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Larisa Tylman

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  1. Get it right honey, you got it the wrong way round
  2. screams and heads back to the comfort of Phoenix.
  3. I'm with Sappy on this, the first qualification a CEO needs is EARS!!!!! We made this world, WE are the economy, without us it isnt anything, LL is a business and any business will fail if it doesn't deliver what the customers want and need. Good luck Rob, you sure cant do any worse than the ones before.
  4. Am I doing something wrong or what, no one seems to have mentioned that there is a commisson on the Lindex and there wasn't on Xstreet, I paid my dollar and the rest came to me, now it seems there's a 3.5% commission, this is daylight robbery, yet another example of LL's "F*** You" attitude to the very people who make this world an economically viable proposition.
  5. Sorry to not be able to offer any encouraging help, but even with a high end computer SL crashes for everyone.
  6. As no one seems to have answered you...do a search for them, if it comes up not found, they are banned.
  7. Larisa Tylman

    Make baby

    When you find out how to make this baby, make sure you make a nursery folder in you inventory to store it in when you realise that it will become like the exercise bike you never used.
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