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Ayesha Askham

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Everything posted by Ayesha Askham

  1. Cincia Leaving aside the cache clearance debate - Norton says enough - perhaps "calling a halt" would indeed be too extreme. Nonetheless at the least a moratorium needs to be called until the deleterious effects upon the viewer code have been assessed and countered. The "Shared Experience" has always been the Lab's prime objective and anything that worsens it is anathema to them. There can, I would have thought, be little more destructive to the "shared experience"...to any level of experience of the virtual world of SecondLife, than having segments of it fail to render! To call it a "Gamebreaker" would be understandable but possibly extreme, but failure (i.e. non-appearance) of key elements of a game would surely break it? Stopping doing something that is obviously counter-productive is not stagnation, Cincia, it is common-sense! I do not advocate SL regressing or stagnating, I merely would like it not to break.
  2. @Wolf I am very wary of recommending a cache clearance as a remedy for anything other than a texture corruption. It may work, but I would doubt very much whether it would be effective for everyone. Apart from any other considerations it is extremely time consuming, and a TP will render (if you'll pardon the pun) the operation ineffective. That the render options are effective until you TP is, I think a sign that communication from sim to viewer is now in some way broken, and that really is the province of Linden Lab to sort out a "fix". To Simon Linden, and the others on the "Interest List" programme, I say this (though it is highly unlikely that you'll see it): This work was conceived in good faith and with laudable aims. However, it is now time to recognise that it is ineffective in its objective of improving the "shared experience" and appears to break more than it fixes. This is the time to call a halt to it.
  3. @Dari Never saw the packet-loss issue on Woods of Heaven sim (also Letiggywinkle), but the "missing prim" bug is very present! I find that the toggle on alpha masking in Prefs>Graphics works, but of course you have to do it every TP, even in-sim. Still it IS a workaround! @Maestro Any news from the viewer team as to what they'll do to fix this?
  4. @Maestro Point taken, and once I find worthwhile data in my logs I'll raise a JIRA, but so far I have failed to do so. As regards this "invisible prim" issue...yes I am fairly sure that missing prims are parts of linksets..Whirly seems to be on that. While this may well be a viewer issue, either there is miscommunication between the sim and the viewer as to whether this item should or should not be rendered, or something is messing with the render engine. Neither of those things are expected behaviour, nor are they acceptable. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the issue has been markedly worsened by the latest rolls. ETA: This is just after our sim was rolled to the new server version: Firestorm 4.3.1 (31155) Dec 2 2012 00:45:37 (Firestorm-Release) with Havok support Release Notes You are at 257,369.0, 321,818.0, 22.6 in Woods of Heaven located at sim8997.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life RC LeTigre Error fetching server release notes URL. Draw distance: 360 Bandwidth: 1100 LOD factor: 4 Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 0/130,637 (0.0%) Many prims are nor rezzing until touched. All that I've seen so far were elements of linksets. There is a mounting body of evidence that this is NOT viewer specific, but that it IS viewer-related. Maestro...what on earth is going on and when will Simon fix it? FETA: (Not a sort of cheese by the way) Suddenly particle chains are not appearing, or appearing very sparsely...can this be an effect of server-side changes too? YAFETA: No, I'm a ****. It was me and my viewer!:smileyembarrassed:
  5. BlackMagi I have been banging on to LL about this issue for a few weeks now, which occurs during and for a while after restarts and is seemingly getting worse. I suspect that "The Lab" have an idea what it is but either do not know what to do or cannot do anything about it. It is quantifiable and almost predictable, but I have seen nothing about it on this forum so far. BTW, my home sim is LeTigre RC and that is where I first saw this.
  6. Chriss I tend to agree that something like this has been around for a while, but this particular example of it, following the release onto Main Server of the Interest List project has worsened it markedly. Some sims that never suffered this issue are now showing it regularly and for many items, not one or two. Tonight at Amber Skyline Raceway some of the track prims didn't rez until they were touched. This had NEVER happened before today.
