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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Is Runway even a thing anymore? The proposed "magazine" here isn't really "about" Fashion, with a capital "F." It won't have ads, or stories about designers or new technical affordances (like BoM). It's not going to provide insights into the big picture of the changing world of SL fashion, except incidentally. What it will do is showcase the individual style of the contributing forumites for, well, no particular reason at all other than that it will be fun to do so. Most of us are not creators, designers, stylists, or models, except in an amateur kind of way (although we do have some bloggers). Each issue will be themed -- so, the first issue will have everyone in a variety of bunny outfits. (Yes, seriously.) Not really the stuff of "Vogue," and actually very unlike Runway, which was modeled on Vogue and publications like it. In some ways, it will be more like a vanity calendar.
  2. I'm not sure I understand your point. Why should we be remembering it? Runway is an entirely different thing than what is being proposed here.
  3. I'm totally on-board with a jokey or punny title, and there have been some good suggestions. I kind of like "Vague," although I'm not sure why we are "vague" . . . But an alternative might be to go with something straight-up, simple, and elegant. I have two thoughts: SL Forum Style The Forumite Of the two, I much prefer the second: it's a bit like "New Yorker," no? But again, I'm good with clever, witty, and funny too!
  4. Or . . . he can spent the rest of his virtual life replying to me. Which, you know, is just fine. I'm not at all a glutton for attention . . .
  5. Hah! Well, I was thinking something long and floaty, maybe with a bun at the back! And sea-weedy . . . green ombre? NOT a serious critique of your hair, Aedan! I was just running with the Ophelia comparison!
  6. I don't have a concrete suggestion for a name (as yet: I'm thinking!). But it should, to my mind, allude to the forum in some way? The web is replete with SL-themed fashion blogs and Flickr pages: it would be nice to distinguish it from those, and underline the degree to which the mag would be about this particular community. Sorry, not very helpful, i know . . .
  7. Well, as you've now gathered, I'm very "Basic Instinct," and will pretty much stalk and haunt you for the rest of your life . . . or until the bloody, corpse-strewn conclusion of the movie. The software saves unsent messages, but it should give you the option to clear it? What you did works fine too. Thank you for the kind words! And I like your pic! You're looking very Ophelia: we just need to cover you with flower petals. And do something with that hair you're wearing, of course.
  8. Why not indeed? Lovely avatar, and lovely pic, Forever! And welcome to where all the cool kids hang out. (That would be them, not me: they just tolerate my presence. 😉)
  9. How does someone else's avatar look today? Well, kinda like this. Brannigan Catnap.
  10. I completely understand what you mean here. For what it's worth, the minute I read "Andrew Wyeth," I nodded my head. (No, really, I actually did!) It's partially your compositions, and maybe your colours, but I think I see that influence there in your pics.
  11. I'm far from sure I know what's going on here, but this is a very cool picture.
  12. Oh, I don't think there's anything "subliminal" about it. I have a much broader assortment of clothing now than I used to, largely because of the influence and examples I've seen here of different looks. And that includes both some darker looks, and some more conventionally pretty stuff. Hurry back, Belinda: you'll be missed!
  13. Actually, that would have been fine: I have a few things in "wine" or "burgundy." But, for obvious reasons, I don't drink rosé.
  14. Congrats! That's either serendipitous, or it means that we have arrived at the End of Days. Or both! I mean, I am wearing pink.
  15. I'm sure half of the merchants in SL would agree! Thanks! I was actually pleasantly surprised. But, as Orwar says, one must be careful not to let the madness spread. The particular colour pack on sale is the red one, which wouldn't have been my first choice, but there are a couple of nice choices in it. I'm seriously considering go back for another colour, or even the Fat Pack. I didn't know YumYum at all before last night: they had some interesting looking styles, and I picked up a whole bunch of demos I haven't had a chance to try yet. Because, I don't have enough hair styles.
  16. Well, really, it's almost salmon, right? Right? And thank you.
  17. So, last night was kind of historic. For the first time (that I can think of, anyway) in Second Life, I consciously and deliberately purchased clothing in . . . pink. At least, I think it was conscious and deliberate. I was on my second(?) glass of red at that point, and I'm a little foggy on details. Anyway, to mark the Historic Occasion (and, of course, First Contact Day, cuz this was my first contact with pink clothing), here it is. Also, my new and reasonably cute hair from YumYum (their FLF special).
  18. Absolutely lovely picture, Liv! The framing and shadow are perfect! It's a really beautiful sim -- and I've explored maybe a 10th of it. I'll be definitely returning.
  19. I wasn't very happy with my last pic from Candlewood, so I returned (where I ran into Liv!) and took this. And processed the hell out of it. The disconnect between what I imagine I want my pic to look like, and what actually proves possible, is sometimes enormous.
  20. Nonsense. Laskya cuddles with hers in bed.
  21. Just a sort of nothing shot, but the sim (Candlewood) is really very pretty, so I took a few pics, set to sunset. (I took some at night too, which I quite like, but this suits my mood better today.)
  22. The first step in any recovery is recognizing you have a problem. You're a very, very long way away from recovering, aren't you? PS. For a course I once did, I spent two weeks trying to learn how to write in Secretary. Closest I've ever come to actually killing a professor.
  23. Oh, it does. But that's ok. We're all very liberal here.
  24. Where on earth is there "gender-fluidity" language in Skell's post? What he's suggesting isn't even about language: it's about ensuring that a theme is broad enough to be inclusive of cis-gendered men who aren't interested in drag. I completely fail to see anything even remotely "PC" about trying to include men in an event. And as for "rules" . . . what I've seen are some guidelines, designed to ensure that the work of the editor is a little less onerous than it might otherwise be. This, completely. Why is this even controversial? It is your God-given right to be rude, uncaring, and insensitive, of course: no one actually wants to take that away from you.
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