It is simply impossible to protect your creations. You can only hope that it does not happen, and the more valuable the desired item is the more you can be sure that it will be ripped in any way possible. Buit why should i not realease it? I knopw about this, And i am not into SL for earning a RL by it at all for a lot of reasons. Only a few content creators in SL, maybe 100. 200 o or a few more, are really SL professionals, and not because they use or not use mesh. This does not make such a difference fior the most - and will not. "The DMCA argument against mesh import is a straw man. It is usually brought up by people who never touched a mesh modeling tool." You have no idea what you are talking about, obviously.
  23. "Arthur Schopenauer' s "The Art of controversy". It would help you to improve your rather pathetic abilities in dialectics" Obviously i am able enough to make you post such a pointless rubbish. Who the hell is Schopenhauer? Never heard of that guy? Does he sell mono scripts?
  24. "And as a scripter in SL i found that the mono VM is much better than the LSL" Probably. But as a user in Sl i only notice that my sim stalls when someone with more than 10 attached monoscripts drops in. How come?
  25. "Anyone stupid enough to upload ripped content from a verified account can be traced back in RL" Since when? And if if, which is impoissible, what will happen? File a DMCA? So what? And why upload? Get a copybot! "Mesh upload requires payment info on file" I hope so, but this will not be enough to prevent the predictable massive content theft.
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