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Couldbe Yue

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Posts posted by Couldbe Yue


    Zhoie Zimermann wrote:

    Is it comfirmed that changing something in your ad can bump you down the line? Example: changing your wording in some way? How about changing from moderate to adult? I recently did just this, however saw no change in the page number in which I appeared on, wouldn't that make one assume it makes no difference? I just don't know anymore LOL


    btw: thanks for replying


    you're not the only one who doesn't have a clue..  but at least we have an excuse, I'd love to know what LL's is ;)

    I certainly know that for items that came across from the old site and didn't bring their previous views/sales history etc that when I made changes they were bumped down the bottom of the relevance return for my items.  that's not been fixed and i remember in the last missive from LL they threatened to tinker further with relevance.

    and mine dropped for a myriad of different reasons, adding a picture, changing text, adding keywords..  basically anything that required you to save the listing triggered the drop and it still does.  how that affects the overall marketplace search return is anyone's guess. 


    Zhoie Zimermann wrote:

    Wow i had no idea about marketplace search mirroring in world. It' just keeps getting better and better (sarcasm).

    On another note, wondering if someone can help me out. In my desperate attempt to raise my sales back up I put in 3 ads in marketplace (1 PG product ad and 2 adult product ads). As many times as I have refreshed and viewed the featured items, I have only come across 1 of my ads 1x (1 of my adult items). No times for the other 2. However, in this time I came across other merchants products numerous times each for the same ad.

    Can someone that knows tell me how this can be? Is this also affected by the new mirroring of in world searchs? Is just refreshing your page and looking through the new featured items not an accurate account ? Thanks so much!


    I probably should have been more explicit when I said "probably" in the previous post.  I seem to remember brooke saying the marketplace was going to mirror inworld search so it was just a guess and on past performance I'd put nothing past them. 

    your problem may be something as simple as you made a change to a listing and it dropped in relevance - which happens sometimes if it is a newish listing, hasn't had a lot of views, sales etc. tbh though I doubt anyone can tell you for sure apart from LL.

    as for your other question - that's a perennial question.  consensus is that you never see your own stuff but i don't think that has ever been confirmed but if you're seeing the same ad multiple times then it sounds like they've used the same code as the old site - supposedly it evens itself out by the end of the day.  no one ever really knows because we've never been told, you've just got to take it on trust that you get the same approx number of views as everyone else each day.


    Zhoie Zimermann wrote:

    I realized while searching for my products that I used to show up on page 1, a lot of times right at the top of the page. Now, I'm either nowhere to be found or on pages very far along. This also has to be a reason my sales are suffering. I build up my spot and marketplace changes it's search critera, dumping me back down the line. I can't win. It's 2 steps forward, 3 steps back...constantly.


    it's probably because it now mirrors the inworld weighting for relevance and rates pg items higher than mature than adult.  so it means that despite your item being a perfect fit for the search terms you can be hidden by all the partial matches that are a pg rating or that have more reviews or more sales or whatever else they use to make sure search results don't actually match the terms used.


    Holger Gilruth wrote:


    There must be something wrong because honored members are sometimes people really young and nearly under 10 posts and some really old over 1000 posts


    one of my other accounts got it with 4 posts and a couple of logins and I've heard of someone getting it after one post.  So I suspect you get honoured if you come back here more than once lol



    Toysoldier Thor wrote:


    So Brooke and LL Commerce Team.  You know what you are causing and I know your team is being tugged by the nose ring from Legal that is forcing you to destroy the SLM economy because of the stupid non-strategic decision last year to TEENIFY the Main SL Grid.  But please dont play the role that this is not going to hurt the economy and all will be good when we are done.


    even though this is actually off topic, I think I finally worked out who the missing millions are.  If you look at the site stats, you'll see the under 17s are a huge group compared to their actual presence in the teen grid.  I think they thought they could tap into that market, rather than realising that the kids are probably hanging out here because they get their titilation from the discussions.

    I'd like to hope I'm wrong but on LL past performance I'd say I'm probably spot on. After all, it is an amazing amount of disruption just for a couple of hundred teen accounts.

