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Willow Danube

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Posts posted by Willow Danube

  1. I was wondering if anyone else having a problem. I keep crashing all the time since I upgraded the viewer to 2.6.6 last night. This would be my 10th time for the past 8 hours. Everytime it happened, I was in a build mode.

    I am also having problem with the chat window (see below). If I undock and resized it will be ok but once I re-docked it come back as it is now. I was wondering if anyone filed a Jira or ticket already?

    5-19-2011 9-23-52 AM.jpg

  2. You can have a freebie pose stand especially from the Jewelry store. You can still move your attachment anywhere, anytime you want. I just thought a pose stand will make your avatar stand into a static position so you can adjust properly... but you can still do it without a pose stand.

  3. Deltango Vale wrote:

    That reminds me of a Facebook Teenager I met in Church. Afterward, I learned she was a Child Avi living in the Red Zone with a Vampire, a Fury and a Linden Moderator. Jesus, was I surprised! Yet while each of them had a different Religion (she being a devout Christian), they agreed that Forum Ranks were Wasted on a Newbie ESL'er who, having had too many prunes for lunch, was racking up points discussing her Talking Tummy in three different threads. I, on the other hand, was curious to know whether my friend was a Slave to Viewer 2, but the conversation switched to Merchants and whether money was really Breedable in Second Life.

    Oohhh... I hope no one dies of heart attack with this so many 'trigger' points.. it will be your fault, not mine! hehe. You forgot Twitter... Dee made a good point there. People are getting upset with Twitter too.

  4. Where is this sim you are talking about? There could be two things there.., first the animation is on an object like land, sand or a log which does not have a pose ball but with a hover text to let you know that you can right click and do something on it. Second, they're a hover texts that comes from an underground room.

    For the request for Kiss, yes the avatar is requesting for a Kiss and when you accept it, you two will be doing a kissing animation. Usually the request comes with a Accept or Decline buttons.

  5. Rhonda Huntress wrote:

    Willow Danube wrote:

    Some only need to have one word (or more) as a 'trigger' and they'll snap. I'll give you some hints...


    Linden Labs


    Labs?  There is only one Lab.  The name is Linden Lab.  Singular there is no "S" now get it right!  There can be only one.


    ummm .... sorry about that ....

    Oh and I forgot the spell checkerer people... hahahaha...

  6. I failed to see which part of your post is offensive... people in this forums gets ticked off just by almost everything. Some only need to have one word (or more) as a 'trigger' and they'll snap. I'll give you some hints...

    Second Life Viewer 2 (and onwards...)
    Linden Labs (and anyone with the last name Linden)
    Talking Tummy
    Child Avatar
    Forum Ranks

    I think the list can go on... and I will say here that is is very mature and respectful of you to apologize even if there is nothing to apologize for.

  7. Ahhh... To be young and trusting... it is a wonderful thing!

    I, myself have not created an SL Facebook account just because I don't have a real need for it. I do have an active RL Facebook account that I use to communicate with old friends and family since I am living far away from home. Seeing active status updates from my family and friends kinda gives me the assurance that everything is 'OKAY' back home. 

    Other than that, I have not much use for Facebook. I was at one point a Restaurant City addict, but I grew out of it. I got tired of playing Farmville because there were so many wandering cows and black pigs that came to my farm and none of my friends willing to admit it belongs to them!

    Now, some people absolutely hate Facebook for a reason of their own (and I can assure you some of them will be replying to you soon). I don't.

  8. I'm using Skidz  tools for my build although it can be laggy in some places. But it does what it says, it did aligned mine perfectly well and I have not noticed those annoying flickers, a tell tale sign of bad prim alignments. Best part, I don't need to use Maths to calculate!  

  9. I disagree! Why go to Australia and New Zealand? Why not just stay put in Singapore?

    It's like me going to Cyprus... why not just go to England?

    Kenya would be an adventure of a lifetime. I myself would love going to South Africa if it weren't for the ridiculously over inflated prices.

  10. When it comes to Art, I have the three specific person/place in mind.

    Bryn Oh  - if you can search for her name please do so.. she is currently running her latest exhibition in SL. I'm a fan of her works.

    Tower of Primitives - (actually that's not what it is called, but I can only remember the last name) is another place comes into mind. This place will show you ways you can manipulate a prim to create the object in mind.

    Spencer Museum - I visited this sim last year so I'm not sure if it is still open.  Mainly objects created in metal like components with plenty of motions. You can sit on a giant cushion to see everything moves in front of you.

  11. Marianne McCann wrote:

    Likely the lake south of Sutherland. Not sure how much of that is available f'r purchase. The lake itself is LL-owned, but maybe there is something on the edge of it?

    Will check that out as soon as I get back home tonight! Thanks Marianne... !


  12. :matte-motes-agape:

    There is a plug!!?? Amazing... Do you think LL would sell the plug?

    ETA: I went to all the places you mentioned ... Henrietta does look  nice and the one in Phasma... I think there was a bot standing on it (with blingers!) when I was there. The rest of them like you said are LL owned especially the snowy mountain side.

  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Part of the peak -was- for sale for 15,000L. The 80,000 piece is all that's left now though

    There's a lot halfway down the hill with sex-graveyard items out.

     For burying your 'past' though, I'd suggest going for deep water. There are some places where the water is 80m deep.

    I thought the mountain price was a bit too expensive for me so I decided to forgo. Anyway, Deep water does sound interesting to me... so what is the lowest point in Mainland below sea level?

  14. Thanks all of you for the information. I will start exploring them tonight...

    For as simple as putting up a shrine, I wouldn't need that big of a land and lots of prims. I already am quite happy being a watergirl here in Corsica with my 2048sqm of land. What I meant by Shrine and burying my past sins really is just a place to store my unwanted inventory (and pictures of old boyfriends...TBD) that I will cleverly bury underneath a Shrine (see my sig) that I will also use once in a while to confess my transgression of the TOS which then later I will drop in a kill script to wash away my 'sin'.

     What would be better than doing it on a highest peak?  

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