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Da5id Weatherwax

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Posts posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. 8 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Being in such a weird headspace that this is my peeve:

    I had a terrible night's sleep.  That puts me right on track for being my normal grumpy self.

    Today was my monthly bill paying day.  That's always a sure bet for a foul mood.

    It is cold and raining today.  I generally like rain, but this is too gloomy today.

    The leaves are fluttering past my window.  I like fall (I live in the middle of touristy New England fall landscapes). I'm not ready for summer to be ending.

      AND   Right! Ready for some pithy, slightly sarcastic observations here! Ready to be misanthropic!

    Well, crud! I'm in a wonderful mood! Dial me into stupid for having had some good news and none of the above can knock me back to my normal cranky self! PEEVED :)

    Hey, if I can get away with posting anti-peeves, anyone can. Glad you're having a good day :)

    • Like 3
  2. 9 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Peeve: Wonky sleep. For the past couple of weeks my sleep has been so screwed up. Two nights in a row now of getting to sleep after midnight and waking at 4:15 in the morning. AWAKE. Like no reason to lay there and stare at the ceiling awake. I don't nap well. So...



    but, then again....

    WITH coffee there is ALSO darkness and chaos - but the darkness is espresso and the chaos happens a lot faster

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    • Haha 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    I recall they have a name for that branch of study/development... which of course I can't remember.

    Of course they do. This is NASA - a branch of  the US government that likes to think of itself as a bastion of forward-looking policies and progress - but is so prudish they sometimes make the Taliban look like libertarians!

    Can you imagine the hoops NASA engineers had to go through when talking about plumbing connections in space suits, to try and avoid a document that said "Option 1, we clamp a tube around their d*ck"

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Kinda tidy project. I wonder if we could concoct a free, open-source extension to AVsitter that made this happen.

    • Scripts for board, water
    • splash sound
    • water ripple prim texture+normalmap, texture anim params
    • splash particle params, texture

    Do we know who'd contribute good PD content, for the recognition?

    IIRC, old splashable  water may have some of this already in open source; may be due some recognition or inclusion.


    This is an idea I like. And I haven't even started constructing the pool at my new place yet.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Who put the "bomp" in the "bomp, bomp, bomp"?

    LOL - but seriously, it's a known fact that whether you admit it or not, if your new technology makes it possible to make better internet erotica that technology is almost guaranteed to succeed. It's never admitted, of course. There is a Victorian layer of prudery over "what it is proper for a company to be involved in" but.. they all know it when it's coded.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Well, my technology knowledge limits were hit somewhere on page 1 of this. God you guys are knowledgeable nerds (or really good at faking it, and I sure can't tell). So, in the original blog posted in the OP the statement is made that they can't wait to see how SL creators will use this!

    For reasons unknown to me, my first thought was, "ooohbaby! Adult stuff!" (not the actual verbiage cuz can't do that here)

    A friend of mine with a PhD in really weird stuff, has studied game modding. There is an actual, academic term (don't remember it) for the time it takes for a modifiable game to come out and the time someone makes "male and female bits" as a mod. It is usually measured in nanoseconds. I'm willing to bet that this will hold true here, too. :)

    Probably. I mean, who laid (sorry) the foundation that pretty much all scripted furniture uses these days, that spawned AVSitter and all its ilk? Who made it possible for that to interact with attachments first? Stroker Serpentine, that's who - and we all know what he made :D

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. Remember that perfect is the mortal enemy of good enough. Having an invisible "splash prim" at the water entry point triggered to have its particles "go off" a fixed (short) time after the diving board sends "Hey! somebody just jumped" (right after it calls llStartAnimation() for the dive) might just be "good enough"

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Clara Sorrenti, the trans rights activist and Twitch streamer, was doxxed in the London, Ontario hotel room to which she'd fled after being swatted by members of the online harassment site Kiwi Farms when someone was able to identify the pattern of the sheets on the bed behind her in a picture. She then fled to Ireland -- and started finding threatening notes at her doorstep there less than a week later.

    Some of those doxxing Sorrenti are "hackers," but not I think "professionals." The point, I think, is that anyone with sufficient motivation, time, and patience can likely find out all sorts of stuff about us from the most innocuous clues.

    In the case of SL, I wouldn't worry overmuch about information being hacked, as I would about the many, many small hints about our identity that most of us leave littered about our SL.

    An entirely-too-perfect example given the recent spectacular demise of Kiwi Farms as a result of them finding out that not even the Russian DDoS protection service will take them as a client. I'm not advocating DDoSing anyone, of course, but if you can't sign up to cloudflare  or an equivalent, any anonymity your servers enjoyed is gelded at best... and doxxing the doxxers - in particular, identifying those providing services to them so that "market forces"* can work their magic - has a lovely karmic feel to it.



    *the most potent of which being, of course "OMFG if anyone acts on this info and we knew we were part of providing it we are going to get sued not just into bankruptcy but oblivion! Yoink that contract, burn it to ash and bury the ashes at a crossroads, preferably in somebody else's country! Get that 'stuff' off our network, NOW!"

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I have been sloppy enough over the ages that some very motivated people (and lord knows, I've had my fair share of folks that might just do it, which is not a compliment to me nor is it bragging) could, possibly cross connect a SL account to my RL stuff but they'd end up with the RL pseudonym. That was rather on purpose, ya know? ETA: And I STILL give that info out to just about no one in SL, as I write about things that ARE personal in my RL and... no.

