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Derek Torvalar

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Posts posted by Derek Torvalar

  1. Hmmm yes. 

    A somewhat inaccurate retelling of some of my exploits, manufactured for dramatic appeal, even pathos perhaps, by the author. I do hope my reputaiton has withstood his artifice.

    Shall I tell you what the young whelp said to me as he gasped his last breath after feeling the full thrust of my blade?

  2. BothamFidor wrote:

    Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

    Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

    Roseysun Galicia wrote:

    Are you going to continue having the
    ?  Or will you close that meeting group as well and shift everything to the


    Hi Roseysun - Good question.  You might want to ask that question in the Adult Forum.  I am  pretty sure there is an actual Linden in there to read and answer your question. 
    I am not sure how often they visit this one


    And isn't that really a shame? :matte-motes-bored:

    Well, they have moved empty promises to Rodvik's feed - where you can't comment unless you are one of the inner sanctum and unlikely to rock the boat.

    Rodvik's feed, like the posts made on this forum recently by Linden Lab in the GD section are the digital version of the flyers I receive daily in my mailbox, fit only for wrapping fish scraps or lining the kitty litter bin.

  3. Jolene Benoir wrote:

    This is good to see!

    I, for one, think that this IS the place in which feedback should be given.

    NOT by mass spamming the CEO of Linden Lab, with supposedly altruistic, but REALLY territorial and guerilla tactics.. Obviously, I do not mean to apply this to all of the postings that happened on Rod's wall. Some were quite heartfelt and sincere, but that is NOT the place to do it. 

    Nor do I think it should be relegated to the LOUD few that make it a point to attend the CTUG meetings, considering that not everyone CAN make those meetings.

    I guess I would echo that  I would like to see LL make an effort to respond here, fairly often, in regards to feedback, while not bowing to public pressure to do as a FEW would see fit here.





    What you would like is of obviously no concern to LL Jolene.

    And you have a lot of nerve making demands here. 

    LL does not have to bow to public pressure.

  4. Jolene Benoir wrote:

    Maybe, just maybe, they got fed up with a vocal minority thinking that they RUN this forum, decide what is important during CTUG meetings and bombard the CEO's feed with turf wars.

    A reminder.

    This forum is open to all.  You may consider yourself a frequent user, but that doesn't mean that you have any more say than the person who comes here once in awhile to read, or ask a question.

    This isn't your kingdom.

    I will be sure not to waste my time and energy if what happened to Celestiall ever happens to you Jolene. 

    I hope you don't have any scripting questions. 

    After all, the vocal minority should just mind their own business as it isn't any of our concern.


  5. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

    I don't mean to be a pain in the butt, but I think what many are asking for here is whether we will receive feedback on our feedback.  Generally people start talking louder if they don't think they are being heard, so I am just trying to figure out whether whispering or shouting is the better option.

    No Cin, there will be no communication.

    They will decide which feedback is 'constructive', 'channel' it and then 'create and maintain a positive experience'.

    You won't see a Linden in here actually interacting with anyone on any issues.

    They won't be entering into any discussions or debates as to how the forum is running, its direction vis a vis marketing and spam, accountability on moderation, or to help develop any ideas we provide.

    One step forward two steps back.

    And if we don't like it, in the words of Linden Lab, "Maybe this isn't the best place for you to be posting."


  6. ' I read too much, I thought we should kill ourselves. She doesn't read a thing; she believed me. "Are you really the messiah?" "Yes, I am." She was younger than me, too. She was younger than me. And I said to her. I said, "You know, Pauline? No-one stamps on a burning bag of **bleep** any more. Nobody!" '

  7. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done.

    It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem.  It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so.

    As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again.


    I've read your words and I find them troubling. I agree with Pussycat's observation that "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long."

    Blaming someone for not getting the joke is a tired old trope, an attempt to absolve oneself of personal responsibility.

    Most people do indeed have some choice in determining how other people see them. The ability to make those choices comes from something called empathy. Empathy is not perfect. People have it in varying degrees and use it for varying purposes.

    Drag out that old trope if you wish. Don't be surprised if I set it on fire.

    I believe, both you and Pussycat, mistook my words as meaning something that they do not.  When I wrote them, I was thinking of a specific incident that happened to me here.

