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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. kattatonia Wickentower wrote: Oh Scylla, Don't be afraid to tell us what you really think! Some are gonna love you no matter what, others are going to disagree with you no matter what. But personally, I'd rather read a forum that allows your point of view, no matter what. Thanks Katt! I'll make this my credo, then. :matte-motes-grin:
  2. "Then I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a 'net nanny,' and maybe disliked by everyone, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator." Just thought I'd point out that your coming was foretold. Anyway, I only said I'd maybe say those things.
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Maybe you should just gtfo... lol. ...Dres ETA: Or just be quite. Yeah. Prolly, eh?
  4. Ok, so first I thought . . . I should say something about the sniping and nasty stuff going on here. And how no one is improving the image of their "group" by including damning quotes in their signature, or saying overtly nasty things to each other. And how, at the same time, saving the really nasty stuff that you say for a third party blog, rather than saying it here, isn't really an improvement, and is maybe even a bit cowardly, even if it means that, for most people, you seem to be playing nice, when you are really just being nasty elsewhere. And then I thought maybe I'd say that the best kind of lunch is an open, inclusive affair, where everyone is invited. And that a true PICard always says "Engage" to the helmsman, because "engaging" with others, rather than attacking them is what one should do. Then I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a "net nanny," and maybe disliked by everyone, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator. So, after that, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't care if people think or do those things. And then I thought, but I sort of do care. So maybe I won't say any of those things, even though I'd like to. Maybe.
  5. Neat old radio play/video! @Perrie -- VERY cool quote. Exactly.
  6. Thank you Keli. I think he made Canada a better, more caring, and more hopeful place. So he hasn't really left behind only silence.
  7. I am quite heartbroken today, by the way. There is a new and deeply sad silence in Canada: Jack Layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party, died today of cancer. He believed in hope.
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: Are we hunting wabbits? :smileywink: You leave me no choice. Scylla, I do apologize for this horrific derailment but since my very favorite cartoon ever has been invoked, I am powerless to resist. Forgive me. Or not.Noisy! But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  9. Argus Collingwood wrote: Are we hunting wabbits? :smileywink: Yes.
  10. I think I understand exactly what you mean, Quinn. There is so much noise in our lives. Some of it is "meaningful," but so much of it is not, and drowns out what is. The forums are also full of noise -- a lot of it is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Some of it is beautiful and creative. Perhaps "being creative" here sometimes means being silent in the way Dres jokingly suggests: hitting the cancel button, rather than merely contributing to the noise. Or maybe allowing a comment or an idea to germinate and cross-pollinate, rather than intervene and suppress.
  11. I think that is probably true, Quinn. There are uncomfortable silences, and comfortable ones. And there are creative silences. The British playwright Harold Pinter was well-known for his silences -- the spaces between the words spoken by his characters. There's a book entitled The Poetics of Silence, in which James Hollis tells us that Pinter believed that "we live in the space between words." Is it possible to be creatively -- even lovingly -- "silent" in a text environment like this?
  12. Sometimes a silence can be more eloquent than any words. And sometimes it is the death of love. Which is this, do you think?
  13. Oh, there's always one in the crowd, isn't there? You'll bring the house down on us with that noise,
  14. You don't LOOK like a noisy cat. How can you be so noisy?????
  15. CHRIS!!!!! Now a little quieter, please!!!
  16. Cliques and cults are a terrible thing. And they're usually pretty noisy too, with drums and tambourines and things. They should be silenced. Now, sssssssshhhhhhh!
  17. Actually, that's rather therapeutic. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  18. I'd prefer it were, yes. Now SSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  19. Actually, it's a very clever metaphor for something.
  20. I'd explain . . . . . . but it would require too much noise.
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