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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. DQ Darwin wrote: Yep Hippie it's just great life is. Hey where's Val? Shopping? Hi Dee! Hippie Waves! She may be over on her Black and White picture thread @ http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/When-SL-meets-RL-a-B-amp-W-love-story/td-p/798167. But then again, if she is anything like my lady, she may be shopping! Sigh. Have a good day Dee! Peace!
  2. Great Weather today from Hudson Florida! Sunny. Clear. High 77F. Yes! Yes! YES! Peace!
  3. OMG! So late posting here today! Hi everyone! Spring has sprung huh! Hippie stirs up the fire! Life is good! Yes? Peace!
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: Thank you Hippie. You were always in my thoughts. Awww! Hippie smiles!:smileyhappy: Peace!
  5. Lia Abbot wrote: Thank you Willow, it's nice to be back. So good to see you back Lia! Hippie missed ya! :smileytongue: Peace!
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Awww Hippie, you are too sweet! Thank you! Well it is true Val! You are one of the kindest people I know in SL. And your personality is beautiful beyond compare! Hippie blushes! Peace!
  7. Venus Petrov wrote: Val, I do not perceive you as shallow in the least. I believe that you love and appreciate beauty and you exemplify it in your avatar. Vanity is not a bad trait. It is the underlying personality that tempers and softens it and makes one 'real'. I agree Venus! Val's beauty runs more then skin deep huh? Woot! Peace!
  8. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: It does Hippie, but so does remembering Woodstock. So what ? Hippies are eternal. LOL! Oh yea Wil! My "Hippie mentality" lives on! Peace!
  9. Lia Abbot wrote: I know that if someone upsets you, Hippie, they must be really bad. You are the most patient guy I know. Lia!! Good to hear from you! Yeah, I am very patient. I have to be to teach! LOL! Hugs to you Lia! Peace!
  10. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: Very much RL meeting SL, innit Hippie ? ( especially considering is was born 3 days prior to this RL event referred to ) Peace. Oh yes Wil! I remember the moon landing well! Dates me huh? Sigh! Peace!
  11. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: "Magnificent desolation." Photo taken @ ART BOX - The Original, Klaw (27, 19, 22) PS TY, valerie Reminds me of a song by the police! "Walking on the moon!" Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could live together Walking on, walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Feet they hardly touch the ground Walking on the moon My feet don't hardly make no sound Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away, no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could be together Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play Peace!
  12. Poison Woodsheart wrote: How do I undeed something? Is it an object you want to undeed, or the land? If it is an object, and it is yours, simply return it. It will be returned to your lost and found folder. If it is land, set your land contributions to 0, and sell it back to yourself. Make sure that you sell it back to yourself only, so a land bot don't come a buy it. I hope this helps! Peace!
  13. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: ~*~ People who don't appreciate others' hard work to keep their fav hangout running ~*~ Drama queens (and kings). Unless you're a friend, I don't really care if you're an abused welfare-whore with a drug addicted child. Especially since you're most likely a liar anyway. ~*~ Gesturbators, ESPECIALLY the kind with highly annoying "WEEEEEEE" screams at max volume and the damn gestures with chained-together sounds so they last for-fracking-ever. ~*~ Friend invites out of the blue. ~*~ Total strangers asking if I'd give them a ride on my horse avi. NO, I WON'T. ~*~ People who have their "friends" ask my if/why I muted them. Welcome, "friend of x", to my mute list. ~*~ HNGs (Horny Net Geeks) asking for pixelsex. Go buy a blow-up doll, please. Or try winning a darwin-award, that'd be great too. And a lot of the things others already posted. Voice in local especially... pet peeve. Big Arggggg, and great post Jenni! Peace!
