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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I consider the networked ad rule change in 2020 was directed at me personally. I won't go into details, because that's against the forum rules. Land flippers have been pissing off residents for years, I doubt anything will be changed because of l'il ol me.
  2. So, you want to make it illegal to sell micro parcels? Is that correct?
  3. No one gets banned for following the rules. Adjacent land owners can file an AR on an individual ad board. LL will look at it and say no, it conforms to all the rules, sorry. That's what happened in 2020, I'm guessing they got so many complaints that they finally changed the rules. 😂
  4. Yes I'm a flipper, I buy these parcels for $250 L and sell them for $500 L. In fact I'm in the process of setting them all for sale right now
  5. Whats funny is that zuckerman or whatever his name is tried creating his ill fated Metaverse with legless avatars, declaring "this is the future" but gave up saying no one is interested, when Second Life has already been here 20 years already providing everything that Zuckerguy promised. And way more because we can have s*x here. 😁
  6. I didn't tell anyone to suck it up. I simply don't share the majority opinion that ad parcels are a blight on mainland that should be banned.
  7. Maybe you are right, but I don't want to find out
  8. Here is a list of all the 16 sq m microparcels currently for sale by all sellers, for under $2000 L. I'm sure there's even more at higher prices When you consider mine are always listed for $500 L, any interested buyers will check out mine first. Like i said, $500 L is the sweet spot. The first two on the list are interior parcels, and so are grossly overpriced, I know because I checked them out
  9. Well if i tell you what I do, that is advertising and is only allowed in the business forum
  10. My bad, no, having an ad board beside another parcel for sale will not affect the ability of me to sell the parcel. Ad board owners don't care what is beside them, even if its another ad board.
  11. Then my ad boards will be a failure, and I'll give up and move on won't I? 😂
  12. Actually, ad parcels tend to appear in clumps, mainly due to land cutting. I could have bought all three parcels, listed them all for sale, and sold all of them.
  13. That's they key, its in front of their lawn, it's not their lawn, they have no say about what I do with the parcel after i buy it. Besides, If they wanted it, they would have bought it instead of me Every roadfront micro parcel I have bought I paid $250 L or less, and every one I wanted to sell, I sold for $500 L. What do the buyers do with the land? Well, they either use it for an ad board, or they relist it for $1000 L But $500 L for a 2x protected 16 sq m parcel is the sweet spot, it always sells and it always will. And its all free money to me since I am paying the tier anyway.
  14. Of course it blocks the view if you are standing looking right at it, but as I said before, you buy the land, not the view. If you are not facing Linden owned protected property (not abandoned land) you have no guarantee the view you got when you paid for the land will exist any time in the future. And, that goes for all land, not just micro parcels.
  15. I pay for 8092 sq m every month, I have 3 primary parcels I call home, the spare tier is free and If i can use it to generate income by flipping micro parcels, its all profit to me.
  16. Way back in 2020, I had 47 ad parcels, all with the same ad, but a change in the rules rendered them all illegal, so I sold them all at a nice profit. Right now I have about dozen and I still have about 250 sq m available. When I max out, I'll list some of them for sale (with a rock, not the ad) so I can continue buying them
  17. No, the rock is on the parcel that is for sale. The ad board parcel is networked advertising, totally different. Ad farming is not allowed, networked advertising is.
  18. I have the ad boards because it amuses me to have them. I can just be a straight flipper, I never pay more than $250 L for each parcel I buy. I could relist them for $500 L and they would sell in a week or two.
  19. Ouch, however, a 16 sq m parcel supports 5 prims, my ad board is 5 prims, not much left over to pretty things up. Annnd, from what I've been told over and over, no one even looks at ad boards anyway, but thank you for your suggestions.
  20. I put up a picture of only the rock to show what one of my parcels that are for sale looks like, to assure people that I wasn't adfarming. Putting up a picture of the ad board might be considered advertising, and would surely be ARed.
  21. The land wasn't doomed. Who cares what is beside you? It's whats in front that counts. Just put up a high hedge on the offending side and forget about it. I've seen lots of threads in here about obnoxious builds, obnoxious privacy screens, obnoxious low hanging sky boxes, so please don't blame all mainland blight on conforming networked advertising.
  22. I didn't realize that picture was from the same spot i bought land. Here is the picture with the latest land cuts. 2 and 4 are mine, 3 was bought by someone else, 5 has a vendor box, but the owner is willing to give the parcel away for free. The 512 is still there and if it was cheep enough, someone would buy it. No land ever gets wasted, there is always a right price for someone to purchase it. Since its abandoned though, LL would demand $0.5 L per sq m, $256 L which someone might spend considering it still has road access. When you look at it that way, despite the ad boards, its not a bad deal at all.
  23. Land cutting happens for all sizes of land, big and small. If a flipper has a 1/4 sim and cuts it into 512's should that be banned, or just cutting to land under a certain size. Someone making 16 sq m parcels can defo be reported. If the land left over was sold cheaply enough, someone on the sim will buy it for the prims.
  24. So, you are saying I could be banned for buying land that others end up not liking what I do with it? That really doesn't seem fair. LL has stated quite clearly that I can own up to 50 networked advertising parcels, so potentially 50 people could be upset and abandon their land. I'm sorry, but following the rules isn't a bannable offence, since all my ads comply with all the rules set out for networked advertising. In this case its not community standards, its rules regarding networked advertising.
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