    I told a self-referential joke, that could never have been mistaken as anything but a joke, then had someone bash me about the face and neck over it, when the joke was not directed at them nor did it have anything to do with them.  Yet, they felt it necessary to use their fabricated indignation in order to tell me how I should refer to myself and represent myself in the forum... in other words, they were trying to silence my voice.  Sorry, that kind of thing doesn't fly with me.

    So you see, there was no bigotry involved except on the part of this person, that told me I need to stop letting it be know all over the forum that I'm gay.  I've heard that too many times to just let it pass.

    I hope this clears that up a bit.


    This does cool some of the heat that got me to respond, so thanks for the clarification. I'll let my comment stand though, as it's not dependent on context and aimed at the trope more than you. I suspect you don't actually believe it.

    I believe that I control my actions and are responsible only for what I do.  I have no control over how people feel about me and therefore cannot be held responsibility for that.  I try treat people with respect and to be the best person that I can be, sometimes I fall short... everyone does.  If someone wants to take one of those instances and use it to paint me as some sort of monster, that's their decision and has little to do with who I really am.  In fact, it shows more about their character than it does mine.

    If that's what you consider a "trope", then so be it.


    Well, I think you just showed you don't believe the trope. Treating people with respect generally gets better responses than treating them with disrespect, which shows that you can (on average) affect what people think of you. Of course there's always an outlier that gives you pause, but that's life. There are people who are disrespectful and say the target is resonsible for "feeling" the disrespect. Your wording walked close to that idea and that didn't seem like you. I'm glad we cleared it up.

    As for your self-refential joke, I use my Snugs alt for that purpose... to poke fun at myself. Curiously, I've been told by several people that they find that either creepy or offensive. It is indeed hard to please everybody.


    Sorry Madelaine, wrong again!

    Geez, you're 0 for 2 here so far, maybe you should think about taking another sabbatical.

    And stop using the word 'trope', it's a weasel word that may impress the mediocre minds who are agog over your pretentious personna, but to those of us who understand it, we recognize its use as a ploy to manipulate and cover up a weak understanding of the subject under consideration.

  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done.

    It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem.  It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so.

    As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again.


    I've read your words and I find them troubling. I agree with Pussycat's observation that "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long."

    Blaming someone for not getting the joke is a tired old trope, an attempt to absolve oneself of personal responsibility.

    Most people do indeed have some choice in determining how other people see them. The ability to make those choices comes from something called empathy. Empathy is not perfect. People have it in varying degrees and use it for varying purposes.

    Drag out that old trope if you wish. Don't be surprised if I set it on fire.

    No Madeleine you are worng and do not understand the concept of empathy.

    I need not be empathic to instil an image of myself in another. However empathy lets me know if I have succeeded.

    You may be thinking of the 'looking glass self'.


    Hey Rodvik, if we in the forum had someone to deal with our issues here maybe then you wouldn't have to close down your feed.


    We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values.  For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.  ~John F. Kennedy


    The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it.  If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth:  if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.  ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859


  10. Looks over the OP for mention of desires for "birds, aquatics and swampy things" and finds them absent. 

    The feline is obviously a somnambulist.

    Or possibly merely a shill.

  11. I have something of a reputation for being a dog, a reasonably large one at that. As well as the heart of a tiger and the stamina to boot. And while I don't mind a nice cuddle I am most definitely not a lapdog. I come with hundreds of full perm animations for your pleasure. I don't mind the leash but you best have a strong hand. In addition I have had a vasectomy so you won't have to worry about being over run with little ones. Best of all, I am free!

  12. slresearchlauren wrote:

    Hi All,

    I realise people get frustrated by psychology students trying to recruit participants for studies, and I apologise for probably ‘just being another one’.

    However, I’m currently in my third year at university, and I need help for my dissertation. Basically I’m looking to interview individuals for around 45mins-60mins over Skype (which will be recorded so it can be later transcribed) about your experience of using Second Life or another similar program (WoW, IMVU, that sort of thing). I want to use people who have formed relationships online and come back to the program regularly (this isn’t part of the study, but I want to ensure that I’m interviewing people who legitimately have knowledge and experience of Second Life and/or other virtual reality programs).
    I really want to specify as well that it’s not a study aimed at showing the negative side of these programs.
    In all honesty I want to talk about how people are using the program and their ability to form relationships/identities in this way, and how it differs from meeting someone in the street (etc). Unfortunately, I can’t offer you any money or anything for your time.

