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Da5id Weatherwax

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Posts posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. 21 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Yes, for instance: either my kamancheh from Turkey or Eurorack module from Czechoslovakia are coming today.. did I need either? No.

    You shame me, my leonine friend..  The only delivery I'm waiting on at the moment is a flight case, and still riding the high from getting my paws on the mixer to fit IN that flight case so it hardly counts..

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

    For a second there, I forgot our universal, hard-wired and irresistible human instinct to hoard inanimate objects. Mea culpa.

    You speak merely of human greed (and the attraction to the bright and shiny)

    These pale into insignificance besides the addiction that is "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" for a musician. Indeed, the hold that G.A.S. has on a musician would make a strung-out crackhead look like a methodist.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:


                                                             An electric or an acoustic guitar?

    You know as well as I do that the correct number of guitars to have is one more than you've got so why not both and just pick the best one for the track you're playing :)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 4 components:

    1 - getting the audio into your computer. How you do this  will depend on what audio sources you want to stream. Guitar and vocals, a straight 2-channel interface will do as Maryanne pictured above. If you're using backing tracks that are stored on your computer then you can probably mix them with your live sound using software on your PC. If they are from any other source, you'll need more than a 2-channel interface to do vox/guitar/backing. If you already possess an external mixer, many modern ones have at least a stereo USB interface built in and you can do your mixing there, and just send a single main mix source to your PC that way

    2 - monitoring. You need to be able to monitor exactly what you are sending to the stream. You cant monitor by listening to the stream itself because there will be about a 20sec delay on it coming back to you (buffered on the server) so you have to be monitoring locally to hear what your;e sending to your audience. Too many ways to list all the options to do this here but you should be able to find one that works with no latency.

    3 - getting the audio from your PC to the stream server. DJ software can do this but has a lot more bells and whistles (and things to break) than most live performers need. just getting a main mix stereo channel to a streaming server needs no more than BUTT - It's free. If you're doing any mixing in software on your PC you may find that the software you use for that can send to a stream server too.

    4: a stream server. you can rent one for cheap. There's places on the marketplace will let you do that for lindens.

    • Like 3
  5. 18 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Ooooh, streaming/broadcasting is a challenge. Da5id.

    Whatever confidence I lack over playing my bodhran in public can be replaced by pizza given to the band... or the audience.

    Stick a mic in front of my gob or a guitar, bodhran or low whistle in my paws and I'll go for it. The hammered dulcimer, the mandolin and the bandura, not so much.


    Best place to play bodhran is in a jam circle in the corner of a crowded Irish pub.There will likely be at least two other bodhran players there. The other musicians will be friendly and help you get better, should you need it, while the other listeners in the pub won't know which of the the three of you made the mistakes :) 

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I blame Molly..

    (You're pushing the limits of my genetic memory, I'm too young to actually remember FM & M!)

    The radio theater company I was a member of would recreate the classics. We'd do Fibber McGee, we'd do Dick Tracy, The Lone Ranger, The Shadow.. We'd do Christmas Carol every year. Did a pretty good recreation of "War of the Worlds" on its anniversary too :)

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    This is how weird my instrument collection is getting: I forgot that I have a hammered dulcimer. Cute Chinese hammers from eBay, too.

    "...and we close our 'local news' section with this. Marcia...."

    "Thanks, Tom. In the early hours of this afternoon a lion was rushed to the local hospital after suffering injuries in a freak avalanche of musical instruments...."

    • Haha 2
  8. 57 minutes ago, Dream Starchild said:

    Yes - in the US you gotta read the labels carefully. I buy local raw honey. Also: maple syrup. If it doesn't say 100% pure maple syrup on the bottle, it's high fructose corn syrup with flavoring and food coloring.

    Peeve of the day: having ideas and inspiration, but no energy. Ugh.

    When I lived in the USA I had maples on my land. Depending on how good the previous summer had been, each spring it was 60-80 gallons of sap to boil down for each gallon of maple syrup.  Maples are also kind enough to drop plenty of hot-and-clean burning firewood each year too so they took care of cooking it down as well :)

    • Like 3
  9. 6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I dunno, "Vxxx warts" sounds yucky enough to me. As would "Axxx warts", etc. Any kind of wart from a genital or orifice.

    That's "just the job, man..." A surgeon cuts ANYTHING out from somewhere (or takes a sample wondering IF they should cut it out) it goes to histo/cyto so somebody can tell the surgeon if they were right to remove it (or  either "nah, it's benign" or "Oh SH...get that sucker out of your patient's body NOW")


    And some of those "anythings" aint pretty, smell pretty bad or would otherwise gag a maggot.



    ETA: it is universally accepted in path labs that even though it's not really healthy the fact that formaldehyde vapour inhibits your sense of smell is a good thing.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Orwar said:

       Vodka is, by definition, an unflavoured spirit. If you flavour it, it's 'something else' - schnapps, usually; we make an annual batch of bog myrtle schnapps by just steeping bog myrtle in vodka. Personally I wouldn't consider artificial cream flavour to be an edible foodstuff - if you put that in vodka, what you've got is a perfumed disinfectant/cleaning agent. 

       Pfft. I only drink triple-distilled (at least), 40% and up, chilled vodka. Neat. You know, the proper way.