  7. Maestro These " Interest List" tweaks are becoming ridiculous. I already gave you guys a "heads up" about the unexpected behaviour of shadows with the list, but the recent updates on Main Server are making the "shared experience" worthless. It is now quite commonplace to walk into an invisible prim or sculpt which does not rez until clicked on. This can make navigating complex and beautiful (normally) sims such as Elicio Ember's Cerridwen's Cauldron a real hazard, and also means that several fine pieces of the build remain invisible until touched. Sometimes this is obvious, i.e. a floor or wall is simply missing, but sometimes it is NOT (such as a bridge or stairs), and on those occasions visitors may simply never see beautiful or important features. Functional prims and sculpts suffer every bit as much as dumb ones. Now this state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue uncorrected. This issue is ruining the "shared experience" and as such must be addressed as soon as possible. Now, before you or anyone else tells me to "raise a JIRA", I am sick and tired of raising JIRAs simply to have them closed as duplicates of existing ones. a) I cannot add my comments to those and b) Nothing seems to have been done to address existing and serious issues with the "Interest List" project.
  8. All Not sure what is actually happening, but texture rez is painfully slow over all the channels (it is not my ISP or PC) but varies from sim to sim. Asset server response is also variable and mostly slow...especially so for items not previously rezzed or worn. Wiseacres apart, something is definitely amiss with the asset servers. But it is extremely unlikely that this will be read by any Linden Lab employees, since from now until Monday at least they are on a break. It is Easter weekend. Something was BOUND to go wrong.:smileytongue:
  9. Alexi Unfortunately all that has occurred is that LL did some editing of the entry. Last news was that the maintenance was being "extended". A lot of folk cannot log in and are getting "Inventory System Unavailable" errors as a result. :smileysad:
  10. Theresa I know you know a good deal more about the workings of systems such as Second Life than I, but I don't think that analogy holds. If an account's inventory is unavailable when it's home sim-server is restarted, then that, to me, is like a mechanic bleeding a car's brakes while another mechanic has the front hubs off the car to work on the discs. You may well be right and I am worrying unnecessarily, but it just looks like sloppy coordination to me. Griffin I don't see that when I click on more details...odd. I get what I posted.
  11. Now that still suggests two parts of Linden Lab working on the SL servers at the same time, from 5 until 7 am PST. Sorry, but in my book that is just plain stupid. Perrie This will be a new Server version, it is not a "simple Restart". Unless of course the restarts are being re-arranged and they just haven't bothered to communicate it. :matte-motes-sour:
  12. Griffin Clicking "More details" gives me: Second Life Server Deploy When Tue Mar 19, 2013 5am – 11am Pacific Time
  13. LL Is this: 1) Wise? 2) Actually going to run concurrent with Main Server Restarts?
  14. Perrie You may well find that occurs since it will refresh the database contact with your account. It does not change the matter of the database/server being messed up and losing contact with many inventory items and accounts. :smileyfrustrated: There are some (in my acquaintance), for whom relogging does not solve or improve the issue. These accounts have been seeing this issue for some time intermittently, and are now seeing the issue a good deal more frequently. One factor may make such issues more likely; the increased latency necessarily extant for UK and European accounts. Oh, and for what it's worth, no, they are not my alts: I do not have any. :smileytongue:
  15. At the risk of being shot down, the "cannot create requested inventory" error is seemingly more frequent with the "threaded rez" update. Both that and the "Cannot derez object" issues are down to inadequate communication between the sim servers and the central inventory server ( source Linden Lab). Excessive pingtimes indicating slow connections make it worse but do not, in themselves, cause it.
  16. Hilary That "Requesting Region Capabilities" message only occurs if somewhere in the path from LL's servers to your computer there is a lot of lag. Recently, (a month or so ago) some internal issues with the LL intranet was causing these messages for some accounts. I have no idea why, but if speedtest results( www.speedtest.net) for Dallas and Phoenix are good, it may be worth a ticket or if you are premium, a Live Chat, with Support. Reading your post I have a feeling you have a lazy connection somewhere in your pipeline to SecondLife.
  17. Ikonn This is a bad case of Linden Lab singing "La la la, I can't hear you because I have my fingers in my ears". Yours is by no means the first ticket to have been raised over the issues reported in this and other threads. Also, Maestro "usually" relates issues reported on this particular thread to both the server group and (I assume) SL maintenance. The fact that Support claim to have no other references to this is spurious. It is yet another example of how one part of Linden Lab fails to communicate with others effectively both internally and externally.
