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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. The problem isn't being a child avatar.   The problem is wanting to have sex as(or with) a child avatar. That's the thing that LL forbids.

    Most people just want to be sure that child avatar sexuality or even the slightest suggestion of the appearance of child avatar sexuality doesn't happen in their proximity. If they are landowners, they sure don't want to be accused of harboring such activity.  If they are visitors they don't want to be accused of engaging in or condoning such activity.  

    Then there are those who just like to push at boundaries.  You tell them they can't do something and that makes them want to do it. And let's not forget there are those unfortunate individuals who get turned on by the idea of sex with children.  I'm not sure what the draw is for them when we all know that wearing a child avatar does not make you a child and there are no actual children in SL.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    Totally understandable! If you can't find one to borrow (which I'd try first, if possible, though I know it's a loooong shot - retro gaming communities, libraries, and shops that deal in retro computing might have some leads), there is a subreddit called Data Hoarder that might be worth searching to find a good, reliable USB drive to attempt the file retrieval with (or other suggestions).

    I don't know if hunting around in genealogy communities/groups/subreddits would turn up any success, but that's another route to try. 

    Actually, speaking of libraries - maybe try there first? I found this on the LA Public Library site, soooo... maybe others have a similar service? https://www.lapl.org/memorylab/floppy

    I found a site called  https://retrofloppy.com/ that will read my 3.5"  diskette and convert the data for about the same price as buying the USB drive.  I think I'll try going to the library first and see what they can do.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    It makes sense that other products will read / convert the files, since the other companies want your business (even if the software is free).  Those genealogical companies should be really motivated to provide conversion and compatibility, so users can merge and extend family trees even if created in other software. 

    Makes sense to me.  I created the file for my mother back in 1998 turning the raw data from old news clippings and yellowed handwritten sheets of paper (some typed) that she had inherited from an uncle.  That's generally the way amateur genealogists passed information on to anyone in the family who had the slightest interest back then.  Not sure who I'm going to give it to but I was thinking of uploading it to Geneanet.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Assuming what's on the floppy is "the file" that needs to be converted, she still has the original issue / peeve - getting it off the floppy. 🙂


    I may break down and buy one of those usb portable drives.  I did some research and found a free software called rootsmagic essentials that might be able to read the file once I do get a hold of it.  I'm now waiting to do that until I hear if anyone I know on FB has already bought one for any reason and will let me borrow it or read the file for me and copy it.

    • Like 2
  5. On 2/26/2024 at 10:57 AM, Rat Luv said:

    It's still the number 1 site for breaking news and funny dog videos 🐶👍  

    Scylla posted a link to a GoFundMe asking for $50,000 so she could set up a clinic to teach hairless dogs to speak 🤔 Sid accused her of begging and they started arguing and it turned into a 3-page Youtube video DJ clash 🥶 but the Moles deleted it all 😌

    I've got to start checking this board more often!  I still have a twitter account, haven't posted anything in over a decade but I do glance at it about once in a blue moon, usually when someone talks about it here or somewhere else I go. Hairless dogs, really?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  6. 20 hours ago, gwynchisholm said:

    As a person who was and no longer is a fat guy, absolutely yes and it should be encouraged more. Someone else’s unhealthy coping mechanism should never be encouraged and should be discouraged as much as possible. “Oh you’re still beautiful even if you’re overweight”, no you’re not, you’re a visual indicator of your life falling apart and instead of reaching out to help, people just look at you and tell you it’s no big deal to fall apart anyway.

    I have an unending resentment for a substantial amount of my family for this. I have a 7 year old cousin who weighs 160lbs, that’s just child abuse. And his parents aren’t much better, I’m probably going to watch one or both of them die of some weight related complication with their health within the next decade. And nobody batts an eye because it’s rude, shouldn’t body shame them. 
    I share sympathy to people who are struggling with their body and want to improve. But I absolutely loathe the people who try to normalize it and convince others it’s ok to live miserably and die slowly.

    Good for you! Becoming a no longer fat guy is an accomplishment and I'm sure it wasn't easy for you.  But I'm sure you remember how it felt to be made to feel shame because of your appearance.  Did any of that constant shaming inspire or help you to change? As a formerly fat person myself, I know the answer to that.  

    • Like 4
  7. 26 minutes ago, Clem Marques said:

    That can happen sometimes. Just shrug it off if someone wrongfully accuses you. Happened to me when I was new to SL and had the audacity to visit a club where older avatars were dancing. I didn't care and found it funny. :D 

    Some people are simply paranoid, there's not much that we can do about it.

    At the time, I was young(er) and impressionable and it hurt my feelings terribly.  Later I thought of it as a badge of honor, but slightly tarnished. Finally, it's just a little footnote, seldom read and mostly forgotten until someone brings up alts again.  I have better alt stories but I'm not dragging them out again.

    • Like 4
  8. I was my first av's first alt, born just one month after the original.  I still keep a picture of her(my first av) in my profile's back page where originally you rl pic was supposed to go.

    Being accused of being an alt is a sure way to bring drama to a boring gathering. I remember the first time my first av posted in the forum she was immediately attacked for being someone's alt just because I had the temerity to agree with someone. It wasn't true but truth rarely matters when accusations are being flung about.

    I've created more alts than I can remember over the years. My peak alt creation years were the ones when I played Tiny Empires.  I don't bother to create new ones anymore, I just recycle the old ones that I still remember the login info for. Except I did create a new one when the Senra body came out. Named it Pat so I could use the same name for both the male and female bods. Alas, another alt left on the shelf in perpetuity as interest in Senra faded rather quickly.


    • Like 7
  9. Just now, kali Wylder said:

    I really detest those prove you are human puzzles.  Why should I have to prove I'm human?  

    This is the first post this site ever asked me to prove I am human. I've been posting here for over ten years, admittedly less these days, but still, if they don't know who I am by now, they never will.  I doubt that I will post at all here if they  do that again. Considering other things they've done over the years to stifle activity, perhaps that is their goal?

    • Like 2
  10. On 12/8/2023 at 7:11 PM, Luna Bliss said:

    Just getting around to seeing this. I'm impressed!  What do you like/not like about PBR so far?



    I know I'm just an ignorant occasional visitor to SL these days, but, it seems to me that if you want to start a discussion about an acronym, especially since it sounds like a new feature, perhaps it would be helpful to mention what it stands for in the opening post.  

    I had no idea there were now professional bull riders in SL.

    • Haha 2
  11. Seems like I have this happen every time I try a new head.  I can't remember how to fix it though.  My eyes poke through the eyelid I'm using the default shape that came with the new Lelutka gift head (which I thought would help).

    Anyone know what I should do? 



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