    It's almost impossible to prevent cross-linking if a professional with the sort of connections you'd expect from a person in that role is actually trying to do it.

    For anyone else, these common-sense precautions should be sufficient - the person trying to achieve it would, as you say, need some "additional insight" to begin with and the motivation to do it.

    And 99% of us simply aren't worthy of a professionals time.

    There are always the many-tentacled algorithms of the zuckage and others, these are highly effective but generate a lot more noise along with the signal. most evildoers wanting to cross-match online identities tend to focus on compromising the output of those algorithms rather than putting the painstaking effort to focus on a single individual that the above-mentioned professional would.



    I have not yet run up against the "give me your RL social media" stuff, but 13+ years ago it was ASL asap! That was also met with a "no." Years ago it was a "I want to voice verify you" which now, in certain situations I take as a given. Being a friend with me to listen to music and asking for that stuff? Eff off.

    Back in the day it was very much a thing to read A/S/L as A/sS/h*Le. Certainly repeatedly asking was enough to attract the unfriendly attention of my scripts back when I was an IRC chanop and later serverop. At the very least it attracted withering public ridicule.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Apparently, being Peeved is Scottish or vice-versa based on the recent content. 
    This explains, and is explained by, the "All Things Scottish" SNL skits where one learns, "If it's not Scottish, it's crap!"

    I'm only peeved that not everybody would get this reference, and that some may think it serious (since it references an SNL skit).

    Wha's liek us?

    Precious few, and they're a' deid!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       Today I've been forced to wear trousers. After months of refusing to do so, putting trousers on for a formal occasion felt .. Restrictive, at best. I reckon I'm a fair bit less fertile by now, than I was when I woke up this morning. 

       But I'm likewise peeved at the Scots. Not because they wear kilts - that I applaud - but the way people somehow presume that because you wear a kilt, you must be a Caledonophile of some sort. Sure, I like whisky, and aye, I wear kilts - and yes, I sporadically say 'aye'; but that's not because I appropriate the Scottish culture, but because the Scottish culture is the result of the precursor to my culture violently throwing itself onto the British isles a millennia ago (and 'aye' is derived from the Old Norse word 'ei'). 

       The Vikings brought the 'kolt' to Britain long ago (and, no, they didn't wear 'kilts', 'kolt' just means 'skirt' and there were no ceremonial rules for plaiting or folding; they wore cloth that protected from the elements but didn't choke their balls - in fact most of the time it was just a long shirt/tunic that served as both the top and bottom part of one's attire). The Scottish kilt didn't become a 'thing' until the 18th century. And no, Swedes (nor any other Norse folks) haven't perpetuated the tradition, but I just cannot find a pragmatic reason for why anyone would wilfully strangulate their loins and wreak havoc upon their virility. 

       At least my other brother is dating a Scot, so when next I'm summoned to attend a wedding, I might get to enjoy the freedom any man deserves.


    As a Scotsman, I applaud you! The "great kilt" is just a way of wrapping and pleating a length of cloth so as to allow it to be a complete suit of clothing with the simple addition of a belt. The kilt most of us wear today(when we choose to wear the kilt at all) does have a lot of relatively recent "rules" and "traditions" loaded on it but isn't that true of every style of clothing that has become known as "national dress"?

    I will invite you to simply consider this - Think back through human history in every culture. All the most feared warriors have been men in skirts.

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    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Peeve: Once again proving we need waaaaaaaay more response emoticons than we have here.

    Peeve: If the PG image of coffee cup created a (pun) stir, well then... I surely can't post the image I want to post in response. Sigh. I will just have to look at it on reblogme instead.

    So I can respond with this :plonk:



    You tempt me sorely, lassie. But that may be just my natural wish to respond to your gripe - nay, PEEVE - about single guys.



    And I do hope you haven't actually "plonked" me - FYI that is the sound made on usenet by a troll hittinig the bottom of the killfile (ie- ignore list)

    • Like 1
  13. Quit yer peevin' about birthdays. It aint your fault that your parental units chose a "bad day to boink."

    If you want a day REALLY peeve-worthy, I ruined my Mom's Christmas Dinner by deciding to put in an appearance a month early. Entered the world shortly after midnight on 26-Dec.



    (ETA - and I do mean REALLY ruined - the first time my folks tried they had twins who were severely premature and stillborn, so when I started to show up early, my poor Mom really freaked out.)

    • Like 3
  14. Thinking about this development some more I think a valuable addition would be to have some way to expose the current position of the IK-targets (the REAL position - anims+puppeteer), relative to the avatar center to scripts. I make guitars (replicating my RL instruments for SL, and doing the same for other performers from time to time just because I can) and I'd love to have some way to make 'em "attach here and orient the guitar neck towards this hand, wherever it is" rather than making a playing anim and then laboriously tweaking that and the instruments attachment rotation so that they match up for an individual avatar. Or dusting off my old spinning wheel project and have a way for the yarn to follow the avs hand without them needing a separate invisible attachment there to target particles on.

    Given the client-side nature of anims I'm not sure how that could work, but the advent of this project makes me at least hope it would be possible down the road.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    A few years ago, I entertained the idea of finding a modest winter retreat someplace warmer than Port Washington. I've reconsidered as I watch those places catch fire, or sink under flood waters. Now I read that Duluth, MN is the new Mecca for those weary of climate driven disasters.

    Procrastination FTW!

    Duluth is a lovely place to live. Although, if you were looking a few months ago I'd have given you a buddy's number about the place he was selling in Two Harbours, just up the road a bit :D

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