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Couldbe Yue

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Posts posted by Couldbe Yue

  1. My deeply cynical take is that if you file a jira with the details then it will be forwarded straight onto the business side of the marketplace team.  To do things like create a job to identify failed payments would require a developer and they're too busy and precious to do something beneficial like this..  Whereas at least the business side of the team will eventually, possibly get around to sorting it out.

    That's the Tao of Linden for you..  nothing changes.

    and I've had one failure so far and it looks to be one where the customer had an overloaded basket (10 items!).  I'll give it a few more days before I raise the jira since it's still a toss up whether I keep to my normal behaviour of ignoring these failures or chance having my blood pressure raised by having to deal direct with LL..

    ahh, decisions, decisions.

  2. All plots except for the zindra waterfront have gone now.


    Two Three of my plots have now gone so here is the final list of my mainland plots for sale.

    Second Life Maps | Fillip


    Since I couldn't find anyone to rent the island, it's now up for sale. It's a rare mainland island. Ready to move in if you wish or you can return all the items and start afresh. Linden water on 3 sides and Linden wreck close by. Faces west. Either rent for 20,000L per month (I can't help it, I still really don't want to sell it) or buy.

    24432m 5592 prims

    Zindra River Frontage - Norf Haven
    Second Life Maps | Norf Haven

    5 plots facing west with their own beach and a linden protected water boundary.

    sizes range from 3840 - 8768m2. You can always go crazy and recombine them again if you need the whole lot - it's just over 27,000 m2

    Zindra River Frontage - Destonia
    Second Life Maps | Destonia

    This is on a primarily residential sim where the other plot owners have pretty well been there since we all moved over back in 2009. It has its own beach and water plus has a linden water boundary. It looks west down the river to the Linden ocean and has great sunsets.

    4224m2 966prims

    I've also got a 8000+m2 patch of flat and green on mature somewhere.. I think I'll just abandon that unless someone wants to make me an offer.

  3. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    I suppose under the new payment system, if you order a couch by credit card and get a merkin instead, at least you'll be able to do a chargeback.

    from what I remember of the way that LL responded to chargebacks in the past (LL used to suspend accounts until they cancelled the chargeback iirc), we should probably brace for a flood of distressed people or not.  I doubt anyone who actually uses sl would use paypal to purchase, just because it's expensive compared to bringing the lindens in and buying.


    Has anyone actually had a paypal payment?  I had one years ago, back when it was SLX and nothing since.

  4. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Couldbe Yue wrote:

    Unless they've changed their ToS lately (unlikely but possible), paypal doesn't allow that.


    I'd like the option to turn it off for my items.  LL may be comfortable with it but I'm not and unless things have changed, after LLs conversion of the USD to Linden fees and everything else they can apply, they end up taking far more than the 5% commission. I'm already subsidising them through holding a regions worth of tier for my shops that doesn't pay its way anymore so them putting their hand in my wallet even more is distasteful.

    I'm slightly confused here.

    Exactly what in the Pay Pal TOS doesn't allow buying exactly what?

    EBay has a whole "adult only" section one can use PayPal on all day long.



    does it?  I have to say I've not seen it..  although sometimes my (what should be pg) searches turn up bondage stuff advertised as "theatre props"  o.O

  5. Viktoria Dovgal wrote:

    Heh, where've you been? It's been that way since they switched the front from Xstreet to Marketplace, and it's already due to change next week.

    you can see how much attention I've paid lately!  Although I'm sure the last time I checked which I'm sure was only a few months ago, if I had something adult in the basket it didn't offer paypal as a payment option.  Which was fine by me.



  6. Unless they've changed their ToS lately (unlikely but possible), paypal doesn't allow that.

    I'd like the option to turn it off for my items.  LL may be comfortable with it but I'm not and unless things have changed, after LLs conversion of the USD to Linden fees and everything else they can apply, they end up taking far more than the 5% commission. I'm already subsidising them through holding a regions worth of tier for my shops that doesn't pay its way anymore so them putting their hand in my wallet even more is distasteful.

  7. I still have my mascot listing.  It seems to have settled into a ranking position and appears to be enjoying itself.

    I'm lucky that it's only one and it's buried deep. I use it as a reminder (as if I needed any) of how lucky we are that LL looks after us so well.

  8. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    The funny thing about hugs is that they often come when you least expect them and need them the most. Hugs back.

    I was in a bar once that was flashmobbed by a group of random huggers.  I've never enjoyed being hugged so much!  For someone who has never been a big fan of the human race I have to say it was a wonderful (if bizarre) experience.

  9. I had a bad review left the other week.  The person marked the item well down because it didn't have a feature that I never claimed it had.  If that makes sense.

    all you can do is shake your head and wonder how some people cope out in the real world.

  10. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Has a sudden urge to run to Pillow Talk and buy some of the amazing things there before the designer's family closes the sim down.  (The designer, Sandy Clymer, passed away several years ago.

    I think you're too late.  IIRC the region closed down a month or so ago.

  11. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:


    At least not since the Dart and Darrius show and since then we've developed a meaningful bromance. Even Toy doesn't do the red letter edition much these days.

    /me gives you a hug

  12. I have had the grand total of 3 failures in the last 21 months.  only one of them was from a multiple order.  The only interesting thing about them is all three failures were for items 350l or less.

    now I only have around 300 items but still, I'm shocked by how little I've been hit with this as usually you can guarantee that if something bad goes wrong I'm somehow hit.

    I can only think that your sales are so frequent that the server can't process all the delivery requests against your items and is dropping them. 


  13. my marketplace sales stopped around yesterday lunchtime but the inworld one carried on.  Today nada for either.  It happens to me once a month now so I just ignore it.

    The moral, as always, is that you can't rely on sl for any income because it's so flaky that you'll never know if the problem is you, your customers or the platform and LL certainly aren't interested in making it easier for us.

  14. sorry lovey I forgot about this thread.

    If you use firefox there's a plugin called "google similar images".  if you use that and right click on the image you'll see an option that says "google this image".  The one with the hair texture comes up with a few options - one of them might be the owner, or possibly they're all corrupt listings


    It might help you track the owner down.

    Otherwise it the only option is a mugs gallery thread.

  15. I wasn't really replying to you, I was replying to the OP but for some reason it decided to pick you as the favoured one :)

    Did you do the count to make sure that you don't have anything out there that you don't know about?

    I forgot to say when I suggested relisting it that what I was hoping for was for you to put the same named item back and it would miraculously bring back the old item listing so you could attach the two and then fix.  (this used to be the way that onrez worked, if you detached the item from the listing the listing would vanish until you put back the item with the same name - although it didn't work if you'd deleted the listing - I did tell you it was grasping at straws :( )

    Perhaps we need a thread with the rogues gallery so we can see if we can try to identify the owners of the pictures.  There doesn't seem to be anything else to be done.



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