  18. Tymus I have only seen this issue on a fairly heavily loaded sim on Magnum RC channel, during a busy event (30 plus avs on the scene). That sim is typically heavily script-loaded anyway, but when the number of avs on the sim gets about 30, a lot of the scripted functions do not work, since script-run drops below ~30%. When those conditions pertain (popular events), frequently I see the pay to avatar option not open, and scripted items such as tipjars will not work. Whether this really is just server-load or not I don't know, but I suspect that a lot of this is down to how the server deals with current calls made to it. I'd be shot down in flames if I suggested that the situation had been made worse by dynamic pathfinding, and of course no one knows yet what effect server-side baking calls will have.
  19. Maestro I don't like to nag, but is there any news of this physics spiking issue? I haven'f filed a JIRA because quite honestly I do not know how to phrase one. Also, I notice that last week's code from LeTigre was supposed to have improved object rezzing as it's goal. I had not realised that. Since that roll I have seen more "Failed to Rez object" errors on our sim Woods of Heaven, LeTigre RC (sim 9163 currently) than in the past year. Some "improvement"! I see that it is released to Main Server this Tuesday, so it looks as though it will be on the whole grid bar Magnum now.
  20. Further to this issue, reported by Wolf and others. This UK afternoon (Sunday March 10th), about 8am PST, I was sailing on Blake Sea and the Southern Channel along the Nautilus coast in a Mesh boat ( a Loonetta). Sim crossings appeared to be perfectly OK (well apart from a slight hesitation and an audible "thump") at about 15kph. However, as we approached sim boundaries it became apparent that and land or prims on the next sim were not visible until we had crossed into that sim. At 15kph that is not a major issue, but it most certainly is NOT expected behaviour! In some cases reflections of land or prims were visible but the land or prims of which they were reflections were not. Now in my experience you do not get mirages in SL! Coupled with the utterly unacceptable crossing problems at higher speeds and the vehicle control issue at higher speeds within sims both already reported on this thread, there is clearly an issue and this needs some explanation and correction as soon as possible.
  21. Maestro I know it is unlikely that a Linden will see this until Monday, but nevertheless, this issue with physics spiking really does need to be addressed. Whether the issue is related to the sim-crossing issues referred to above or not I do not know. As I reported for the last three or so restarts we have had spikes of 0.1FPS or less lasting up to 15 seconds on LeTigre RC (Woods of Heaven) in the hours after a restart. Now I am seeing them, granted less severe in nature but very damaging, while attempting fast laps in a Mesh Haru Motors car at Amber ( Amber Skyline Raceway) which is Main Server. Now these spikes totally disrupt any physical moving vehicle and can end up flipping it anywhere on the sim (or even offworld once). I cannot help but think that there is some undesireable interraction occurring between the "Interest List" code and Dynamic Pathfinding, or the way a sim handles physical objects. Whatever the cause, this matter is serious and demands attention.
  22. Dora Something that I noticed straightaway but may not be relevant: Your GPU driver 306.97 is way out of date, nVidia are on 314.06 now. That "may" make a difference. I spent about 80 minutes on a Magnum sim last night and had no problems. Aside from the driver, your system is all but identical to mine, though I have more RAM and a GTX580.
  23. Trin I am guessing that this is as a result of whoever you IMed having their privacy to non-friends selected so that they only appear online to people on their friends list. I saw this when I IM'ed a non-friend tonight, but IMs to friends online were as normal. This is how it is supposed to work, though I agree it is strange to get it when you know, maybe even can see, the av you are IMing is online.
  24. Atashi I cannot answer for Magnum but I'd suspect there is a local issue with your server if you aren't getting the messages. :smileysurprised: My home sim is LeTigre RC and we have been getting the revised somewhat more visible Restart messages as expected, ie at one minute intervals, counting down from 5. I assume there are two and one minute calls but I'm never online to see them!:smileyhappy: Only oddity today is that our sim is going to restart a lot earlier than I expected, at 9:10 hr PST, as far as I know before LeTigre RC restarts were due to start. That said timings can only be approximate given the nature of the operation! If you really aren't seeing the Restart notices I'd be inclined to check your viewer installation and make sure that it was a full clean install. :smileyfrustrated:
  25. @Maestro and dd (and Wolf, who "knows about these things") Is it possible that the "Interest List" changes that Andrew has been heading up could have any bearing on these issues? I ask because "In-sim" performance on a racetrack (Amber Skyline) has noticeably changed in recent weeks, and NOT for the better. The coincidence seems remarkable seeing as other unexpected and unwanted effects have definitely been seen.
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