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Couldbe Yue

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Posts posted by Couldbe Yue

  1. without meaning to be a wet blanket, you'll notice he said demos not freebies.  Unfortunately your way excludes them too.

    if demos had their own category life would be easier..  and if we could just remove categories from the returns that would be nice too. (that's certainly not new..  lots of shopping websites have that)

  2. Rod's got a gaming background and what we're seeing is that writ large.  Pity he doesn't have an understanding of virtual worlds and their ecosystems..  Or he might, LL does have an amazing amount of data - except these days I don't think they have a business data analyst to interpret it.  As we all know, getting stats is one thing, interpreting them correctly is something else.

    The bottom line I suspect is that his cv will look a lot better if it says..  "introduced x,y,z new products with x income growth/marketshare and deployed a,b,c features to the games platform", rather than "got most of the broken stuff fixed".  To give him his due he did try to improve new user retention but since he's decided the viewer is off limits to major change (said long ago) and they don't want to invest resources to nanny people when they first arrive I can understand he's abandoned that.

    I don't think either M or Rod actually get us saddos who actually have moved in, settled down and created lives in here (even if it's only a business life) and I don't think that either of them (certainly M didn't) take us seriously as they either ignore us or give us the impression that we get in the way of their grandiose plans.

    The comment about laughing in that article I take as a deliberate insult.  He was working on the sims online iirc and he should have been abreast of the competition and whilst sl may never have been direct competition I would have expected him to be keeping an eye out to see if there was anything happening in here that he could poach some ideas from.

    Phil's abandoned us (which is probably a good thing) and we outstayed M, despite him wanting us gone, but you know I don't think we're going to survive Rod as I don't think he's going anywhere for a long time yet.  I have this sinking feeling that when SL finally closes its doors it will have an amazing array of new features put in during his time but it will be unusable. Simply because most of the features are broken in some way and there's nothing directly new and usable in the day to day.  Glossy but irrelevant to the people who actually generate the income for LL.

    ... changing the subject completely, has anyone heard from Dart?  he hasn't been on here for 3 weeks.

  3. I just nipped in to test it and I could get them to show in firestorm and when I logged back into phoenix they were showing again there too.

    So I don't know if my problem is related to yours but you'll find out when you log in with v3 I suppose.

  4. what operating system are you using?  I found that would happen occasionally when I was using xp.  It still happens now on win 7 but only when I try to open a large bvh file rather than the avm.


    eta: the freezing that is..  I've never come across the problem with typing, I'd say it's something to do with windows though.

  5. when I first put the shoes on I was in firestorm and didn't have a problem, then when I logged back in with phoenix the shoes (and feet) were gone, so she looked like an amputee!  (of course the alpha stayed, just to torment me).

    I've been meaning to log back in with firestorm to see if it's a now permanent glitch or if they'll be visible again but haven't got around to it yet.  I'll do it this evening and we can compare notes.

  6. can I ask what viewer you were using?  I found that problem with a pair of shoes in phoenix and assumed it was a phoenix problem (I haven't been in with another viewer to check yet).


  7. Thank you, that's the first genuine laugh I've had in the last couple of hours..  (I've been having *ahem* fun with more unwanted design features inworld on my full priced, yet actually a well below sub standard alpha test environment, parcel).


  8. This may be a bit of a silly question but the marketplace still asks for the number of prims when you list and I've just realised that firestorm (and I assume v2) no longer actually show prims - they only show land impact.

    What are you supposed to put in the prim field then?  The no of prims or the land impact?  I've always put prims in (even when it's higher than LI) but suddenly it dawned on me that only those of us who still use phoenix and the other viewers of that type actually see prim number (which is irrelevant anyway these days) as the other 70% only see and work with LI.

    So, I assume that everyone just puts the LI in there now or is everyone as confused as me?

  9. I don't know of any other company that makes a customer, who has been wrongly billed, file a bug report before they are repaid.  Normal companies just expect you to contact their customer service department, who usually look into it while you are there, go oops!, apologise and refund.

    what is so special about you people that you have to make it as difficult as possible for us?