    The other thing to remember is that LL prefers to only deal with a few creators rather than a sea of them.  Each change reduces the number of creators and I'm sure they're more than comfortable with it.   Assuming the amount of money being spent on the marketplace hasn't decreased then I would say they're more than fine with what is happening.  I think the problem they may find is that most people these days aren't happy to keep paying tier when the income isn't there and they've never quite managed to understand that diversity is the key.

    Hey ho.

  6. have you used the credit card yet to buy lindens?  if you haven't then that's most likely your problem.

    If you haven't used your card then your status is piof (payment info on file) and despite LL saying this is enough to verify, there was a "bug" in the code when they started to use piof to confirm account verification and it doesn't actually update your profile or account with the detail.  To fix it either buy some lindens or go premium - each will pretty well instantly update you.

    If you have used it then it's something else and I suspect you'll need to lodge a ticket with LL


    and landowners can specify if they only want account verified (i.e. premium or payment verified) accounts on their land or age verified (though aristotle - where you have to enter your full details and give details of your id - drivers licence, passport or whatever).

    in this case if you have the wrong kind of verification, you won't get in.

  7. have you looked at your profile on the web page and been deleting stuff from there?  these days you can change your profile inworld or on the web it seems and it flows through to the other.

    the only two other things I can think of is that there's a bug in the profile code and you've found it


    someone is logging onto your profile page on the web and deleting all the info just to drive you crazy - I don't think you can delete picks from there, nor groups. (this is highly unlikely of course and really I'm just being silly)


    If no-one else can come up with something reasonable, I'd say lodge a ticket with LL/chat with support and see what they say.


    Porky Gorky wrote:

    I only sell 1 adult item on the MP out of about 1200 'G' rated products across multiple accounts. Sales in the last 7 days have been down about 50% on SLM and about 25% inworld compared to the last 4 weeks.

    Judging by other merchants comments in this thread, it's clear that the latest change to the Marketplace cannot be solely to blame for this recent decline in sales.


    I had a look at some concurrency stats for the last month - peak concurrency is down around 10% over the last 4 weeks and I've seen a lot of people in groups saying they've stopped shopping because they just don't know which shops are safe and of course that detector hud isn't 100% accurate so if you share your region with someone using it then you'll be tainted because it will alert them when they land.

    I'm putting my decline of inworld sales down in part to the fact there are more than a few adult content providers using the things and it's tainted the rest of us.  Adult has such a tawdry repuation that very few people want even the slightest risk being identified as having been in an adult area with their alt.

    The whole thing is a mess.  I just wish LL would fix it before people give up altogether.


    Clever Ghost wrote:

    I don't know if it's really related, but I do indeed see a connection with the recent turmoil regarding the various alt detection systems. While I've never used one of these systems myself I hear people talking about holding back from investing in new stuff / buying L$ - this whole mess obviously took away the fun for a lot of people once they realized what had been going on all this time.

    My own spending habits always depend on how much I make, needless to say I've hardly spent any L$ myself recently apart from my tier for 2 sims. Plus I wasn't in a shopping mood because SL wasn't exactly fun in recent weeks.

    Take away that "easygoing" SL feeling from people and they have less reasons to spend.



    Whenever there's any kind of issue - be it grid instability or pr issues like this, spending does drop off.  I'm putting some of the decline down to the scanner issue on top of the issues with the marketplace.

    There has seemed to be a pretty direct correlation with the marketplace changes and subsequent sales - yes, I'm a saddo and note the dates when things are implemented and then watch what happens.  The january deployment of the ratings did impact sales enough that Brooke made mention of it in the Feb office hour.  They note but they're not going to put themselves out doing anything by the look of it.

    All we can really do is wait for them to finish making their changes an work with whatever is left. The old saying "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" could be apt here ;)

    and I changed my figures in my first post - it was late last night when I posted and obviously I had brain failure when I looked at my stats.



    Zhoie Zimermann wrote:

    In response to Couldbe's post...I feel your pain my dear..my sales have fallen to that of what I used to make 3 years ago when I first started my business. Also, with regards to PG products. I want to just say this...mature products are where the money is...how do I know?... I sell furniture and i sell it in 3 different levels. PG, mature, bdsm. All my furniture sets look the same except you can choose to buy them with any of my three menus. My PG furniture is in "general" category, guess what...(LOL cause if i don't i'll cry) IT DOESN'T SELL. It's my mature products that sell, well....since these marketplace changes....not anymore.


