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Ags Falconer

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Posts posted by Ags Falconer

  1. What I miss most are some of the regions that were built just for exploring and some visual elegance. I remember someone built the spaceship Firefly-- very cool. A big hilly landscape with roaming sheeps and a lake. A forest dense and lush. 

    I can't find those now.

    Otherwise, I still like the people (you know who you are) and the experiences. 


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  2. 22 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


    -- Yes, you are correct: "opting out" is now essentially meaningless. Anyone can be found through the SL web search that has replaced what they had before.


    I know that different folks have different views and that's cool and all.

    Just saying, I'm cool if any of you find me. Even tracking me is okay. I like parties.

    If you invite me, I will likely come. 



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  3. 8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    And now I'm wondering if a general resurgence of fear and loathing of bots is going to lead to a more general return to 0 second warnings on security orbs. I await a new thread on that subject!

    Paranoia runs deep.

    I can see it too. 

    Here's my prompt to DALL-E:  

    "In the style of Salvadore Dali, paint a battlefield in SecondLife where security bots are revolting against the avatars."


    DALL·E 2023-01-23 22.44.57 - In the style of Salvadore Dali, paint a battlefield in SecondLife where security bots are revolting against the avatars. .png

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