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Willow Danube

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Posts posted by Willow Danube

  1. I could give you a few suggestions of places that I knew are frequented by crowds in their mid-age. Live music venues seem to be more of a mixed crowd depending on the performers.

    1. Frank's Place

    2. Junkyard Blues

    3. Big Daddy's 80's club



  2. I never had a mentor or a volunteer to help me when I was new. I was rezzed at a company's sim and was running around in my grandma underwears the whole day with bald head and my hair trailing a few inches away. If it wasn't for the Guide on the side bar, I'd never have known that SL is much more bigger than where I was in.

    I did went to this Faery help island where they gave me some pretty clothes and Muddy's Cafe club where I used to hangout a lot and meet some really nice people who showed me around, gave me copybotted stuff (of course I didn't know at that time), the adult stuff and some even gave me money when I didn't know 'wishing' I had a linden in my pocket in an open chat was considered as begging.

    Then, one of my ex-bfs introduced me to building. I supposed he got tired of me hanging around in our house doing nothing much than looking pretty and smooching all day long while he has to go to Gor and check his slaves. So he brought me to Builder's Brewery and told me to get enrolled. I did, my first class was scripting basic... I was so proud of what I did and went home to practice so I can show it to him. He wasn't happy!...Stupid man... :matte-motes-bored:

    Anyway, after we broke up I decided to live in a Linden home and enrolled myself to not only Builder's Brewery but also NCI, Caledon and my personal favourite Hippo Building school. I got hooked up with building that I spent a good part of my SL hours in Hippo sandbox building furnitures for my Linden home. The drawback of this, I sort of distanced myself from SL social life. I was mostly on my own with the occasional drop-ins from fellow builders in the sandbox...but I'm catching up with it now. I started hanging around in the clubs again but for some reason sandboxes are where I felt most comfortable..

    I guess my point is, even when you are lost... you are actually learning something. Someday when you looked back you will realise that your SL experiences whether it was bad, good or embarrasing is always a part of the learning curve and will always teach you something about SL in one way or another. So, to all newbies out there... Don't give up just yet!

  3. Haha... pure coincidence!

    That picture is so romantic. Where is that, may I ask?

    You should take a look at Cio's Vanity Thread post. He really knows to put subject of interest in front of him to create a sense of perspective. The fan at the top corner was a clever shot.

    I'm getting addicted to this DOF and Windlight settings. Maybe Torley should add links so we can add preset windlight settings from other residents.

    Just now @ Tombstone.

    Tombstone Balloon show_012.jpg

    & @ SLRR
    Mord and I_002.jpg


    • Like 1
  4. Today with ma buddy, Randall @ China.

    China with Randall_002.jpg

    China with Randall_019.jpg

    I've been telling Randall to let go of his freebie hair to the point of dragging him to the hair shop. Finally he relented and bought this hair which I think speaks volumes to his personality and mind. Now I can't stop staring at him. I might just forget about the partner request I sent to Dwight Shelford last year and propose to Randall... because he's got good hair! Shallow.. I know. :)

    China with Randall_022.jpg

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  5. In RL if my key broke and I need to pee, I'll break the window and get into the house immediately... if it is an apartment I'll hola at the Landlord or janitor or security guy and demand for immediate attention or they'll have to clean the floor later.

    If I were you, I'll say .. Now!

  6. But Randall.... 5 horses in a Linden home will be awkward!

    to the OP, I think you already know all the answers and only seek to be validated. I'm not going to disagree with you. There are no written rules

    Get a premium and buy yourself a Mainland. I'll tell you something that I've never told my previous SL dates... I get more excitement bidding on a parcel and winning it than dancing with them in a pretty ballroom gown. Ugly buildings and laggy areas? So is Bangkok in RL but it didn't stopped the foreigners from flocking in. Mainland is ghetto and bohemian at its best and worst. 

    Go to Blainroe in Corsica.. there are plenty of empty spaces for you to buy and make it your breeding ground. Just don't breed your horses near the water area.. dead horses near water is not a nice sight to look at... plus their eyes are spooky!

  7. Darrius,

    Run, my sweet child, run.. but you can't hide. Sooner or later when you are turning your boxer inside out to wear it, You will be coming back to Momma to wash your laundry...

    I'll Wash your dirty laundry for you and i'll even make you some Yorkshire puddings. I'll pour you some milk and I'll even asked if you would like it with chocolate or honey.

    And after your hunger is satiated, I'll take your fragile hand and lead you to your room. I'll strip you down, get you in clean pajamas and tucked you in.

    I'll read you a story and sing you a lullaby song  After that, I'll kiss your forehead and whisper lovingly, "Good Night, My child. rest in peace"..... I'll will then slowly walked out to the door, turn off the light... turn to you and smile before I slowly shut the door..... Such is my love to you...

    Your Mother

    PS: It wasn't the Yorkshire puddings that has cyanide in it.

  8. Wow... not sure where I fall in. Maybe you can tell me in which scale I am.

    - I do not like telling people about my location or what I do

    - I have no problem telling people my age, it's in my profile

    - I have no problem telling people I like where I am from and what I do

    - I don't RP much, I'm already pretending in SL .. I'm just not sure if I can be pretending to be pretending in a pretentious world

    - I talk RL to people who likes to talk about RL. Recent riot in Canada was such a good discussion to make fun with.

    - Too much information is a turn off, unless I'm interested in that person

    - Too little information is a turn off, if I'm romantically interested in that person

    - I make friends easily, I get close to them pretty easily too. How I treat them as friends is depending on how they see SL is

    - People who treats SL as his/her RL, I'll respect that. I will also be very careful not to hurt them and be as honest as I can

    - People who treats SL as his/her fantasy, I'll fantasize with them too. Unfortunately, this type of people never last long as a friend in my list. You see, I have short fantasy span... If they are no longer enhancing my SL experience or is a Drainer or becoming too real, I will remove them from my list and will have no regrets about it. It was just a fantasy afterall, nothing was real including that person's feelings.

    - I use SL as recreation but I am open to all possibilities... within a limit. I have many limits.

    - SL is just another game

    - SL is not just another game

    So, who and what am I?



  9. Assuming that this tool kit comes with a full perm sample of the same prims, sculpt maps and textures - Yes, he has the right to 'acknowledged' that you two are twins. He does not have toheright to say that you should not make your avatar look like him nor prevent you from making an exact replica like his. Otherwise, I will report everyone that looked like me or my hair.

    Or you could keep arguing who's copying whom:

    Him: You copied mine. You look like me
    You: No, You copied mine. You look like me
    Him: No. You copied mine. You look lke me
    You: No. You copied mine. You loke like me
    Him: No! You!
    You: No! You!
    Him: You!
    You: You!


    eventually one will become tired and left. I had similar argument in a furry sandbox before ('except we were arguing who was the bigger idiot) and in the end the little puppy walked away defeated and  I won. I was the bigger idiot.

  10. One of the reasons why I left my previous groups... just too many notices. Most event happens when I'm asleep anyway so why even bother joining when you can't participate, right?

    I'm thinking of muting this RP group I'm in. I only joined them so I could get into the sim and take some pretty pictures... but then again, I might missed the event when they'll send a notice of public lynching or gang shootout.

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