    I know.  I always thought I'd be in sl until it closed its doors but now I'm looking forward to them putting me out of business.  I wanted them to just get rid of us during zindra but nooo they had to drag it out and two years later I can say they've won.  I still have a shop that doesn't return in search at (let alone anywhere near pg1 it should be) and pretty well hasn't since may last year , others that are less than 3k sqm so they never get returned in search because of the weighting, the issues around visibility of adult lands and now this.I've jumped (usually unwillingly I grant you - there's only so much anyone can take) through all their hoops but it's just too much now.  LL has been the biggest griefer in my sl life down the last 2 years, they make the woodbury et al crowd look like amateurs.


  11. my marketplace sales are around 50% of what they were this time last month and 25% of what they were this time of the month last november. 

    This month is the worst for me on the marketplace since probably mid 2007 when I first started listing back in the slx days.

    I doubt anyone with non pg goods will ever see a return to what we had - simply because people don't usually think to change the filters and the way it's designed it's virtually impossible for them to change it just to look at your stuff (go on, try it - flip to general and then go to your webpage and try to change to mature - you can't - not without doing a marketplace search with the rating you want and then going back to your page..  how many people are going to think to do that or even if they do, the chances or remembering you well enough to get back there is miniscule.  and we won't even go down the latest hurdle - adult doesn't stick when you do a search.)

    if they want to drive both creators and consumers away I say let them.  We can't keep trying to work around their latest cockup - the quality of the deployments on the marketplace is getting worse each time (and I truly didn't think that was possible) and with the to do list they're threatening to deploy, this isn't over by a long shot.

  12. [RESOLVED Mar 8, 2011, 1:48PM PST- Today's rolling restarts for regions on the main Second Life server channel have been completed.


    Today is only the production deployment - the release candidates don't occur until tomorrow.


    So Nosnibor, if you are premium follow the links I gave in my first post and talk to live help. If you're not then wait until after the restarts tomorrow and if you're not free you'll need to lodge a support ticket - give them the slurl of where the av is and tell them what you've done to try to free yourself.


    and keep an eye on this page http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ , it will tell you when they're done tomorrow.

  13. and on the back of what Peewee has just said.. if you log your chat history then the last place you tp'd from may be in there (depends on the viewer but some put the tp from details in chat when the tp has completed). then it's just trying to remember where you went on that last tp.


    if you don't remember where your logs are - log in with the alt and look at your preferences, there's a page where you can set it (again I don't know what viewer you're using, so I can't be more specific) and that will tell you where the logs are.

  14. I can't tell you how to do it in v2 as I don't use it but in v1 you go to your friends list and you'll see check boxes beside each name.. make sure the modify objects and the see on map boxes are ticked.


    The mapping also means that you can see where they are when you're on the web page - good for when you get the sneaking suspicion that those pesky alts have logged in behind your back to steal your money and have a good time


    mod objects is good for those times you've done something with one account and want to make changes when logged in with another.

  15. you've been ghosted. If you have a premium account and own the land you're ghosted on you could go into live chat and ask them to do a region reboot. That's the cleanest way of being released. Failing that, you can try logging into somewhere new. LL support suggest a sandbox. I got ghosted a few weeks back and they suggested newcombe (?) sandbox. It took a fair few attempts but I finally made it in and the ghosted account vanished. However between me appearing in the sandbox and actually being able to see what was happening (you actually appear inworld around half way along the login progress line) I was caged and when I could finally see where I was I was also being spammed with particle dog excreta. yay for sl huh? there are other claims that you can fix ghosting by having someone drop 1l or an object/LM on you or send you an IM. I've not seen those work in a long time but they're something you could try. Good luck.

  16. do the clear cache and relog.  If it's still not there get a the transaction details from your marketplace purchase history then either:

    contact the seller if it is a copy item, give them your purchase details and ask for another one

    contact LL if it's transfer either via a ticket or live chat.  They'll confirm it's not been received and will send a replacement if it hasn't.

    If you did receive it and it vanished then you should try doing the clear cache and relog thing.  Try reading this for some more tips on how to bring it back http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss

    Good luck and I hope it turns up quickly.

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