       It's also great for mixing drinks with, but then you're not really 'drinking vodka' anymore, you're drinking drinks. Anything else would be a bit like saying 'I ate onions for dinner' because you ate meatloaf that had some onion in it - which would be silly!

    s/vodka/whisky/ and you could almost be a Scotsman :) One must preserve the purity of one's "heritage spirits" against all comers! You can tell an interloper in whisky territory by the fact that they put an "e" in it. (without the "e" it's one of those region origin things) Tells you it is nether from Scotland nor made according to the proper recipe and methods. (our celtic cousins in Ireland get a free pass on this one, they make quite respectable distillates)

    now, I've nothing against a good bourbon or rye but "whisky" they aint :D

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    One of my RL friends manages a few labs, and has given me a taste of his "lab humor".  Yuck!

    Interesting guy, half-Japanese, 6'7", longhair, piercings, femme.  One that "got away".

    the "yuck" only usually happens with the "practicals" like tapping the new and arrogant young pathologist to be the one doing the macro dissection on the monstrous cyst that is so massive, taut and throbbing that it came in from the OR in a 5-gallon bucket of formalin... (and that, of course is merely the vastly more experienced lab staff handing out a richly-deserved comeuppance for treating them like crap because they weren't "doctors")

    • Like 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I will be careful to think of Seicher first, always, for all future posts.

    And make sure I have at least one hard, heavy, throwable object in my bag at all times.

    You KNOW I've got to give it at least a few hours for Seicher to respond with (one of) the right line(s)

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  13. 3 hours ago, Fenix Eldritch said:

    Definitely. The permissions auto-granted when wearing or sitting on an object  persist after detaching, dropping, or standing up. Whereas leaving an experience is guaranteed to revoke all EXP perms.

    Yep. Once a script has non-experience perms on you it KEEPS those perms until either it's reset or it requests (and receives) perms from another user.




    Moreover, experiences are ultimately tied to premium accounts which means Linden Lab has their IRL information.

    They sure know who I am. They got my RL name, my RL address, my CC number, the whole nine yards.

    I dont hide who I am IRL from people inworld anyway. More than half of my SL "friends" have my RL phone number, for example. Most know my RL name and which city i live in making it a trivial task to find me on the electoral rolls and find out where I live. I find that NOT trying to hide any of "who I really am" goes a long way to calming any anxiety and encouraging trust, which , for my part, I shall always do my best to be worthy of.

    Maintaining the access to my land experience has been about 30% of the reason I have always kept premium membership. The other 70% has been wanting to live on MY land, which means mainland and therefore premium.

  14. 19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    It suddenly occurs to me -- I don't know that this is relevant at all, but I find it interesting, and I post to please myself -- that those who are suspicious of Experiences are likely to be older SLers who remember, and likely witnessed first-hand, some of the kinds of griefing that used to be reasonably prevalent in SL in the "Good Old Days," but are really no longer nearly so much in evidence.

    I suspect that "newer" residents -- say, within the last half dozen to ten years or so -- have likely never been tricked to sit on something, accept an animation, or take something that it would have been wiser not to.

    And my guess, judging from my own memories, is that true noobs very likely have no concerns at all about accepting something like an experience, because it likely hasn't really occurred to them that anyone would want to do something sinister to them.

    Just a thought. As I say, I don't know if it's relevant or not.

    I'm an "older SLer" in both rezdate and laps around the local RL stellar mass and perhaps you're right, perhaps it is in my contemporaries that I see the reticence. I've tried to work on a build in a sandbox while huddling under my umbrella to avoid the self-replicating bouncing screamers and the downpour of improbably-shaped flying genitalia.

    Heck, I've almost got myself banned from a Trek RP group for creating a "griefing tool" when a fellow group member encountered me testing a tribble I was creating for RP... I had to demonstrate to the group owners that they contained a killswitch to instantly erase every tribble in a region. (they were physical though, so if one had rolled over a boundary.. oops).

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  15. 15 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I've been in SL over 13 years and don't fear using Experiences. I consider myself an immersive SL user, so I like the seamless feel when using Experiences. I have RLV enabled, but not open to random people. I know how to log out if I get trapped on something with it, but that's never been a problem for me, because I have it set to only me as the user. 

    Btw, Da5id, I probably shouldn't use your Experience, because I like sneaking into places too much & wouldn't like to get trapped.

    If you can find the right [REDACTED] to expose the [REDACTED] and trace the right [REDACTED] for that door on it, the door will open and most traps will be off (apart from the ones that are there for fun, at least) - Cam-TP and that's cheating :D

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: TBH, I dun get the "cornfield" references.

    "Children of the Corn" comes to mind. Creepy, evil, Satanic kids.  Being "banished" there sounds like not-fun.

    Mayperhaps the "cornfield" references are about "banishment" of some kind?  Specifically, a "virtual" place discussed here, where people go when they've been naughty?

    Or, could it be a "Field of Dreams" reference (but wasn't that wheat)?

    I miss the good old days, "Sit on the bench next to me" (whatever "the bench" was called here). Simpler times!

    twas a thing. Exile to the cornfield was kinda "No, you're not banhammered but you came THIS close..."

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