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Ayesha Askham

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Everything posted by Ayesha Askham

  1. Yes Coby Another example, as if we haven't had sufficient, that the left and right hands of Linden Lab are not significantly connected. It beggars my imagination to think how idiotic and careless these individuals are.
  2. This is a minor issue really, Caleb, but this thread could warrant your attention. Grid Status failure: RC rollout not reported Hmm hyperlink failure. :smileysad:
  3. Darien While it may well be perfectly possible for any given individual to go inworld and check whether or not a roll has occurred, that is simply not the point. The Grid Status Page is supposed to be just that, a regularly updated record of what is happening on the Main Grid, sometime on the Preview Grid also. It has become utterly unreliable, even on occasion misleading. That a record of the Rolls to all the RC channels is totally missing is (in my view, and this is obviously purely personal) quite unacceptably poor communication. That it can be done has been shown on many occasions. That it is now not happening is an indictment of Linden Lab. Now I don't for one moment imagine that anyone at The Lab will read this, or care two hoots but the point needs to be made. ETA I see from the main release thread that the twitter feed of the RC roll points at the Main Server roll also. Bonkers.
  4. Wolf I am not sure what was there when you posted but this is what I see now: [RESOLVED] Rolling Restarts Main Channel Posted by Status Desk on August 20th, 2013 at 09:43 am PDT [RESOLVED 9:43 AM PDT, 20 August 2013] The rolling restart for the main Second Life server channel are now complete. [uPDATED 6:48 AM PDT, 20 August 2013] We are currently undergoing the rolling restarts for the main Second Life server channel. [Posted 10:34 pm PDT, 19 August 2013] We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the main Second Life server channel on Tuesday, August 20, beginning at approximately 5:00AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects, making inworld L$ transactions and remember to save all builds. As You say no record whatsoever of the RC rolls - even the original post warning that it was about to happen is gone. I don't know where their finger went...it may have been extracted, but from where who knows! It is clear that this GSP issue is a long way from being sorted - I have to wonder at the nature of LL internal communication on this.
  5. Takira Since Griffin is almost certainly right in stating that the spamming object is following rather than is attached to you, you might try blocking it in the item blacklist of the viewer. Simply derendering it is unlikely to work so blocking it is the only thing that I can think of to help you. The other thing that you might do is to find out the owner of the item in edit and AR (Abuse Report) them (in the viewer Help). There seems to be a rash of griefing both of avatars and sims at the moment.
  6. Caleb Thanks once again for disentangling our understanding of the SSA rollout. It is greatly appreciated that you bother to tell us what we have inside out! I can only hope that the pre-restart changes come to Main Server soon! :smileyhappy: PS FWIW SSA seems to be working really well on the Main Server sims I have been to this afternoon (UK).
  7. Caleb The SL Blog-post indicated that by the end of the Wednesday RC channel rolls, SSA would be Grid-wide. Looking at what is slated for LeTigre and Bluesteel that would appear not to be the case. Can you please clarify: 1) Is SSA going to be on all channels as of tomorrow's rolls 2) If not, why not? Until SSA is rolled to all channels SL sailing and flying will be severely impacted where sim crossings are involved. ETA: I was under the impression that code had been rolled to the servers that prevented login and rezzing in the final minute before a server shut down for a roll. I was just booted between 30 seconds and one minute after logging on. No warning was given. What is the reason, is that code not on Main Server?
  8. I hate "Me Too" posts but.... ME TOO!! I've had packet loss around 30-35% all day until about 30 minutes ago when it started to drop. Last check it was 12%. Sim ping was up from its usual 180ms, which is OK for the UK, to around 300ms which is NOT OK! I have to hope that it will go away soon, I cannot even TP reliably, and Yes, I checked everything and rebooted my modem etc.
  9. Caleb Thankyou for a reasoned and full rationale for the rolls this week. It is good when we hear such coherent logic and a reply to our prurient questions! Thankyou once again! :smileyhappy:
  10. Caleb Not that I'm doubting Norton, who seems to be well-informed but can we have clarity of the status of Server-Side Appearance on LeTigre please. Is it on or off, and if off yet again why in God's name do you keep playing Ducks and Drakes with it? There are folks on LeTigre sims crying out for some stability so that they can go about their SL business with some degree of certainty about how things will and will not rez. I KNOW LeTigre is an RC channel but the recent "now you see it now you don't" aspect of SSA is becoming intolerable.