  10. Rodvik Linden wrote:


    Welcome. I think folks have already mentioned a lot. Maybe just adding to this thread would be good. We "don't mean the royal we, but either myself or someone form the team) will stop by and let folks know we have read the extra feedback sometime early next week.

    All the best


    Go on, define "early next week".  Are the concepts of "early" and "next week" something relative to the mayan calendar?

    My only concern here is that you don't give into pressure from certain areas to do things that are outside your business plans.  I shouldn't need to say this but it's your business you run it how you see fit (but I will point out just how spectacularly successful that hasn't been in the past few years).  None of us know the full story, as we don't work for LL so don't have access to all the information needed to make rational choices about the best use of resources to deliver features.

    All I really want is for LL to stop giving up poor quality, partially featured crap* software.  Just give us things that work and we can work around your limitations.  It's when you add the rubbish like failed payments, enhancement misadventures, relevance that isn't and all the other features that are broken in some way, that people start to disengage.  I'd hazard a guess that delivery and general slm issues down the last 12 months have been to a noticeable degree responsible for a decline in both slm sales and the average price paid.  Pity people have nowhere else to go since inworld search has been screwed** since early last year and the method v2 uses it seems to compound the difficulties. (or it could just be that people are tired of paying premium prices for what looks to be alpha software and are going to other easier, and cheaper, entertainment platforms).


    * a technical term that sadly is completely apt.

    ** another technical term.

     edit:  added the n't to should..  even I believe LL has a basic grasp of their business, despite their best efforts to show otherwise..

  11. Second Inventory is the only thing I know of.  It's a bit cumbersome to use but supposedly it works. ( I've only ever tried it to get my stuff out of avination and it failed spectacularly at that because of avination issues so I can't really say how well or not it works.)

    If paying LL to back up my inventory (are they the only company in the world who don't back up a key element of their offering? I'd say so) is the only way to preserve it then sadly I'm all for it.  If Rod would like to offer that as a premium perk then I'm sure he'd find a sudden rush of new subscriptions.

  12. I was over in the beta grid the other day and noticed my inventory hasn't been refreshed since about june 2009. So if there's any periodic refresh happening I'm not seeing it, despite going in there a couple of times a year.

    The old way it worked was when you first log into the grid it downloaded everything that was in your current live inventory. I can't remember if you said you'd been in the beta grid before you tried to recover your inventory.  If you hadn't then it's possible all it did was pull in whatever was left, which is why there was nothing to recover.  I know this is absolutely no help to you but it might explain why it didn't work.


  13. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    In my case, I can't remove the wrong images because they don't show up on my edit listings; however, they also default to the MP home page and my items they are "paired" with are also listed correctly.  So for me at this point, it's just a minor annoyance.

    I have one of those as well, everything else either I've managed to fix or they've vanished.  I've given up hope of it ever being fixed now.  With the jira closed to view it's  hard to know just how many people are still severely affected.  I know I saw one the other week where a fair number of listings were corrupted - but it looked like the wrong picture issue so it's possible that those creators aren't inworld anymore and don't even know it's happened.


  14. From my perspective, I don't even want weekly meetings. Whenever they are there'll be a proportion of people who can't make them.  Which is why Pink tried to work around that by having so many and suggested using the forum since it allows for more people to comment.

    my wish list is for the sprint task list to be published on the forum (does LL still use scrum or was that another idea that fell by the wayside?) in the prioritised order and with delivery date.  Even if the list is bigger than the capability it should mean that the top few items should get through.  Consider reviewing your objectives for each sprint, as it's becoming pretty obvious that you cannot deliver a quality product in the timeframe you are allowing yourself.  Even if you only have one item in an 8 week sprint, which is delivered and works it will be better than what we have now .  Even publishing the product log would help so we can at least see what you think is important and we can put our priority on each item.

    there's really not that many user processes with the mp, so please get someone to document the process flows!  I won't ask for an impact mapping for each deliverable because I suspect that's not possible with the team you have.

