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Willow Danube

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Posts posted by Willow Danube

  1. hmmm... the previous owner must have been really pissed or something. Or, his/her action was a clever plan to discourage ugly malls or commerical plots being sprouted everywhere with screaming chairs every 3 seconds. If someone could built a house out of those jigsaw puzzles ... I want him/her to build mine!!

  2. Back when I was still Willow the bohemian ditsy gypsy.. I had gone looking for all dancing pads that at least resemble a gypsy dance... the closest I got was a gorean dance but even that one was tantalizing. Finally I got lucky and found this gesture that allows you to move slowly with a little hip movement and the occasional twirl... until it got ripped away by LL because of copybot. Now I just settle for Akeyo small dances. Your other solution is probably to ask an animator to build a custom made dance for you.

  3. I think a good shop are the ones with partitions in it. I'm not sure if anyone notice the difference but I find textures loads faster if my point of view is somehow blocked by a wall. Probably that's because my viewer isn't trying to load thousands of textures (or 'compute' the next avatar near you) at the same time.

    I like a shop that is illuminated nicely. Bright enough for me to see what's on the wall.

    It is always a plus if I could see an avatar using/wearing the products I'm about to buy. Sometimes I looked at certain furniture of tools and I wonder how it is used. Definitely a must if you are in the sex business.

    Live models ... in RL I prefer to be left alone by the shopkeepers or assistants unless I summoned for their help. A talking model un-nerves me in SL. I really don't like my name to be announced in the public no matter how friendly it may seem.

    Ditto with Loren on the male model... if you have a male model that looked as if he was made in 2006, it will probably imply that your product is outdated. Think the Kabuki guy male model... or if anyone can still remember Sextan Shepherd, I think he's got the best looking male avatar in SL as far as I can remember. Not only he sells products but his attention to his avatar tells you how detailed he is in his creations.

    But I also am with Wildcat in general... sometimes you can have the best shop but a lousy products. Too many things going on at the same time will distract you sometimes.

  4. Cali.. tsk.. tsk... Do you know how difficult it is to be honourable? I mean I have to behave HONOURABLE aaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll the time! Now that they finally made me 'just a member' , I can finally act not so honourable... back to tree climbing, I will! :matte-motes-evil-invert: 

  5. Personally speaking, I would go with Randall's suggestion and choose the Meadowbrook theme. The Fantasy and Oriental themes although they have better landscapes than the rest, the fact that the houses are a little smallish and there are no windows makes it a little less appealing to me.

    Just remember .. even if you have a 2 storey house the prim limit is still 117 and your house would look 'empty' if you don't have the right furnitures to rez in. The good thing is, you can always change your house again... I really like the one that I have now. It is only one floor house but it is big enough to place my stuff and still have about 30 prims left to play around with.

  6. Is this just me or anyone else is having the same problem too? I didn't notice it until just now and I have not done anything than TP'ng from one place to another.

    Also I noticed for since early this week, textures on my laptop are loading a little slower than normal. Usually when I have this problem it is after the new release and would be fixed with the next batch package. I hope there is another one soon coming?

  7. I read your thread's title and I thought, finally we have a good use for this section.

    But I'm not sure if the Moderators will see this in a different light... I mean maybe this forum section is meant for advertising and the usual "Post your favourite club here" threads. If someone comes in and started a thread that says "Mozart or Handel.. who'd you rather?" ... will that person be given a warning PM for spamming or the thread gets locked for being Out of Topic?

    I mean wouldn't it be nice to have a forum to talk about Music and anything pertaining to music? I would love to read highly talented musicians agreeing and disagreeing with each other on the merits of using electric vs. acoustic string instruments for their performance. Or, reading a newly composed lyrics from any singers who seeks opinion in the public.. or, just anyone talking about what's the highest octave they can reach without pitching... I would definitely love to read those kind of threads. Maybe you can start, Kaidin?

  8. :matte-motes-asleep:...:matte-motes-asleep-2:....:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:...:matte-motes-agape:...:matte-motes-bored:...:matte-motes-angry:...:matte-motes-big-grin-evil:...:matte-motes-evil:...:matte-motes-evil:...:matte-motes-frown:...:matte-motes-impatient:...:matte-motes-confused:

    Yes.. good enough to make up a story. :matte-motes-yawn::matte-motes-sick:

  9. Just another thing you could do while you are there... check the profile of the bot and see who the creator is. You might be able to contact the creator and hopefully he/she would be able to help you guys in building a better responsive bot.

    This bot is not so good at open ended questions. Basically you need to have a specific diagnosis in mind and ask your questions based on it. There is no HUD to help you with a physical check-up so assessment is basically done on dialogues. The NPC itself is pretty static.


  10. Try this: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Medical%20School/111/98/23

    way back when I was a noob, I visited this hospital and had the chance to assess a talking bot... Mind you this bot is good at not telling you any of his medical conditions but pretty good at annoying come backs!

    Once you TP'd to this location, don't walk straight.. The ward beds are in the building behind you. The patient is in one of the rooms.

    Pretty well built hospital really, the Operating Room has a Da Vinci in it.

    • Like 1
  11. Sounds like I'm a little bit of everything..
    Introverted (I) 56.76% Extroverted (E) 43.24%
    Sensing (S) 64.86% Intuitive (N) 35.14%
    Thinking (T) 53.13% Feeling (F) 46.88%
    Perceiving (P) 51.28% Judging (J) 48.72%

    Your type is: ISTP

    ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.

  12. So the other night, I dreamed that I forgot to chain my brand new dingy boat to my dock and Dwight Shelford had stolen it from me including my Shisha set and my rocking chair. In my dream, I sort of guessed that Dwight Shelford had gone mad after seeing a picture of me and a friend of mine waltzing the floor away in a most magical setting ever. I suppose after almost 10 months of me persuing him... and declaring my love... and countless offering of partnership, I had given up with his cold and silent treatments and he was not too happy about it.

    Anyway, I got up and immediately logged on to SL and Tp'd in to my parcel. My boat was still there but for some reason I can't sail it anymore.. it just wont move.. my Shisha set is not puffing smokes and my rocking chair has become panthom. And if that wasn't enough, my neighbour had crash landed his plane next to my parcel.. I can only hope he survived.

    I was told Virgos are sometimes psychic... didn't know it will extend into virtual world. :smileyindifferent:

  13. Lesson 1.

    Get your account sorted. This you will need to do off-world. Meaning you have to log on to your Second Life account from the Second Life website and get your account information/credit card/paypal filled in and verified. Get this one done and I'll IM you inworld as soon as I can.

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