  11. Caleb I know that occasionally Linden Lab perform restarts of servers whether or not there is a code update but could we PLEASE have some clarity here? Why are there Main Server restarts scheduled (see Cincia's post re the GSP) if there is no new code? There is nothing slated on the Google calendar, I notice. This GSP issue is becoming a real pain, it needs to be sorted out pronto. I wonder, should I raise yet another JIRA about it?
  12. Caleb The software update on Bluesteel is causing problems. Any avatar piloting vehicle that crosses into a Bluesteel sim, whether by road, water or air is seeing this untextured grey rectangle attaching to the owner/pilot of the vehicle. This is occurring on both the Linden Viewer and on Firestorm and is either a software bug or a griefer exploit. I have had two friends report this to me today following weekend experiences, and I encouraged both to file JIRAs relating to it but I do not know if they have done so. This requires attention from both the server team and the in-world due diligence team as a matter of urgency, prior to any release onto Main or any other Server.
  13. Trin According to the GSP it is STILL ongoing! I have to ask - this surely cannot be right? Coupled to the fact that the weekly updates are more or less not happening this week (only Bluesteel) and the Server Blogpost was by Caleb Linden I have to assume that Linden Lab are more or less all on holiday. ETA: Never say Never: [RESOLVED 6:31 AM PDT, 6 August 2013] The scheduled inventory database maintenance is complete. Now that was one BIG JOB. 2nd ETA: [RESOLVED] Unscheduled Inventory Database Maintenance Posted by Status Desk on August 6th, 2013 at 12:11 pm PDT [RESOLVED 12:11 PM PDT, 06 August 2013] Inventory database maintenance has been completed. [postED 11:28 AM PDT, 06 August 2013] We are undergoing unscheduled inventory database maintenance. During this time, some residents will be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period. This maintenance may disrupt transactions, log ins and inventory functions in world. Please check back here for updates. Oh dear. Here we go again.
  14. Greetings Caleb A relatively quiet week for the restart team then. Have you sent Maestro round to sort out the Vivox people or is he on holiday? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  15. So Here we are at 6am SLT on Monday, not 4th but 5th August. Has anything been done to update or correct the Scheduled Inventory Server Maintenance nonsense? No, of course not! I resignedly accept that somedays I don't know what date it is...senior moments come faster and thicker with the passing months, but that does not excuse Linden Lab. The thing that I find saddest is that I am not in any way surprised. ETA Woo it lives! [uPDATED 8:52 AM PDT, 5 August 2013] Today’s Inventory Database Maintenance is underway. I notice the date blooper has received Ninja editing attention too. 2nd ETA Now 1pm PST and still the Maintenance is ongoing, or so we would be led to believe. 4 hours? It's a BIG job!
  16. So a little Ninja editing makes it all OK? Fair enough, I must've misread the time give for the scheduled Maintenance, the resolved time entry for the Unscheduled was not made at the time it is stated to have been. I've seen that done often enough to know that it is par for the LL course. Just one thing. We know that Linden Lab operate a largely work-from-home policy so there is no excuse for notices not being posted "out of hours". No, it in itself is not a dismissal offence taken in isolation, but this is just one of many occasions. We were told that communication was one of the things that Rodvik was going to address. So he should address it. When you look at the last 24 hours' concurrency, it had an effect, a distinct one, so someone should be feeling the heat. In the limit nothing will be done, so no surprises.
  17. Well, it is now more than 24 hours after the start of the scheduled work on the Inventory Server and in less than 3 hours the Unscheduled work will have been going for a whole day as well. There are only two interpretations: 1) The GSP-authorised person cannot be contacted to update the page and tell us all that the work is completed or 2) Something serious has broken and the work IS still ongoing. Also 1). so no update can be given. Cynics, of which there are many, will simply roll their eyes and say "SNAFU". This is going to leave someone at Linden Lab with a great deal of egg on their face and I strongly suspect someone is going to be "Let Go" soon.