    If you still have merchants as uat testers (I think there were some for dd and I thought there might be some for the day to day releases) then get rid of them and get some people who actually know the marketplace, either that or start paying attention when they tell you what features are broken and missing - and put the defects/issues in the product list so we can discuss them and refine what needs to be done and if you don't have any business testers then get some!  your people either don't know how to test properly, don't have the time or don't understand the site well enough to ensure that the product that is delivered is actually of a quality to be released.

    Send the merchants an email periodically.  I don't need one each week but even fortnightly or monthly would be good.  Tell me what's fixed, what's coming up and you can even remind me what features you have I could splash some lindens on to enhance my marketing experience - and make it an opt in after the first one.

    fixing DD and dumping the magic boxes would be good.  but only once the main problems are ironed out and there's notifications in place.

    if you haven't yet, get yourself a vm in the cloud for this so you can test properly and a bit of automation to regression test certainly wouldn't go amiss.

    I'm not even going to list all the usability improvement I'd like to see as there's far too many broken core features that need attending to first.

  15. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Couldbe Yue wrote:

    and one last thing whilst I'm still on my high horse..

    I've only been in sl since 2006, during that time I've lived through VAT, openspace, adult content, XSL/SLM and countless other dramas where the emotional pitch has been borderline hysteric and threats of lawsuits and
    leaving have been rife
    .  Adult content was an absolute classic for that,
    countless people threatened to leave and you know what?  I still see them around. 

    Those threats are empty and do nothing to support any case.
      Reasoned argument (as with your LM suggestion Toy) goes further.

    Disregarding your first posting as I know you didnt like me putting the SLU thread thug regulars in a bad light.....

    So Couldbe, Could you please point out where any one of us Merchants on this thread as well as those on the SLU thread threatened in ANY WAY to pull up stakes and leave?  If this was such a strong message you read in the SLU thread or this one, you should have no problem at all finding at least 2 examples where any one of us that have been trying to get Rodvik to take notice of the fiasco that he has allowed to continue in the Commerce Team.

    It sorta proves that you were so tied into the emotions of the thread with the SLU that you failed to notice that it was the SLU Thread Thugs that constantly threw up the same lame argument that I have always heard from the LL CheerLeaders over all these years.....

    "If you really hate MP and the Commece Team so much then just leave! - Only Sell in-world"

    One of the most stupid and ignorant responses that a LL FonBoy seems to keep using.  Why?  Because they know full well as do all of us responsible Merchants of SL that LL's MP is a monopoly and as much as we hate the incompetance that is running MP and the lack of customer support and the constant bugs that impacts sales and take $L from our accounts without notice and unauthorized.....  as Pamela has said many times and almost all Merchants agree  "

    I suspect you will not be able to meet my challenge and find that clear statement from any one of us that said we will leave if Rodvik doesnt talk to us.

    Maybe you should go back to the SLU thread and be less sympathetic to the childish Thread Thugs who's only purpoose is to thump their chests and try to prove to the other regulars that they know better than any non-regular SLU member.

    While I am still on my high horse...

    Ask yourself this Couldbe....   Why would I, Darrius, Dart, Luna, and many others in the Merchant community go through so much trouble and take so much time and endure so many arrows from thread goofs to take up a cause simply for the purpose of wanting to leave MP?  why?  I can tell you as a fact that I would not waste my time and effort for any cause that I did not care about and that I had no care for its future and that I could just as easily abandon.

    Unlike the SLU Thread Thugs that do not care about MP (as one of them have stated many times in the SLU thread) and would rather take up their valuable time disrupting other's causes, we do care and that is why we take the time.

    go ahead and ignore the gist of what I say and concentrate on the irrelevancies..   but your emotive, deliberately insulting language about thugs a great example of the use of language designed as dog whistle to prejudices rather than anything rational and certainly does nothing to enhance what you say (I'd suggest a quick read of this for anyone who is interested in seeing how many you can spot  http://lifehacker.com/5948535/how-to-prime-your-bs-detection-skills-before-the-presidential-debates).





  16. and one last thing whilst I'm still on my high horse..

