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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. I'm not pleased that you had the problem back then, but I am happy that, because you did, my problem was quickly sorted out - if you see what I mean
  2. Not really. Stripped naked, my avatar was the right shape, but white all over - not a blob. Removing Adam's body alpha revealed the system body. It was that body alpha that had turned white instead of being transparent.
  3. That did it. It was disabled. Enabling it fixed the problem. Thank you Fionalein. And thank you Whirly. If it's still of any interest, the viewer build is (64bit) This paricular download caused a problem with AVG. AVG didn't trust it and wouldn't let it install, even after I clicked to say that I trust it several times. It eventually installed, but it took half a dozen attempts or more. It's not been a smooth update
  4. A bit more info:- I use the Adam body and It appears to be the alpha layer than hides the system body that's gone white.
  5. I get updates automatically, and I got the latest one about an hour ago when I booted up the LL viewer. I logged in to find my mesh body was white. I relogged and it was still white. It's fine in the Firestorm viewer buit, of course, that doesn't have the latest updates. Ideas?
  6. To avoid forever losing the 50L/wk stipend. If it won't be lost forever, even after going back to basic from premium, please say so.
  7. But the lack of civility is against avatar types - exactly what you asked about - but then you find fault with that because because they humans at the keyboard, and not avatars. I've no idea what you want, and I'm not sure that you have either.
  8. I went by the thread's Title, as did Lil, but the OP objected, making it clear that it's nothing to do with the topic I can't imagine what the OP thinks. Actually, it's the OP who keeps going off-topic.
  9. They are the 2 posts I was referring to - yours and mine.
  10. I already did. I get far too tempted to respond to stupidity.
  11. But when people do that, you keep changing the topic. See the 2nd and 3rd posts on page 3. I'm not sure that you know what the topic actually is, even though you started it.
  12. VB has allowed it too since the early 90s. I don't know how C does it but with VB you can load smallish machine code routines into one or more arrays, and call the array element.
  13. You asked about avatars, and everyone, including me in the post you quoted, is talking about, avatars, not the people at the keyboards. So I didn't read through the rest of your post.
  14. Alright then Human and non-human avatars are representations of humans and non-humans. And, as you pointed out, representations are not something that it is considered bad to discriminate against in a legal sense.
  15. It's a matter of what one considers to be discrimination. Discrimination is absolutely fine - nothing wrong with it at all. It's discriminating on race, gender, and such where it gets bad, but, even then, it's not absolute. For instance, a toilet with a "Ladies" sign on the door, discriminates on gender, and it's absolutely right to do so. Another example is children in sex venues. They are not allowed. It's discrimination, and there's nothing wrong with it. I agree with you, that a sign saying 'human avatars only' is not discriminatory in a bad way. It is discriminatory but not in a bad way. If it said 'whites only' then it would be bad discrimination, but non-human avatars are not a human gender or color, and cannot be discriminated against on gender, colour, race, religion, or any other such thing. Dogs aren't allowed in many RL places, and it's fine. Pets aren't allowed in many RL places, and that's also fine. If someone wants to be an animal in SL, they can't object if places discriminate against them on account of their furriness. It's not bad discrimination, and it's fine.
  16. Go to your home and, under World in the top bar of the viewer, click About Land. A box will open in which there's a button titled Abandon Land. Click that and the land and home are no longer yours. It's released.
  17. Neither did I. I didn't even have ambitions at making any money. It just happened by chance. You may not be interested in selling anything in SL but my inclination is not to believe it. You wrongly imagine that good RL money can't be made in SL (you said that), but, if you could sell enough to get real money out of SL, I'm sure you would do it just for the money. Having said that, a temp rezzer can't do it for you. So maybe you only put it for sale in the marketplace just so that you could claim to be a programmer. It was you who said that I can't programme in LSL because I don't have any scripts in the marketplace, wasn't it? In case you're curious, these are some of the things that I've written in LSL and sold inworld:- temp rezzer complete 'no-balls' animations system for my beds etc. several multi-bot programmes (hybrids between LSL and C#) 2 security systems personal camera system (not put up for sale but perhaps soon) and other stuff But maybe I'm such a novice, and can't really write anything in LSL, because I've never put anything up for sale in the marketplace. I feel so inadequate
  18. Oh it's pleasurable, yes. I know he's a troll, and that I'll stop first because he won't, but I can't help having a little poke or two
  19. L$3000??? No wonder his sales are a rarity LMAO (no reviews) When I was selling, I had the attitude that I'd rather sell 11 @ L$100 each than 1 @ L$1000. And that was why I was one of the top two sellers in my field, possibly the top one.
  20. Ah but they were popular back then. Some are used now, but back then they were popular.
  21. I know, but I can't really get into it, as I used to enjoy doing, because SuperTom and his buddies would have something to say - at least
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