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Camden McAndrews

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Blog Comments posted by Camden McAndrews

    Fitted Mesh Is Here!

    This is the best news from Linden Lab since the addition of Avatar Privacy and increasing the number of groups!  At last, we can make clothing that looks realistic!  Hot diggity dawg!

    Torley used those models to demonstrate the technology, and did it well.  Which body shape you prefer is a matter of personal taste, insignificant to the question at hand.  In the video, he demonstrates that Fitted Mesh will conform to the avatar shape even if you push it to such hideous inhuman extremes as the self-proclaimed "Standard Sizes."  The point isn't about the shape; it's about the fact that the technology works even if you push the limits.


  1. Rod,


    Some more advice about how to learn SL from an executive viewpoint:  Get yourself a motorcycle and hit the Linden mainland roads.   Budget some time for this; take a ride across a couple of dozen mainland regions at a time.


    You'll quickly learn about many of the issues that plague residents--how difficult it is to maintain an attractive build when griefers can dump unsightly junk next door, what lag can do to you, the adventure of sim crossings.  You'll find yourself thinking, "Gosh I could go over there if only there were a connecting road."


    You'll also experience some of the most delightful builds and the incredible creativity that people bring to Second Life.  Say hello to people you meet along the way; roadside people tend to be friendly people.  And you'll be delighted to learn that you can have this experience without having to get simulated bugs in your teeth!




    Mike Arabello, a Residents Advisory Committee sounds like a heck of a good idea to me!

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