     If I’m honest, I don’t know a lot about how it feels to play such games, although I have tried myself. My interest more stems from the psychological theory of identity and relationships, and I want to see how this is (or is not) effected by communicating online in these ways.

    Questions which I’m planning to ask will be sent to you before the interview takes place, and you’ll be able to change/omit/amend questions as you wish before hand so you won’t be asked anything you don’t want to talk about.

    Of course if you’re interested you’ll be sent the interview schedule, and also sent consent forms, information sheets, and a debrief after the interview has taken place.

    If you’d like any more information please contact SLresearchLauren@gmail.com. Any questions or interest (etc) please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m really hoping to hear from you if you think it’s something you might be interested in, but emailing me doesn’t in any way mean you have to do it, it just means I’ll be able to provide you with more information about what I’m doing. I hope you don't still believe I’m just another one of those looking for participants, I really believe in this topic, and would be absolutely thrilled if anyone who reads this contacts me. But if it’s not for you, thanks for reading- and have a nice day!


    You need to take your post back to your prof and ask him what you are doing wrong. Secondly, crack open your Methodology text book and re-read the first 3 chapters.

  13. Mayalily wrote:

    Venus Petrov wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Venus Petrov wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    I don't understand your reply unless you are trying to say that learning about war will benefit me personally.  If that is the case,
    how would learning more about war benefit me personally
    ?  I read the Diary of Anne Frank, and learned a lot there, but reading that book didn't actually benefit me in any way.  Governments do what they want to do whether the people like it or not.  The President of the United States makes decisions for war, not the people. 

    Other than achieving a deeper understanding of human motivations, decisions, mistakes and successes, I have no clue.

    We can remember war, but some of the stories are tainted and piecey at best, especially the Hollywoodized versions of some.

    ETA:  However, the movie "The Reader" definately broke the molded formula for Hollywood movies, and is a great movie.  I'd definately recommend that one! 

    As far as reading books about war, well the American's have their version, the Japanese their version, and so on and so on.  Too many sides to the story of war and most are far too depressing.  I know about war and what the different sides have said here and there.  Everyone has a different side to the story. 

    I should think that all versions have relevancy in understanding motivations, decisions, mistakes and successes.  Also, film versions often abbreviate the story for the sake of the screen.  Cracking open a book, reading and seeking to understand even if the perspective is not yours can be an enriching experience.

    The Diary of Anne Frank is amazing.  But makes me cry so terribly every time I watch it.  I read it as a youngster, but is gut wrenching.

    I have not forgotten war, there is merely nothing I can do about it.  I use the Serenity prayer about such things I cannot change and try to live as happily as I can. 

    Your ignorance then is a self serving affront to your fellow human beings whom you doom to a fate you in your frailty are too cowardly to face and do something about. But by all means, do look after your happiness.

    Spare us your prayers.Thanks for coming.

    Now back to the hair salon with you DiPesto.

  14. wiked Anton wrote:

    So in your opinion, anyone who doesn't have the ability to put into words that satisfy your assumption of intelligence doesn't have a valid argument and you intend to inform them of this. Everybody has valid thoughts , opinions and arguments, only some may not have the educational back ground ( intellectual thumb up their ears) to be able to " sound as smart as y'all" but their arguments are just as valid. This whole discussion sounds like and intellectual wank a thon. ( and yes, i used spell check here to make sure i didn't offend anyone)

    No, everybody does not have valid thoughts, opinions or arguments and your post is evidence of that. Your premise is false therefore your argument is invalid. 

    If people are going to present their stupidity as a substitution to rational and reasoned argument then they should expect others who know the difference to point out their deficiencies and inadequacies. If they are unable to confront their stupidity, which they have themselves put on public display, and then have it subsequently pointed out for everyone to see, then they should not be posting on the forum. They should not be filing inappropriate AR's  confusing the mods as to what is authentic and what is merely egocentric  whingeing and faux butthurt looking for dysfunctional sympathy from the pretentious.

    What happens here on the forum is demonstrative as to what happens to the boy who says the emperor has no clothes. He is slapped down and banned.


  15. Cato Badger wrote:

    . . . to start a Vampire Forum when there is a sparsely populated Role Playing subforum already in existence?


    Or do LL know something about Annie O'Toole that suggests that it isn't just a fantasy?

    I think it has less to do with a fear of the Tool sucking their blood and more to do with her eager facility utilizing the official LL knee pads.

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