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Maestro Linden

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Posts posted by Maestro Linden

  1. Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

    llTeleportAgent wiki entry says it's owner-only. Is that erroneous?

    Hi Jenni, this line from the llTeleportAgent wiki page is correct:

    >> This function can only teleport the owner of the object.


    PERMISSION_TELEPORT is fairly locked-down, compared to most other LSL permissions.

  2. >> I see that the Grid Status Calendar is showing Blue Steel and Le Tigre rolling on Wednesday (today) and Magnum rolling on Thursday (Tomorrow). It there any particlur reason, or is it just the rollout process is still slow?

    That must have been mistake on the calendar.  All 3 RCs are being deployed today - BlueSteel and Magnum are being rolled,  and LeTigre is getting a config update which doesn't require a roll.  Looking at the calendar now, all 3 RCs are listed for today:

    Wednesday, July 18
     BlueSteel Roll
     LeTigre Roll
     Magnum Roll
  3. Hi MB, I tried region crossings on vehicles in the Magnum sandboxes (used the 'Kart 1.0' and a mesh motorcycle I have), and can't reproduce region crossing issues - I found that region crossing performance was the same on Magnum as on other channels.  I suspect the problem could be your specific region, avatar, or vehicle (e.g. crossing performance is generally worse if you have too many scripts in attachments or the vehicle).  As Oskar said, please file an SVC bug with the relevant details, with reliable steps to reproduce the issue.

  4. Release notes have been updated for this week's RCs.  Here's the executive summary:

    * LeTigre and BlueSteel have a server maintenance project, which only contains bugfixes

    * Magnum still has the region crossing project from last week, with an additional fix for a case in which some avatars would get stuck in a region and be unable to TP out.

    The release notes links from Oskar's original post have more details about the changes.

  5. We detected a new sim crasher while doing today's rolls.  One of the changes in the new BlueSteel version (which was also in Magnum) appears to be responsible, so we are changing the release plans for this week.  All 3 RC channels will instead get the version that was originally planned to only go to LeTigre:


    We apologize for the extra downtime this has caused.

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