    I've only been in sl since 2006, during that time I've lived through VAT, openspace, adult content, XSL/SLM and countless other dramas where the emotional pitch has been borderline hysteric and threats of lawsuits and leaving have been rife.  Adult content was an absolute classic for that, countless people threatened to leave and you know what?  I still see them around. 

    Those threats are empty and do nothing to support any case.  Reasoned argument (as with your LM suggestion Toy) goes further.

  17. you are joking, right?

    Luna put the thread in the wrong forum - one which is predominantly used by non merchants i.e. shoppers and general sl peeps, rather than putting it in the marketplace specific forum or even the business forum.  Then she makes an assumption that everyone knows whats she's talking about so titles the thread "The SL Marketplace Is Cheating Merchants"  and only posts

    "Someone @ the SL forum said Rodvic reads these forums, so thought I would post here.
    I don't think they know how bad it really is...do they?"

    now with the best will in the world, even I don't know who "they" are and what the bad is they're supposed to know.  There's no context given just an open invitation to drama.  So the SLU regulars post lolcats and generally get silly, as they do when trolls come through (sadly quite regularly) - I don't blame them one bit.  Then you turn up with your bluster and insults (which you are still carrying on here) and complete off topic OTT drama about the linden being real currency and threats of lawsuits and they laugh at you.  Not really surprising, is it?  If I were Rod reading that I'd go to the next thread, simply because I doubt he could work out what the problem was and what you wanted him to do about it.

    Dart and Darrius on the other hand, go in later with reasoned arguments and are treated with respect - even if the rest don't agree with them. 

    You've allowed the topic to be completely driven off course by focussing on the ToS and Lindens as a currency rather than the main issue here - focussing on the poor customer service and poor quality software with defects that are ultimately disadvantaging merchants and impacting on their bottom line (not LLs, but the merchants)

    Since you have your much vaunted experience in child psychology, I suggest you look closer to home as the reaction to your behaviour over there is probably the same reaction any Linden reading this forum had when reading your posts.

    The pro tip is of course if you are trying to win an argument or convince people of your cause then you should set out your case and provide context and reasonable arguments and since that thread was aimed at Rod, who by virtue of being the CEO is probably a busy man (obviously too busy to know what is going on) then keeping it short, sharp and to the point would have been better.

    Knowing your audience is really a basic thing if you're trying to achieve something.

  18. well he should - from what I remember there's not that many people that own more than a few regions and it should be part of his job to know who the main income earners from the marketplace and his largish landowners are.  Also, if he even periodically made forays into here (which again he should be to take the temperature of his customers) he, or his minions, would be aware.

    but then, this isn't a normal company.

  19. Faye, I'm really sorry it ended like that but you're certainly not alone in your feelings.  For many reasons, primarily to do with the quality of the platform, marketplace and service which have all been contributing factors to a decline in my inworld sales,  I'm getting ready to close down all my inworld shops and get rid of the land.  Will LL care?  nope, like with Faye, they won't even notice. (btw Faye, LL didn't lose anything substantial by your departure, if you sold the land on then someone else is paying the tier (particularly if it went to a land flipper) and any money that was spent in your shop is very likely being spent elsewhere - literally the only thing that has affected LL by your departure is the loss of your premium membership)

    The sad bit of this is that the people LL drive away (and people are driven away - Faye's story is more common than it should be, as we know) were committed to SL and it's success.  They were the ones who spent so much of their time creating items that add depth and interest to this world for others to enjoy and a lot of them would only usually break even or like Faye, would end up paying LL for the "privilege" of making this world of ours a better place. That kind of committment to a company should be respected as it's very rare anywhere else but in SL, yet LL goes out of it's way to avoid even acknowledging the effort those creators put in, let alone trying to help them stay by fixing the issues that eventually become insurmountable hurdles.

    There's not really much more to say.

  20. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Hey if Rod wants to talk to me he knows where to find me. 

    If you were more important to their bottom line, that might be a possibility but the sad fact is you're not, despite the amount you directly pay them each month.  This isn't a company that works like that as you well know.  Which probably explains their decline.


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