  14. Kenbro Utu wrote: I have to say that the only thing that makes me really perturbed are the occasional miscreants who come into SL with no other intent but to cause mayhem or strife for those just trying to enjoy their SL. The SL of today is a lot different than the one I joined back in 2006. It was like the wild west back then compared to the present. There were lots of things that could offend, and I can honestly say I was not as tolerant then as I am now, and it is largely because of SL. It was the atmosphere of having such an empty canvas to create upon, the community comprised of individuals thousands of miles apart and from such a diversity of cultures, and the many fascinating ways this community was filling that canvas that taught me tolerance for other's ideas of fun and what SL is to them. SL to me made that kind of coexistance possible in a way that RL often fails to. So now I can allow others to experience their SL how they see fit without it affecting my SL. I may not understand it, I may not agree with it, and if the situtation really requires I simply remove myself from the situation (peopled can be muted, particles turned off, etc.), but I've learned not to let it disturb me. Oh yes Kenbro! It is a wonderful this SL. The mute button is a good thing too. I don't use it very often, but I have been know to use it! Thanks for the great post! Peace!
  15. Liisa Runo wrote: Copybots and people who posess botted items. Banlines Security systems that don't give enough time to read the dialog and leave the parcel. People who build everything full bright. Temp rezzers that re-rez stuff as temp to go over the prim quota and lag the sim. No-mod items. Messy parcels with no autoreturn. Neighbor's breedables that are physical and lag the sim. v2 SL drug policy. ... and giant pile of other bad decisions made by LL. Great post Liisa! Especially the temp rezzers. If you are going to use a rezzer, make sure it is not a temp rezzer! ARGGGGG! Peace!
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: How hard it is sometimes to get subscribe-o-matic turned off. Recently I was in a club that had the subscriber in several unmarked prims. I accidentally clicked. That was low down, sneaky, dirty. To which I will add clubs and or group that think they need to send out a dozen notices an hour. Or even a day. "The show starts in an hour" "The show starts in a half hour" "The show starts in fifteen minutes" "Five Minutes till the show starts" "The show has started" "This show is awesome" "The show is 1/4 over" "Half an hour left for the show" "There is still time to get on the contest board" "Last fifteen minutes for the show" "Last call for boobies" "You all missed a great show, next one is tomorrow........" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Oh yes Perrie! The other day I went out to a place to try to unsubscribe from one of those beasts! ARGGGG! Could not even find the prim! Sigh! Peace!
  17. Evangeline Twist wrote: Too many gestures drive me nuts so I tend to stay away from night clubs, I don't mind applause gestures at a live show though. I also can't stand blingy jewelry and blingy shoes! lol Nothing else really makes me go ARGGG! That I can think of anyway Thanks Evangeline! Great post! Oh I thought of another one! Face Lights! ARGGGGG! You can't walk when someone comes near with those! Peace!
  18. Hi all. This was posted long ago in the GD Forums, and I have added some things to it! I am a bit curious of things that make you go "Arggg" in Second Life. I have three things that really yank my chain! 1. Offering me a teleport, without even an explanation. 2. Leaving your mic open so everyone can hear your dirty laundry. 3. IM'ing me as soon as you see me on. (Please wait at least 5 minutes while I get my bearings.) 4. Begging for money. 5. Excessive gestures. ( I don't mind a gesture or two, but a constant stream of gestures is a sure way to tork off this hippie! OK everyone! This is not a question. Have some fun with it! Run with it!!
  19. Blondin! Good to see you in the forums! Peace!
  20. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Day Val and Hippie. Running late today. Frank now thats cool, that leads to Dean and now this bit of humour enjoy:) Oh Dee! I remember that from way back! Dates me huh? LOL! So funny! Thanks! Have a good day! Peace!
  21. LOL! Not a chance! Them IT people are sick! HAHAH! Thanks for your help! Peace!
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: I don't specifically volunteer my time, but I am generally always willing to help. I have taught many a nOOb some basic building and editing skills. Oh so good Perrie! Thanks for the time you give in helping others! Peace!
  23. Hi Peewee! Back! I tried IE, and had the same problem! I am thinking it is a firewall problem here at work! Sigh! Thanks! Peace!
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