  18. Six Years on and this is STILL occurring. I echo Wolf's comment....Workingonit Linden...de-digitate with expedition.
  19. Imagin You and several hundred others are probably wondering the same thing. This issue with the GSP is causing untold irritation to users time and again. Even the resident-facing Lindens like Maestro are aware of and irritated by the spasmodic and utterly unreliable nature of the GSP web page. It seems that despite repeated requests, due to the chaotic nature of LL internal communication, no-one can or will take responsibility for this vital news source. Of course it might just be that the Inventory server Maintenance IS still ongoing, and that maybe why SL online numbers are so uncharacteristically low today. If that is so, it might explain the lack of an update, but it is far more likely that the Linden staff on duty this weekend cannot or cannot be bothered to update the webpage! :smileyfrustrated:
  20. Yes I was utterly wrong, if I'd bothered to check, I'd've seen the version running on my home sim was 278519. So I did and it was. Theresa is quite correct. D'oh! So it was the correct Main Server software. Sorry! :smileyembarrassed:
  21. Eric Are you sure that the Main Server sim you were travelling into was running, because that is not the current Main Server version. If the sim you were entering WAS running that version I'd not be surprised if you encountered problems, because I'd say that sim had not rolled. That being so it is likely that there were serious issues with that sim and a call to support is advisable. The current Main Server software is, so there must be some problem there!
  22. Good Grief Do any of you actually read more than one post? Of course the FS devs take responsibility for bugs that are introduced. Where do I suggest that they don't? Yes Domitan it does seem that Firestorm is more prone to not rendering sculpties properly, more so than the Linden Viewer, I suspect. But the main reason that I think most folk see more issues reported with Firestorm is that by and large (excluding Darien I'd imagine) they (users of the Linden Viewer) do not use such high graphic settings*. *That opinion is purely hearsay gleaned from talking to other users. Please folks read more than one post before venting! :smileywink: Edit was to make sense of what I posted! (Note to self: proof read your post properly) PS Yes Darien the blunder in FS 4.4.1 of not deleting code that LL had asked them to put into the viewer during testing was a bad one, but they 'fessed up sharpish and sorted it within a few days. It'd be nice if all Linden whoopsies were fixed as quickly.
  23. @Theresa I never said Firestorm devs were infallible but they DO test their updates thoroughly to ensure that they do NOT have a negative impact on the user experience. The fact is that while the missing prim issue is NOT fixed yet, it is much less severe. I know of at least one other Linden Viewer user that is having this issue still, albeit reduced. @Cincia So Firestorm updates come along slowly do they? I cannot say I have noticed. But I do notice that when they come, they work. Firestorm updates as soon as it is allowed to by the release of code by Linden Lab, if that slows them it is hardly their fault now, is it?
  24. Now the real state of play is this: The definitive REAL fix for the Interest List bug is still in the early stages of closed testing by Linden Lab. It is NOT in the Linden Viewer nor any of the TPVs. An intermediate fix has been incorporated into both LLV3 and most, if not all, SSA capable TPVs, and that includes Firestorm 4.4.2. That the bug is still occasionally visible is simply a consequence of the incomplete fix. The full fix, which as a project viewer is still too crashy to be publically available, will work hand-in-hand with the simulator-code changes. It is specious and not a little insulting :smileysurprised: to the Firestorm developers to suggest that any features that they incorporate in any way negatively affect the performance of the prim rezzing. Any impact, as is reported above, is beneficial not negative. Just when this irritating bug will finally be squashed is open to speculation, but since it was very important to lower the load on connected devices with the advent of more and more hand-held devices, I think it will be sooner rather than later.:smileywink: ETA: Perrie's post (next page) gives Andrew Linden's original explanation of the viewer-sim dialogue and how it has changed.
  25. Theresa We have known for some weeks, thanks to Simon Linden's openness about the Interest List changes in server code, that the issue was only truly fixable viewer-side, but that code must surely have been made available to TPVs a while ago. It still occurs on Firestorm 4.4.2, which is the latest codebase released, so I do not understand - are you really saying that this is fixed in Linden Lab's own viewer but that the code has not been released to TPV developers? If so, that is a most disturbing scenario.
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